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WoT casting game... in reverse

Basel Gill

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Freeman won't play anyone. He will narrate. And Kevin McNally should be Basel. I have always seen Basel as Master Gibbs since I first discovered WoT.


Heath Ledger, if he had lived.

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Just because he played an amazing Joker, I would love to see him as Padan Fain.  I feel like he would fit the character perfectly.


Tom Cruise


Totally see Heath as Logain.


Errrr... Tam al'Thor? Don't know this actor well so that's tough.


Ok this one is super easy (IMO) - Scarlett Johansson 


I see Scarlett Johansson as Graendal.


Eva Green.


Damn I was going for Elayne!


Eva Green (HOTTIE, didn't know her before) - Totally Lanfear


Elijah Wood :tongue: for that fantasy cross over!

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I can't think of Benedict Cumberbatch without thinking of Martin Freeman! The two are a set in my mind.


Pierce Brosnan I can see as Gabriel/Rahvin.


Jennifer Connelly?


I'll go on a limb here and say I could see him as Mat? Maybe would need a change of hair colour but otherwise think it would do nicely. Feel free to agree or disagree, I'm interested. :wink:


Viggo Mortensen


And nice choices so far. Especially your use of Kate Mish :wink:


Kate has always been in the back of my mind as an option for Moggy; I think she could pull off that role brilliantly.



Had to google Gary Cooper.. I'll say whatshisname, the forsaken that messes with Morgase.


Next one iiiiiis...


Chad Michael Murray?


(watching One Tree Hill, mmmmkaaaay)


Hrm. Maybe Gawyn? Ha ha


I like giving names of people I already have roles in mind for and seeing what you guys say...


Diana Rigg (Olenna Tyrell from GOT)




*cough* Verin *cough* Or Cadsuane maybe? You tell me kitty!


Although seeing pictures of her when younger, HELLO :wub: :wub: :wub: She could have defo played Margaery 


Even tho he doesn't match with the physical description, I think Pitt could make a great Rhuarc (or any other Aiel clan leader).
New name: Leighton Meester


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