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[Game Over] Cliche Mafia - The Death of Meta - Sooh Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Yates let's try to make this game as simple as possible tonight.  You pick a player and I'll case them and I'll give you one to case at the same time.  Let's pick from those bottom posters on the cass train plz.


Yates let's try to make this game as simple as possible tonight.  You pick a player and I'll case them and I'll give you one to case at the same time.  Let's pick from those bottom posters on the cass train plz.

You do RTE.

RTE had 28 posts before yesterday and currently has 46 posts.  This means that he has posted 40% of his total posts in two days where he had posted 60% in ten days.  Before this spur of activity there was little to judge him on though I will provide a few examples of things that made me uneasy.  Since then he has looked far worse through both his content and associations to Turin.  I'll show this separately.  It should be noted that RTE was on both Cass's train (based on something Turin said which is now really head scratching to do and quoted below).


More casework to follow when I am not in class or get sufficiently bored with the lecture.  


Cass vote





So the guess should be 2?  :smile:

Does anyone think Cass could be protecting Tress in floating the no lynch option? Besides me of course



Who suggested the no lynch? One of my RL buddies gave me some advise before the break, which was if they dont want to lynch they are probably mafia. Which I am deaming sound advice.


So Cass is actively attempting to avoid a Tress lynch? Interesting.


[v Cass [/v]






I seriously find this vote to be incriminating on its' own.  Also, after we remove a scum I expect the vig to reveal.  


You know what? Sooh is probably Town. Let me get some questions answered and point out why:



:wub:  Lovely to play with you again, Tress.



I know Tress is awesome... That's not what I was getting at at all.. lol

What WERE you getting at, Sooh?


Also, why did you think Leyrann was scum again? I don't recall a rationale?


And why did you follow your scum read onto Verbal [who we now know is Town]?


Could you also elaborate on your response to Shadar where he called Turin scum and you said that would be "not good?" Seems pertinent given he is likely scum.


This might be the most important question; what made you go from voting Panchi at 14:53 to Cass in your next post ~3 hours later at end of day?


@Darthe - She did follow you onto Hally in the AM here. I think that's a pretty good look.


Vote Count



Sooh - 1 (Tina)

Hallia - 6 (Dice, Sooh, RTE, Tress, Yates, Darthe)

Dice - 1 (Hallia)

Yates -2 (Turin, BFG )

Tina – 1 (Leyrann)



Not Voting - 2 (Panchi, Shadar)



With 13 alive it takes 7 to Lynch.





Day 2 Deadline Ends Monday 23 March 2015 @ 9.15pm GMT (so it doesn't hit a weekend)




Hally was mafia.  We can practically guarantee that there were wolves on her wagon, especially since they didn't provide a counter-wagon.  Based on what we know of the other people on this train the above becomes:


Sooh - 1 (Tina)

Hallia - 6 (Dice, Sooh, RTE, Tress, Yates, Darthe)

Dice - 1 (Hallia)

Yates -2 (Turin, BFG )

Tina – 1 (Leyrann)



Not Voting - 2 (Panchi, Shadar)



With 13 alive it takes 7 to Lynch.


Light blue denotes a non-confirmed read or impressions not shared by everyone.  Turin is outted here and if an SK exists Tina is likely it.  For the record (and this is 1/1000) if Turin is somehow town it confirms Yates as not town.  


Yeah expecting Sooh to be town here Yates.  She is mafia if you are but if that's the case then RTE isn't scum and neither is Turin and the odds are just so low.  If that was true I'd have been wrong on Hally and Ley would have been scum.


I'll toss out that Dice could be fooling me.  He is a wildcard here because of how quickly he jumped on Hally and how she voted him back.  It's somewhat odd and given her cliche you have to question where she would want her votes to go in the end.


I'm leaning towards thinking Darthe might be on to something here.. Especially since the only comeback from Hallia is "Darthe being Darthe"... 



Yates you're right that this looks really good.


With two kills we either have a vig (prob x shot) or if we have an SK and 3 mafia then town has two decent roles like bpv/tracker.  


Laya is a better vig shot.  Just to clarify, if a vig doesn't shoot Turin tonight the odds of them being an SK go up to 80ish percent.


I hate having to catch up. Done witb class for the day though.

Yo, talk to me.  


@Yates getting responses to that is going to take a while.


@Yates getting responses to that is going to take a while.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure we got what we *needed* already. Like, she isn't in the lynch pool for me.


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