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Gray Ajah Midsummer Festival: The Sunny Summer Picnic Post

KassidyRose DaiShan

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don't forget olives and pickles with those cheese and crackers. And little fried sausages.


Picnic day tomorrow! It's going to be great for a couple reasons. Going to be the first time in a LONG time since there was a family picnic. It's at this park called Chestnut Ridge. (Cindy, ask Basel about it. Great place to visit.) They ahve this natural wonder called the Eternal Flame there. It is a natural gas leak behind a small waterfall that you can light. Sometimes it's still burning from the person before it. So, not exactly ETERNAL but it's still cool! lol


The best part about it as the person who put it together. An amazing example of how havin a baby can change a person's out look on life. My niece, who through her developmental life has been a champion for the phrase, "love the child not the deed". I love her to death but she was a toxic volatile mental mess who, between her and her mother and her mother's boy friend and a WHOLE LOT of other issues, made the lives of her family a living nightmare. Then, she met her boyfriend who I think must be an angel on a mission. Albeit a very crude belching scratching type angel but a one none the less because he grew up in a house with a sister exactly like my niece and he tolerated her outbursts. I still have no idea why, especially after two XBOXs and two flat screen TVs later. My love does conquer all. lol My niece was still batshit crazy though and abusive. Until, she became pregnant. I have never before seen such a COMPLETE 180 degree turn in someone. My niece and sister and the whole family in general have never been so close. Most importantly though is her and my sister. They have come together so much over her new beautiful baby, Mariana, that it's nothing short of miraculous. My niece has this new found sense family and an importance of family sticking together and being involved that she slapped this family picnic together. She wants to get her family to meet her BF's family. She has gone over THE TOP with planning of all this. Seriously, miraculous. This kid couldn't plan how to put together a peanut butter and jelly sammich! let alone organize this. I only ever remember having a union of families like this once in my life when my father's and mother's family came together like this and I've always found it sad. It should happen more often.


There will be food. My GOD there will be FOOD. Mad amounts of food. Apparently her BF's family really like picnics. lol 


And horseshoes! Favorite picnic game ever!

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