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If you could make 1 change


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I would change how Rand and Moridin's battle ends.


Instead of having them literally switch bodies, I would have it sorta like the end of Harry Potter when what's his name destroys his own soul when he kills Harry.


Rand is killed, but instead of his own soul being destroyed, the part of him that is connected to Moridin is. He ends up losing his memories of his past life, as well as the ability to channel, establish that it's the soul that connects to the one power. This could also be used to explain why Dreamer channelors can channel in the world of dreams. Because part of their soul enters the dream, hence why injury received in the dream is real, because the soul is connected to the dream and the body at once.


Then I would have Rand revealed as the avatar of the Light. He would gain the ability to make small changes to reality. (This would explain apples magically appearing on a long dead tree). He would not be the creator, per say, but would be able to tap into a small amount of the creator's power.


He used this new power to recreate the original prison to seal the Dark One away.


This would explain why the Dark One's prison was intact before the Bore was formed. The CoL's duty is to recreate the prison.


Cut out so much of the pointless meandering descriptions of stuff that isn't relevant to the greater story.


The example that comes straight to mind because I'm doing a reread atm is the Nynaeve/Elayne plotline in FOH. Together their POV's make up 33% of the book, and most of that content is boring descriptions of travelling, random scenery and villages and inns, their mode of travelling, what they're wearing, meaningless side characters, constant puerile teenage drama/catfights/hypocritical whining between Nynaeve/Elayne/Birgitte, or Nynaeve/Elayne talking down to everyone around them and treating them horribly while depending on those people to survive.


FOH is the most popular book these days. Explain that to me!

The example that comes straight to mind because I'm doing a reread atm is the Nynaeve/Elayne plotline in FOH. Together their POV's make up 33% of the book, and most of that content is boring descriptions of travelling, random scenery and villages and inns, their mode of travelling, what they're wearing, meaningless side characters, constant puerile teenage drama/catfights/hypocritical whining between Nynaeve/Elayne/Birgitte, or Nynaeve/Elayne talking down to everyone around them and treating them horribly while depending on those people to survive.


FOH is the most popular book these days. Explain that to me!

there were a number of scenes written by Robert Jordan.  as far as I recall, there has been very little revealed on who wrote what.


Please, mb. According to Sanderson: RJ left 200 incoherent manuscript pages after himself. The longest/largest section was the prologue (which now is cutted into the prologues of the three books). The rest was most few lines long paragraphs, and many "X is here. X goes to there. X could die. X could live." type remarks.


That's it.

I didn't like How Aviendha became such a minor character in books 6-11. She was pretty much just one of Elayne's sidekicks. She was one of my favorite characters in tSR and tFoH




Not only became a minor character but basically seemed like she was Nyn's and Elayne's handmaiden.  Acting more like a wetlander then an aiel.



there were a number of scenes written by Robert Jordan. as far as I recall, there has been very little revealed on who wrote what.

Please, mb. According to Sanderson: RJ left 200 incoherent manuscript pages after himself. The longest/largest section was the prologue (which now is cutted into the prologues of the three books). The rest was most few lines long paragraphs, and many "X is here. X goes to there. X could die. X could live." type remarks.


That's it.

One good example of how RJ's notes were is Androl.


Androl's important role in the Black Tower leading to the Last Battle was BS's idea. The notes said mentioned that someone needed to have the role of leading the loyal Ashaman in taking out Taim's men, and putting an end to the Dreadlord control of the BT, but did not mention any specific character. BS chose Androl.


demandred never went to Shara, never became Bao the Wyld


I doubt you'd need to ask Jordan for that. I think Jordan gave us Demandred like he promised. I think Bao came from Sandersons big thumb.

If you care to find out where I think Jordan hid Demandred as far back as LoC, read these two (in this order):





I doubt Bao was a BS idea. Dem being in charge of the sea folk wouldn't of made a lot of sense because except for channelers they have nothing to offer the last battle.  As we saw they didn't supply any army or fighting force for the light.

  • 1 year later...

robert jordan instructed in his notes that post last battle,cadsuane

would become the next amyrlin seat,so brandon sanderson had 

very little control in egwene's fate,i.e.either you(the author) kill her

or burn her ability to channel.


For me, one of the most frustrating things in the entire series is the general lack of communication both when characters are in proximity to each other and not using gateways. 


I definitely agree. The girls did use T'A'R to communicate, but it was very frustrating when the guys developed the taveren connection thing and did absolutely NOTHING with it. It didn't help them in any way, in fact they deliberately tuned each other out. Them communicating more would've made the series much shorter and maybe RJ would've been able to finish it himself.


Problem is how were they suppose to communicate?  We aren't sure they could send messages or communicate through their visions.  Mostly they were getting a vison of what the others were doing at that moment.  With the guys all over the place, Perin didn't know how to communicate using dreams.  All the women could channel, make gateways if needed, and had TAR training.  The men didn't.  Perin could of used a Asha'man but with Rand moving about, he wasn't easy to locate.  Mat was pretty much on his own.


Rand could have used Gateways to communicate.  and the visions could help locate the others; so Perrin could describe the places to his Ashamen.

or each 3 could have had written messages when the others were watching them; then again, they would have needed to be aware of such watching.


@dojo toad,

"when rand gets his hand blown off,he uses balefire to get it back."

this is interesting,after all,rand DID balefire semirhage and it didn't

restore his hand nor resurrect daigian,apparently,rand's balefire weave

wasn't strong enough to eliminate a full month(the two incidents were 

a month apart),as for daigian,the only reasonable explanation is that

she was killed by shaidar haran not semirhage.


robert jordan,and later,brandon sanderson,used the mind visions mainly

to synchronize rand,perrin and mat's timelines,i,e, when grady opened a

gareway for mat,thom and noal on their way to the tower of ghenjei,perrin

"saw" rand speaking with a group of borederlanders,an hour later,perrin 

and his army arrived at the field of merrilor.

brandon sanderson used the mind visions to tell us that mat's rescue mission

started when rand was at far madding,a day before the field of merrilor meeting.


robert jordan instructed in his notes that post last battle,cadsuane

would become the next amyrlin seat,so brandon sanderson had

very little control in egwene's fate,i.e.either you(the author) kill her

or burn her ability to channel.


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