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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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im keeping my vote on John for now in the very very slight chance your not a wolf and just have a hard time with the reading.  But dude you is HOWLING atp.



Really don't like this post. It looks to me like Razen was easily more scummy than JS to him, but he kept his vote on JS. Even pointed out that he was doing so. Why not vote your scummiest read?

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Vote Count


John Snow (2/7): Hallia, NotBob

Dice (1/7): Eldrick

Eldrick (2/7): Razen, Seph

Heart (1/7): Tina

Zander (1/7): Talya

Seph (1/7): Dice

Razen (1/7): Pralaya


Not voting (3/12): Aiel Heart, Zander, and John Snow



Countdown to end of Day 2: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150716T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+2&font=cursive&swk=1

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Got lazy from the day off plus not a big fan of early player reads.  Mainly because scum like to use other peoples reads as way to make cases.  Late game we have more of a voting record. 


That's an interesting outlook on it.  I like other people to post reads when I'm town for similar reasons. It helps in the scum hunting to see what other people noticed. Making cases in inherently null. both sides do it. It's also good to see the read progression, or lack thereof.



Identifying suspects with rationale is fine.  Providing an evaluation of each player at this point is near fruitless.  I trust votes more than commentary.  The scum like to repeat commentary enough to push a false narrative IMO.

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I haven't been giving this game as much attention as I would like to be. There was the day where it was down, and the day before that i just couldn't focus, kept getting distracted. I've only been giving a couple hours a day to it, and am working my way through and taking notes. Once I'm done and have notes to review, I'll have a new shiny reads list for you guys.


At this point, I'm confident that Razen is town, and that Dice is scum. Everyone else is a mix of Null and Town leans.


How did you conclude Dice was scum?

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I haven't been giving this game as much attention as I would like to be. There was the day where it was down, and the day before that i just couldn't focus, kept getting distracted. I've only been giving a couple hours a day to it, and am working my way through and taking notes. Once I'm done and have notes to review, I'll have a new shiny reads list for you guys.


At this point, I'm confident that Razen is town, and that Dice is scum. Everyone else is a mix of Null and Town leans.


Example of fruitless from my previous post.

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We have 8 hours guys, this is terrible...

Vote Count

John Snow (2/7): Hallia, NotBob

Dice (1/7): Eldrick

Eldrick (2/7): Razen, Seph

Heart (1/7): Tina

Zander (1/7): Talya

Seph (1/7): Dice

Razen (1/7): Pralaya

Not voting (3/12): Aiel Heart, Zander, and John Snow

Countdown to end of Day 2: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150716T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+2&font=cursive&swk=1

I am currently at a softball tournament, so I will check back when I can!

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@Razen--of course I'm cautious. I don't want to be mislynched and don't want someone else to be mislynched. Wildly placing a vote with very little reason would have been less likely to be an accurate vote and also would have made me look bad. Why should I have done that? Pressed for time, I chose the better of two bad options and didn't vote.


Also your case on me felt strange. Not sure why.



Ok time to Speedy Gonzalaz this

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now that's done.  


If forced to choose between Eldrick and LoTD for scum.  Who?  and Why?


TBH  Ill have to go back an re read.  Im looking at John Snow/Pral and possibly Hallia/Tayla atp.  Im not having a problem with where my vote is atp

Here it is alanna

Thanks. That's weird, I'm assuming this was after the Snow/Pral reveal. Snow outed not-vig, Pral in all likelihood a vig. Hallia and Talya looking townie in the thread, from what I can tell, besides Hally lock clearing Talya and Snow/Pral pressuring Hally a little bit for her thunderdome comment. I really don't like this response at all from Zander, besides the obvious avoidance of the question.



my answer to the question I had to re read also stated much earlier i was gone for the night for UFC 189


if that was true i wonder why they would leave him alive?? 

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Vote Count



Eldrick (2/8): Alanna, John Snow

Lord of the dawn (7/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya, Razen, NotBob

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick



Not voting (3/14): Aiel Heart, Seph, and lord of the dawn


Countdown to end of Day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1



Even if we went eld, there isn't enough people on to lynch him.

Plus js is on eld, so I wouldn't vote there anyway.


[V] lotd [/v] gl us!!


Eldrick (2/8): Alanna, JSnow

Lord of the dawn (8/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya, Razen, NB, Seph

Razen (1/8): Zander

Dice (1/8): Eldrick


Not voting (2/14): Aiel Heart and lord of the dawn


I'm looking at Heart tomorrow, no matter the flip




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putting pressure on John and Razen throughout time
#762 threw a little dirt at Alanna--not sure if he would have killed her right after this post as scum, but it's interesting to note.
#806 the dodge that Seph noted

I've not been thrilled by his game. He seems to be letting his towniness in past games speak for him and the way he's going about this game makes him a bit too over the top and hard to interact with, and I can't say that bodes well for him.
Still need to look at the whole Razen situation.
Gleeeerrrrrggg.... We'll call this a slight scum lean


Been doing a lot of analyzing and interacting in my opinion.
Been giving a lot of reasoning, been pretty transparent in my opinion. I've liked a lot of the things he's pointed out.[/url]
Strong town read


Hasn't been around as much as other,s but I have felt good about each post I've noticed about her, and has been fairly transparent with her reasoning and her thought. I remember being ok with her case on me.

Fairly strong town read


The game started out with a lot of posts I liked and a lot of reads I like. Need to actually go through his interactions with Zander again but the way Laine framed it made it seem like they were t/t that just got obsessed with each other might speed read through it if I have the time before work.
#750 I liked things in this post, but something I really didn't like was the way that he went after Zander with the LD implication stuff.
He stated multiple times in a short period of time that he saw Lotad as bumbling town, and though he was very clear with his statement, he voted Lotad in the name of consensus.
He votes Eldrick for "bumbling" (which he was ok with Lotad doing?) and for not being on the Lotad lynch (which he theoretically disagreed with).
His read of me felt a bit... "Recycled" for lack of a better word. Felt forced to me.
I also liked Pral's thoughts on him

EEEEEEEERG I'm talking myself into lynching you.
Ok, here's my thinking: Razen is a strong dividing force at this point.
He had been very town to a lot of us, and there are also people who think he is scummy (I'm definitely being drawn to that side). So there is a chance he's scum, and either way looking at interactions with him and knowing his alignment would give us a lot of information, more so I think than we'd get from Eldrick or John, both of whom people feel overall "meh scumish" about.


A lot of the negative feelings I have about her come from Hallia and the way they've been buddying each other since the lock clear thing. I felt good about the way she went after me; it was enough to make sense as a latch day 1. The way she's gone about some of her hunting feels odd to me, but she's also been trying to make connections and I'm decently ok with it

Will put her as a slight town read for now.

John Snow



Oh boy.

Did the vig claim to help kick start the game

Was absent

Was waiting for Pral to come back in order to try to learn more about him and being cryptic in the mean time. I have not played with him enough for him to have the status of one of "those players" therefore this is off-putting for me. 

Went after Pral after all of the vig stuff went through and had also thought that Laine was scum. Wasn't getting scum vibes from the Lotad or Eld trains. In fact was VERY certain that Lotad was town. 



Hmmm... Now if he was covering for a scum mate in Lotad, would he have fought harder or would that have been bad because if the lynch would have went through it would have been strong defense?

If he was town and honestly thought that we were lynching a townie he had that much faith in, would he have fought harder?

Need to go back and reread his case on Pral to see if it actually makes sense to me.

Leaning Scum here. 

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First, gonna look at who's on the Lotd Train:

Lord of the dawn (8/8): Pralaya, Hallia, Tina, Dice, Talya, Razen, NB, Seph





7. lord of the dawn - not much posts. But, his points against JS claiming looks forced. As if wanting to vote him but trying to make it convincing. And while he FoS'es JS, he votes JS the moment he sees the heat on JS increases. Leaning scum

8. Eldrick - He votes JS as soon as he sees his claim and even before looking at my claim. Then he sees my claim and says it looks worse for JS in this post and that looked odd. Then he starts the idea that the vigs must prove themselves and reinsforces the views in a few more post including here . That looked more like fishing. Both his later votes - on JS and me seems like he is trying to jump on the latest train. Leaning scum for me.



My vote for scum would be between lord of the dawn and Eldrick.

Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]


Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven.

Two follow up posts on Lotd: First, Second ;; Overall, Pral's vote looks pretty good and status as vig pretty much clears him as town for me




Original vote on JSnow because she wasn't liking his reactions and wolfy play, vote for Lotd here (formatting for vote fixed in next post):

Mmmmmm. Eld is all over the place for me. I don't feel that scum would be that spastic, one would hope his team would reign it in.



[v] LordoftheDawn[/v] [edited to fix vote]


Haven't seen anything really good from him, would still vote John Snow as well.

Tells him she thinks he's scum and asks for reads, questions Lotd on why he finds Pral suspicious (for his partial vig claim, which is a misnomer anyways); Likes Sephs WTL of Lotd, Eldrick, JSnow; mentions feeling a little uncomfortable with her vote on Lotd before the deadline because it's his first game back but doesn't unvote. Overall, I think Hally looks good here too, she could have easily jumped onto the Eldrick train which she was fence sitting on. Keeping my town read here






Eldrick - I don´t know what I think about most of his posts but it was good to point out that Seph said it was an advanced game where it doesn´t say it anywhere. I don´t know if it really says anything about Seph´s alignment but it was good of Eldrick to see it.


Zander - I have a hard time to read Zander. When is he joking? When is he not? Why make a serious vote with a non serious reason? Didn´t like #178 where he said that Snow should worry about not getting himself hanged or something like that. It´s like he is too confident, which I often (but not always) connect with mafia. He questioned my one post like he was doing something meaningful. I also don´t like the post about it being one mafia among Talya/Hally/Snow/Pral. I´m not sure if I´m having a hard time reading Zander and that makes me look at his posts in a certain way but he is the closest thing I have to a mafia read right now.


LotD - very strange to ask others to fill in and base decisions on that. I get that he want to wait and see but why hope for others to tell him what happend. How could he base decisions on that? Weird.


[v] Zander [/v]


I´ll be back later.

Stays on Zander after this for a lot of the day, then comes back with this:


[v] LotD [/v]


His earlier vote on Snow was not very good and his list is really vague. Most is wait and see. I get that it´s hard to play with only new players but I´m not sure it can excuse his play. 


I´m not letting go on Zander though. I still have suspiciouns of him. Still don´t know how much is because of the fact that I don´t like his way of posting. 


Still want Pral to answer why he choose to claim that early. I sort of believe both Snow´s and Pral´s explanations but something still feels off. Why did Pral claim? And why just 8 minutes after Snow? Why did Snow vote Pral, knowing that he himself was not vig and that it was probable that Pral could be? Many questions around those two. 


Those I want to hear more from is Pral, Laine and Dice.

After this post, still doesn't like how Zander going after Razen, likes vote on Lotd, and needs a second look at Eldrick, this THIS POST reaffirming her vote on Lotd. This vote and progression looks pretty towny too, so I'm sitting happier with Tina right now.





Joke vote on Zander to start with because of CAPS and lolololing and leaves vote there, says he's not voting Heart today (I'm not seeing it), wants to vote Snow for his EPing comment, drops vote on Lotd before DL but then shows up before DL anyways with an I'm here. 

its bed time here  may not be up for DL


vote Lord of the Dawn

im here

I don't see any progression here, vote feels like busing, probably the worst looking so far.





ISO/Votes Heart to start with (pretty much agree with her case here), unvotes Heart based on association with Pral because he started looking better? (@Talya can I get more explanation on this?); ISOs Eldrick here and here (not sure if clumsy town or clumsy wolf trying to look town), and then ISOs Lotd with a scummy lean; agrees with me that Zander is looking off this game; Votes Lotd because Eldrick starting to look a little better. (LINK)


Sorry for the whole post. Zander - quiet does not mean lack of posting, it's the post themselves, not sure I can put my finger on it. I haven't had chance to go over your stuff on Razen, I liked what Alanna said about it the whole thing. You never listen to what others are saying and go blindly on. I have limited time right now and if you don't why READ MY POSTS :-p


The more I think of Eld at present the more I'm feeling a little warmer compared to LotD. I'm not sure how much more time I can get on today...


Vote: LotD

Post vote: doesn't like that Lotd didn't leave a vote when he popped in before DL. Talya's still a town read for me, I like her thought processes and that they were clearly spelled out on thread.





Consistently after Zander all of D1, has him as his only scum lean in this post and Lotd no idea; Next reads list moves Zander up and Snow to the bottom of the list, Lotd still in an unknown category because "he hasn't contributed much", then goes back to look over Eldrick and votes for pressure, ISOs Lotd with a step by step here, and then this post with his vote:

All right, so, like I said above, I'm getting more a bumbling town kind of read from LotD.  Some of his posts have been really apologetic in tone, and they come across to me as someone who is out of their depth at the moment and trying to swim their way back to safety.  I don't believe that a scum team would have left one of their members out to dry like that.


With that said, deadline is approaching, and I'm not inspired by what I've seen so far regarding activity.  I'm not liking all the parked 1 vote trains/no votes either. Right now, I'm not seeing how we get to a majority.  I think it will be interesting to see who changes their vote with the deadline approaching and who leaves it parked where it does nothing.  So I am going to unvote, vote: Lord of the Dawn.

There's something bothering me about this post. This was about three hours before deadline and it was going to be either Eldrick or Lotd getting lynched (leaning toward the latter), but he states he believes Lotd is more bumbling town and votes him anyways. ALMOST feels like TMI but with the town read I have so far on Razen, I'm not sure what to think. I'm putting him in orange at the top for this. Just doesn't feel right now he was kept in null most of the day and then voted on for being bumbling town. Back and forth with Zander can also be seen as a distraction from Lotd, as far as I'm concerned.





Haven't really been too bothered with NB this game, leaning town on him, he doesn't normally present all of his thoughts which is okay by me. here's his vote progression throughout d1:

Looks like our Vig pair have left the stage...if they do not get an answer back I'll probably move to John Snow.

Zander still looks like town to me...maybe this is from last game...he posts more than most...plus I kinda get his humor from earlier.

Right now.

Vote Dice

Basically stirs the pot and leaves...very little content...want more contributions.



Been reading since I woke up, don't have much time before I gotta finish getting ready for work, but I don't like this turnout, either.  Due to his play, John Snow pretty much outed Pral as a vig.  


Also, re: the 'are you town' thing - I have been known to do that from time to time.  Lie Detectors can be a thing, and while I am not one, if there is one I like making their lives easier.  It's fun to see who is quick to chime in with an "I am town" and who questions it. >=D


She likes the idea. She thinks it's fun to see who says they're town quickly and who questions it. But, she doesn't say it herself.




Do not like Eldrick taking heat for his vote then quickly moves along to another weak case.  Looks like he's tryIng to change the subject.

Unvote, Vote Eldrick

He's played bumbling...maybe scum...maybe not...unvote vote LotD...more to ensure majority lynch than anything specific.


I'd sooner see Eldrick lynched than LotD. I'm 95% sure LotD's town. 


Get him to L-1 and I'll hammer.

Overall: Sets up Eldrick v Lotd, willing to vote either one today, feels pretty natural imo; he could have easily voted Eldrick over Lotd and chose Lotd instead, so I'm keeping him town here.





Currently have him as a lower town read, he's been focusing on Zander and John Snow all day, Votes John Snow after his reveal that he's not a real vig, has his WTL as Lotd, Eldrick, and JS even though I don't really remember him saying much about Lotd so far.  Would rather Snow be lynched than his other two in the wtl HERE,

Ugh dm ate my multiquote.

This is from my catch up.

eldrick is a derpy town, he means well, and posts what he thinks which gets him in trouble sometimes, and I usually like it because i think his playstyle is similar to mine in someways, which usually helps me read him. The problem Here, is a am just seeing him as jumpy.


His vote on Hally Was uncalled for, and he only seemed to vote dice after others weighed their opinions on him as well. What really gets me is he votes dice much later, after the conversation. During a post that actually has nothing to do with dice.


Zander, there was a point where someone Asked you who you would rather lynch, Eld or lotd. You respond by talking about js and pral, and it looked like a giant dodge... this is one quote I plan to find again.


Lotd- I don't really remember much, most of his posts seemed like fluff, or fence sitting to me, which is a pretty big scum tell imo.



I still would feel 10x more comfortable lynching snow here!


I am going to iso eld and lotd and place my vote before I head out, unless you all want to come Over to the snow train FTW!

Setting himself up to vote one of Eld or Lotd because the Snow train wont take off; doesn't like that new guys are given a pass, and drops the hammer:

Even if we went eld, there isn't enough people on to lynch him.

Plus js is on eld, so I wouldn't vote there anyway.


[V] lotd [/v] gl us!!

I don't know, there's something about his progression on Lotd that doesn't sit right; I don't think the hammer clears him, I was here to hammer before deadline, so it was going to happen whether he did it or not. I guess this is another questionable vote, imo.

@Seph, can you better explain your case against John Snow?




This is where that puts me:















Need to look at who was off the trains next. I'm trying to make up for how inactive I'll be this upcoming week lol :wink:



are these post the reasons she got killed???


might wanna read into this everyone.

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Grah the spoiler tags messed themselves up.





putting pressure on John and Razen throughout time
#762 threw a little dirt at Alanna--not sure if he would have killed her right after this post as scum, but it's interesting to note.
#806 the dodge that Seph noted

I've not been thrilled by his game. He seems to be letting his towniness in past games speak for him and the way he's going about this game makes him a bit too over the top and hard to interact with, and I can't say that bodes well for him.
Still need to look at the whole Razen situation.
Gleeeerrrrrggg.... We'll call this a slight scum lean

Been doing a lot of analyzing and interacting in my opinion.
Been giving a lot of reasoning, been pretty transparent in my opinion. I've liked a lot of the things he's pointed out.

Strong town read

Hasn't been around as much as other,s but I have felt good about each post I've noticed about her, and has been fairly transparent with her reasoning and her thought. I remember being ok with her case on me.

Fairly strong town read

The game started out with a lot of posts I liked and a lot of reads I like. Need to actually go through his interactions with Zander again but the way Laine framed it made it seem like they were t/t that just got obsessed with each other might speed read through it if I have the time before work.
#750 I liked things in this post, but something I really didn't like was the way that he went after Zander with the LD implication stuff.
He stated multiple times in a short period of time that he saw Lotad as bumbling town, and though he was very clear with his statement, he voted Lotad in the name of consensus.
He votes Eldrick for "bumbling" (which he was ok with Lotad doing?) and for not being on the Lotad lynch (which he theoretically disagreed with).
His read of me felt a bit... "Recycled" for lack of a better word. Felt forced to me.
I also liked Pral's thoughts on him

EEEEEEEERG I'm talking myself into lynching you.
Ok, here's my thinking: Razen is a strong dividing force at this point.
He had been very town to a lot of us, and there are also people who think he is scummy (I'm definitely being drawn to that side). So there is a chance he's scum, and either way looking at interactions with him and knowing his alignment would give us a lot of information, more so I think than we'd get from Eldrick or John, both of whom people feel overall "meh scumish" about.

A lot of the negative feelings I have about her come from Hallia and the way they've been buddying each other since the lock clear thing. I felt good about the way she went after me; it was enough to make sense as a latch day 1. The way she's gone about some of her hunting feels odd to me, but she's also been trying to make connections and I'm decently ok with it

Will put her as a slight town read for now.
John Snow

Oh boy.
Did the vig claim to help kick start the game
Was absent
Was waiting for Pral to come back in order to try to learn more about him and being cryptic in the mean time. I have not played with him enough for him to have the status of one of "those players" therefore this is off-putting for me. 
Went after Pral after all of the vig stuff went through and had also thought that Laine was scum. Wasn't getting scum vibes from the Lotad or Eld trains. In fact was VERY certain that Lotad was town. 

Hmmm... Now if he was covering for a scum mate in Lotad, would he have fought harder or would that have been bad because if the lynch would have went through it would have been strong defense?
If he was town and honestly thought that we were lynching a townie he had that much faith in, would he have fought harder?
Need to go back and reread his case on Pral to see if it actually makes sense to me.
Leaning Scum here.
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I'm officially "meh" about the Zander/Razen interactions after a speed skim. Kind of want to shoot Zander simply because of how hard that was to read. 


Need to remember what else I was going to go quote diving for...

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Hmmm... I hope Zander isn't about to try to implicate me... Because you know it would be REALLY smart of me to kill someone I know is town who was suspecting me as scum and was going to look at me.


Which Eldrick also looks slightly better for that too. The oranges or those she was slightly suspicious of would make more sense for that sort of mentality... So that'd be dice and John, and I remember she was starting to poke at you as well Zander and you weren't all that happy about it

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I ONLY Town you know that!!!


This game will be much easier if you both are town Laine.


I gotchu Seph. ^.^


It'll be easier if you are too and we can town core this one to the end too?


No mishaps like last time where I have to lynch you because you're scumming it lol Ftr I read you worse than I read Zander so I need some time


I think I am a decent zander reader tbh, and your right :) I want a towny thread again!

honestly Though I have never seen him as scum now that I think about it, besides one turbo? so I guess that is to be determined still.


It's not much, but it caught my attention on my reread. This strikes me as something a teammate would say about another. Possible linking here.



so your adding linking me here to seph and later on Razen yet voting Dice??? 

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Posts leading up:


~This and the next post are based on looking back on what I noted; plan to do a reread of the thread at some point~

Looking at the dead 
alannalynn: (Vanilla town--NKed)
Of her later/more involved and educated posts:
#753 Liked Razen more than Zander but sees both as likely town
#818 analyzes Lotad Train; liked Pral (sees him as cleared); felt ok about Hallia because she could have switched; felt good about Tina; didn’t like Dice’s vote, liked Alanna; questioning Razen now; NotBob feels townie. I liked her reasoning for these reads.


This is where that puts me:




Need to look at who was off the trains next. I'm trying to make up for how inactive I'll be this upcoming week lol :wink:

Reasons she was possibly voted:
1) strong town read for most—possibly. Was one of the people who was more recognized town, or had the potential to become a very formidable town member
2) Was on to someone which would put suspicion on me, Eldrick, Dice, Snow, and possibly Zander if he was feeling jumpy (she did have him as town but there was some defensive interplay)

Lotad (Mafia Goon--lynched)
Most of his posts of "hunting" were looking at John Snow, Zander or Pralaya, with the most of the focus on John. Not sure how he usually plays, but it’s possible that he put a buddy in his scum reads. Also notes that he has a hard time reading Eldrick (was that his main reason for not voting the other train? Will have to look back
Other interesting notes related to Lotad:
John was very certain that Lotad was town with increasing levels of certainty (@John—did I miss you explaining where that came from?)
Razen thought he was just bumbling town but voted him anyway in the name of consensus



Annoying that these take me so long. Here's part one:

Voted Zander for posting in caps and stayed there because of stubbornness
#250 is the first post I noted by him, and while he didn’t explicitly do any linking or direct hunting on thread, I did like the responses he gave. Similar case with #409.
#679 continues to comment and point out inconsistencies on things, gives what I’ve noticed as a first “solid” read which is being not willing to vote me (he had quoted a Tina ISO of me) and has not given a reason as to why this is yet. I am interested in knowing his reasoning as well, but his “crypticness” isn’t a scum tell for him in my perspective. 
#730 willing to lynch Lotad, Razen or Eldrick
#821 responds to Alanna saying there HAD been a progression for his vote on Lotad
#823 thought Zander had good points on Razen

Ok, dice to me is one of “those players” who has a semi-silent play style and tends to be a little cryptic and such in a way that annoys some people but is just a part of how he plays and gathers information and pushes for reads and he’ll give the information that he feels needs to be shared. He can play successfully that way because he is a competent player. So a lot of the things that others are seeing as scummy I chalk up to his playstyle, and while I’m naturally wary of him, I’d rather vote him for inconsistencies in those posts or some such thing. I haven’t seen anything that creates dice-red-flags for me yet, so I’ll leave him as a town lean.
~Post #981 was strange and needs explanation~
~Am nervous that he’s in many ways tied my fate to his~

 #324 voted dice so he’d contribute more. (dice called this the pot calling the kettle black).
#528 voted Eldrick for the way he voted on Hallia—continued to respond to Eldrick and note things on him on page 33
#646 liked Hallia’s vote on Lotad, implied that Zander was defending him
#649 didn’t like the reasoning for Eldrick’s scum reads
~Note that NotBob has consistently held the “mason WIFOM” against John since at least #653~
#789 voted Lotad for majority vote, still was willing to vote Eldrick. 

Another one of “those players.” Been fairly forthcoming with his reasoning behind his votes and his responses. Also have a town lean.
@Notbob—Reads list? Or at least a WTL list with reasons why?

#38 hard claimed Vig a few posts after John did and doesn’t vote/apply pressure/officially counterclaim
#480 said he was not a full vig so he wasn’t surprised that someone else also claimed vig, and felt ok about John trying to start activity, but did not like John shifting the attention towards him. 
#512 reads list and anecdotes; town/townish NotBob, me, Hallia, Zader, Razen; null/null to townish dice, laine, seph, Tina, Talya, John; leaning scum lotad and eld (this was before they were the two main contenders for scum and that actually helps me feel better about him for some reason…)
#524 had also claimed to gauge John’s reaction
#525 votes Lotad (first vote on lynch train)
page 31 Eld’s vote timing seems suspicious
#832 sees Hallia and John as town

Is a pretty strong town lean at this point. 
Two questions:
1) in #524 you said that you had also claimed to gauge John’s reaction. What did you think of John’s reaction? I don’t recall you explicitly expressing that. 
2) What did you do last night and why? 

From early on didn’t like the two vig claim and insisted that it was a counter claim and kept arguing about why that would be and something about the way she went about that felt off to me. 
#217 votes John for wolfy play
#219 reads list—Lock Clear: Tina—Towny: Eldrick, Zander, Seph, Razen—Null: dice, me, Laine, Lotad, Tina—Scum: John—“Time will tell” on Pral
#365 meant the “lock clear” in a fun light hearted way; detracts and says Talya is simply her strongest town read at this point 
#498 says she’s not the lie detector
#534 votes Lotad

I’ve just been overall not thrilled with her play so far. Her insistance on the counterclaims felt contrived to me, and the lock clear joke clearly confused things. I need to ISO her to look at her more, but I don’t recall one post by her that I’ve liked. 
Additionally, her lynch would be informational, but it’s probably not going to go anywhere today. 
Would like an answer to my last question directed at her. 

Hasn’t liked John since early on, initially thought that Pral’s claim was a joke, contemplated letting the vigs prove themselves, in #240 took Zander’s joke scum reads seriously.
In #444 I’m not thrilled with the way he answered my question, and he also liked Hallia’s reason for saying lock clear (later stated that he still didn’t understand why the town read was so strong). A lot of the other stuff was just parroting or agreeing with what others said. 
#457 also says he’s ok with John’s response but doesn’t unvote
#462 switched vote to Pral and kept on that a while
A lot of defending and vote switching
#578 Reads list—Strong Town: Tina—Town: Razen, Zander, Seph, Heart, Talya—Null to slight town: Hally—Null: Notbob, Lotad, JS—Null to slight scum: Dice, Laine—Scum: Pral (also not overly fond of the reasons his scum reads)
The “I’m just a VT” martyr post he did recently

Also not overly thrilled with his play, but… I don’t know. A lot of his reads and responses, though they may not be the most logical claim, have come through as honest. Idk; get a good feeling from him for some reason. 
Still don’t like that last post. 
@Eldrick—what makes dice the best lynch to you right now?


Grah the spoiler tags messed themselves up.

putting pressure on John and Razen throughout time
#762 threw a little dirt at Alanna--not sure if he would have killed her right after this post as scum, but it's interesting to note.
#806 the dodge that Seph noted

I've not been thrilled by his game. He seems to be letting his towniness in past games speak for him and the way he's going about this game makes him a bit too over the top and hard to interact with, and I can't say that bodes well for him.
Still need to look at the whole Razen situation.
Gleeeerrrrrggg.... We'll call this a slight scum lean

Been doing a lot of analyzing and interacting in my opinion.
Been giving a lot of reasoning, been pretty transparent in my opinion. I've liked a lot of the things he's pointed out.

Strong town read

Hasn't been around as much as other,s but I have felt good about each post I've noticed about her, and has been fairly transparent with her reasoning and her thought. I remember being ok with her case on me.

Fairly strong town read

The game started out with a lot of posts I liked and a lot of reads I like. Need to actually go through his interactions with Zander again but the way Laine framed it made it seem like they were t/t that just got obsessed with each other might speed read through it if I have the time before work.
#750 I liked things in this post, but something I really didn't like was the way that he went after Zander with the LD implication stuff.
He stated multiple times in a short period of time that he saw Lotad as bumbling town, and though he was very clear with his statement, he voted Lotad in the name of consensus.
He votes Eldrick for "bumbling" (which he was ok with Lotad doing?) and for not being on the Lotad lynch (which he theoretically disagreed with).
His read of me felt a bit... "Recycled" for lack of a better word. Felt forced to me.
I also liked Pral's thoughts on him

EEEEEEEERG I'm talking myself into lynching you.
Ok, here's my thinking: Razen is a strong dividing force at this point.
He had been very town to a lot of us, and there are also people who think he is scummy (I'm definitely being drawn to that side). So there is a chance he's scum, and either way looking at interactions with him and knowing his alignment would give us a lot of information, more so I think than we'd get from Eldrick or John, both of whom people feel overall "meh scumish" about.

A lot of the negative feelings I have about her come from Hallia and the way they've been buddying each other since the lock clear thing. I felt good about the way she went after me; it was enough to make sense as a latch day 1. The way she's gone about some of her hunting feels odd to me, but she's also been trying to make connections and I'm decently ok with it

Will put her as a slight town read for now.
John Snow

Oh boy.
Did the vig claim to help kick start the game
Was absent
Was waiting for Pral to come back in order to try to learn more about him and being cryptic in the mean time. I have not played with him enough for him to have the status of one of "those players" therefore this is off-putting for me. 
Went after Pral after all of the vig stuff went through and had also thought that Laine was scum. Wasn't getting scum vibes from the Lotad or Eld trains. In fact was VERY certain that Lotad was town. 

Hmmm... Now if he was covering for a scum mate in Lotad, would he have fought harder or would that have been bad because if the lynch would have went through it would have been strong defense?
If he was town and honestly thought that we were lynching a townie he had that much faith in, would he have fought harder?
Need to go back and reread his case on Pral to see if it actually makes sense to me.
Leaning Scum here.


Teal Deer
Strong Town

Town Lean
Tina (might be willing to bump her up)
Scum Lean
Right now I'm going to [v]Razen[/v] as I believe that he would give us the most information and I think he might be scum. I am willing to switch to my other lynch candidates (or someone else that someone has a smashing case on) and will be around an hour or two before EoD.
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So what changed from here



I am pretty dissapointed in dice iso. I list his posts in the spoiler, that actually have Content. There was a few more but most of them are fluff.



Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now




Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.


need to come back to this when i get to work  



on page 24


Jon beat me to it but i think you read this wrong. I took it as without pral there was a vig claim on the table and people were voting it. this is good for mafia if true.  


meh that was better worded in my head yesterday


I was trying ti ISO Heart, but the quotes are going weird.


So a list instead:


First part is a bit fluffy votes Razen and thenunvotes


 - Zander feels off  and we should lynch him



Talks about using vig power and Post count


- Qs Zand on Elds idea of not letting them live (JS and Pral)

- Qs Eld why voting before caught up, why dislike JS over Pral

- Asks Zand the question again

- Likes Razen

- Zander Felt different (again she says this), but no ready to dub him scummy


finds something curious and likeable about Seph an Eld???

Talks about Hally's lock clear on my and my response, does ask Hally for any other strong tremors


- Zand Excitable


- Qs NB over JS and Pral and agrees with his vote on Dice


- Tells JS channelling EP will not win her trust


- Doesn't see Zanders 4 (Snow/Pral/Hally/Tal) as random


- Thinks it is possible we have two vigs, so it's not a counterclaim, immediate vote isn't necessary with a cc, but pressure would be and didn't see any


One Quote


This is odd...now we know what Pral has said. Doesn't automatically mean a link here, but it does mean that Pral could have used this as an excuse. Mod can Wolves talk Day and Night?


If each of the vigs (my computer keeps trying to correct that to "figs" so if I say something about figs at some point just know that it is probably supposed to say "vigs") had some sort of restriction, I could see that being possible.


So that is one possibility out of many. The lack of pressure towards each other between the two claims is interesting (if memory serves, they were almost amenable--will need to read that interaction again) and causing me to think that there is something beyond a counterclaim going on here.


 Im not voting heart today



How do you know it's not there.

I said maybe a bit of ten foiling hence asking someone for their opinion. Doesn't mean there isn't one, and yet you seem so sure!


I don´t know if there is a connection between them. I have both of them as null right now. I just felt that it was a long shot. It was hard for me to see if your were actually trying to figure stuff out or making something up. You have backed away from it so I guess it could be the first one. Now you have some kind of connection between AH and Zander instead and I don´t understand why.


For those of you that some kind of meta read on Snow - would he do something like this as mafia?


I dont think hed do something that ballsy. I especially dont think as mafia hed come out later on, but before its resolved and while he is getting voted, and claim he is EPing. You know what happens to EP because of his crazy plans?? He gets lynched. My heart STILL wants to lynch JS just because of the EP thing.


Thing is i see his play as similar to Yates' in Red Wedding. Only Pral screwed up Nyn didnt




Oh, yeah, @Tayla, it's DM practice that wolves, masons, etc can talk at all times on the QT.


Not always, one game recently Wolves could only talk at night, hence why I asked.


If you saw my ISO of heart Tina, you would see why, she keeps saying Zander is weird. She's played a couple of games with him, so it is worth noting.


Those have been some recent games and are some mods attempt at bringing other sites ways of playing here. theres only been like 3 of those or something



Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.


Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly



Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.


Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm



There is no game solving, the only reads I even see besides the two trains at eod, was heart.

I know you have been busy dice, but I need to see more!




To HERE???














I still need to read zand, heart, Tina, hallia. But I feel pretty confident in this list!!

Could actually switch notbob and tina.




vote seph


this is a bad look with the reaction vote for Dice.


he had dice 2nd to listed as scum too.  makes no sense imo.

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