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Avi's Kids


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Hey, what if the reason Avi and Rands babes seem different to Min, is because Rand will be in Moridin's body when they're concieved? The fact that she has kids by Rand gaurentee's that he'll make it past the last battle, but what if that's the reason?

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Avi and Rand are both in the same country (Arad Doman?)right now. So as far as we know they could be busy having kids any moment :-)

No way will Avi have kids with Moridin - what ever soul he has.


Rands not in Arad Domon at the moment... last we met him he was just north of Altara.


As for Avi's kids... i wonder if that has anything to do with her newfound ability to use ter'angreal. I mean there has always been soem question of how Avi would bring to bear healthy quintuplets (is that four or five? i can never remember) in the Randland era. Maybe her children will be cloned or created or soemthing out of a ter'angreal?


Jesus... cloned??? Can i buy some crack off you Luckers???

I reckon your on to something there Ilyena that could be the reason why they are different...VERY interesting theory...


Give me a minute while I stop laughing at Artemis...


I have been wondering what would be weird bout the babies, but I just thought it would be something like they were all ta'veren or something.


ha ha. maybe bela dressed as rand and did it? ha ha. Ok but seriously maybe lews therin takes over rands body for awhile and he does like attractive women right? Well another strange thing was the fact that they said she would have rand's kids....but they never said they would be all hers. She may look after rands children in case elyane dies? Maybe.


I don't think that's gonna work sunken, the viewing said she would have like 4 kids by Rand, but that something weird would happen concerning the kids. There has been theories on other sites about certain heroes being reincarnated through Avi's births. (ie. Rogosh Eagle Eye) and maybe one will be Birgitte if she dies in the last battle. I don't really agree with that theory(to many loop holes for my taste) but I do think the situation should be loooked at more closely.


My theory is not that crazy. We've seen some fairly potent ter'angreal, and realistically Aviendha simple shouldn't be able to have four healthy babies all at once. the only oddity that Aviendha has is her ability with ter'angreal and given the time left to finish the series rJ would certainly have foreshadowed whatever is going to cause the odd four baby situation. I think the ter'angreal will certainly be involved.


The other possibility is that the vision is completely symbolic, and Avi creates four things... possibly a union between the four female channeling groups in Randland or something, but i dont think thats the case.


I didnt mean to be mean Luckers its just that i think its really unlikely...

I alwyas thought that the reason why Avi would have 4 kids is that Rand is taveren therefore altering the chance of having so many babies at once :)


There is no symbolism, these will be human children! The viewing says that they will be fine and very healthy, but theres something odd. Unless a union between the channeling groups is going to be physically healthy...

  • Community Administrator

Umm, I think that avi's children will be hermaphadites, which would also allow them to channel both sadian,and sadar.


Re-incarnation has been mentioned. I think that Mat, Rand, and Perrin will all die at TG, and will be re-incarnated as Avis kids. From The Karaethon Cycle


Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.

Once for mourning, once for birth.


I think his birth to Avi will mirror his original birth.

  • Community Administrator

Umm, if he had any memories of his past life, that would give an entirely new meaning to the Oidipus Complex!


I don't believe it will be symbolic either siswai'aman, but i thought it should be said, because you can refer to such a union as being healthy (remember, min never said physically healthy) and you can refer to something someones created as their child.


Artemis: let go of the word cloned, it was perhaps foolish of me to use it. Do you really think its implausible that a ter'angreal was created to aid with birth, or to draw off some part of someone and create new people out of it? Any more implausible then Avi giving birth to four healthy children, or that Rand's ta'verenism is giving him super sperm? Its the 'oddness' min foresaw that intrigues me about it all, and the only two reasons given what we currently know about the series that works for me (and neither healthy birth, nor super sperm works for me as odd) is if its soemthing to do with Avi's ter'angreal thing, or if they are moridins children after rand switches bodies.


lol sinister, it's oedipus.


Lets put this in context. Rand does the dirty with Avi. He dies. He becomes his own child with three other people that happen to be his closer friends, and another unknown person.

Brainstorming time: a 5 year old has a relationship with 3 women, another is married to a Saldean and is the lord of a town, and the third 5-yr old becomes the Emperor of the Seanchan.

Gonna happen?

  • Community Administrator
lol sinister' date=' it's oedipus.[/quote']


Blame Majsju for that. I was having a *brain fart* and couldn't remember the guys name. *I knew the story just couldnt think of his name* So I asked maj, and he gave the the name. So blame him for the spellin not me :P


Luckers im not arguing with your theory or anything what im saying is that it doesnt work for me (it probably does for loads of people just not me). Although the theory of Rand having kids in Moridins body does sound pretty likely to me (once again this is a personal opinion).

Wasnt there something in KoD when one of the Aiel Wise Ones says to Elayne that because she can channel she is inmune to most birthing diseases???

Guest Majsju

It's Oidipus in most European languages.


I know Artemis... don't think i was offended or upset or anything, i was just offering reasons why it should be accepted as a viable option not just a crack pot dream. I'm not sure if i even believe it myself... i rather like the moridin one, but who knows.


Maj, it stands to reason given its a phonetic spelling of a sound. There is bound to be several ways of spelling it. I encounter the same thing alot in the european spellings of aboriginal words and names.


My theory about Avi's kids is a little more mundane and a lot more tragic.


We know Elyane is knocked up and Rand and Min are going at it something awful. Rehashing highschool health class "the only 100% effective birth contol is abstinece(?)" so Min will get pregent, with twins.


The children are born all goes well then Min and Elyane die close to the same time (Maybe killed by Cyane(?)). So the dragon spawn are given to Avi to raise as her own. And Amys give them to Avi at the same time. So Avi has healthy sons and daughters but she is not their natural mother, and have four kids that don't look a like her will seem odd to onlookers.


But various foretellings/dreams/viewings state that Elayne/Aviendha/Min will be there when Rand dies (and thats after the last battle) so how could Cyndane kill them????


I only said Cyndane was a possiblity. Maybe Elayne takes Min for a ride in her Mech after TG and it crashes. Maybe they choke on a fish bone while eating dinner. Maybe they go swimming, without waiting a half hour after eating, and drown, remember Avi doesn't swim.


Point is, they die, Avi doesn't. And maybe the 3 women on a boat forshadowing isn't quite that litteral. It's hard to explain but maybe they are morning his loss of innocence or something.


While I think this is a very possible theory Kaznen, I don't agree with it myself. I mean, killing off Elayne and Min during The Last Battle doesn't seem to be where RJ's headed. I've got the feeling all three ladies are gonna live.


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