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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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dawnflower8 is scum

Nikon is town

RTE is town

TGlems is scum

Turin is town

AJ is scum/town (AFLRFKWFJ I don't know. You still seem scummy to me. But at the same time I want so badly for you to be town.)

ed is scum

Hallia is town

Talmanes is scum

BFG is scum

Tsukibana is town



Is ed still playing? I don't recall seeing any recent posts of his.

Oh it is here. Thank you. Can you give a definite read on AJ please? It is important.


Please explain how my request is trying to lead town in a bad way.

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I said I would post this morning, and so I am.

Not too much else has been posted though since last night.

I still want to hear from RTE before I make a judgment there, which will also effect my view on Hallia as well.


And lol just saw that Thane is making his third round, welcome back.

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Did you skim? I posted it last page.


It seems like you're purposely trying to misrep us now

Who is "us"? How is asking for one simple thing a misrep?


RTE claimed to understand why I asked but didn't and still hasn't given a properly formatted list.


Tsuki got indignant and also hasn't given a properly formatted list despite my making it clear it was important to be done a certain way.


You waited and waited. Still missing AJ. Just pick one. Town or mafia I don't care which.


You three seem to be obfuscating. Mafia do that.

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Please explain how my request is trying to lead town in a bad way.



Psych 101 - make a small, innocuous-seeming request. Act hurt and misunderstood that someone could not want to comply in the exact matter you request. This places an onus of guilt, and - if the person has reason (such as proiving one's Town-ness) - and makes it much easier to to make the second, larger request - such as joining your train. News Flash, Turin - You are one person, I am one person, one vote means nothing.

If the extent of your case against me is that I will not follow your EXACT instructions (yeah, instructions - this stopped being a request a while ago), then you are not the player I was lead to believe.


Welcome back, Thane :P

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lol Thane.


Who do you want to vote for today?


For you guys being stubborn about the lists - just do it. You arguing over them is only going to serve as a distraction. There is a reason he asked for them and unless you have something to hide there shouldn't be an issue with you formatting the way he asked.


Now, get off the lists subject. Turin is obvtown this game.


Let's talk about who we want to lynch - that's the most important topic at hand.


Tsuki - you never answered my question earlier. You were saying that you thought RTE was me for pushing Ithi yesterday? Please clarify.

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Looks like there were more posts while I was typing.

@AJ - Like I said in my posts, I watch the show, and I've based my thoughts on Vig/SK off of a mix of my knowledge of the show and the scene which previously made me lean toward SK. I do agree though that the fact that we did not have an extra kill N2 makes it much more likely it was a one time Vig kill. It still could be either, but I assure you, I'm not a Serial Killer or Vigilante.


I post my thoughts and what sticks out to me. I'm very obviously not always right, as not all my calls turned out to be accurate, but no one is perfect.


I should have a little more time tomorrow and Thursday in the morning between classes, so I will check back in at that time. Right now though, I'm going to sleep.


SK - that's fine, you have something to back up the reason you said what you did. I'm just voicing how I took the discussion on your part. Yes it is true that on D2 I said that we shouldn't force the Vig to claim for the potential of them having more shots, but seeing as how there was only one death on N2 I think they either holstered or were 1x. If this is the case, them claiming today is actually a good idea now because we can clear them off the suspects list and further shrink our pool of lynch candidates.


Like I said in summary to your ISO, looking back at you I think you've actually played pretty solidly. None of your comments seem to be opportunistic or scummy to me, you have pointed out legitimate things that I could see a townie being suspicious of.

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Since I have the time today I'll be doing a few more ISOs.


The plan is to narrow the lynch pool down to 3-5 candidates and then have everyone chime in on who they want to lynch most.


We have a decent core to start with - as of right now I wouldn't lynch any of Turin, RTE, Hallia, or Talmanes. Myself included in that group :tongue:

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Tsuki - you never answered my question earlier. You were saying that you thought RTE was me for pushing Ithi yesterday? Please clarify.

What needs clarified. I thought it was him pushing hard on Ithi, ithi turns up dead, and my misunderstanding, coupled with several small things (that I am still isolating) pinged SO hard that I immediately felt it was the

nail in the coffin. Am now trying to figure out just what it is that put him so close to being scum (when I didn't think about it), but makes me think he's Town when thinking about it (ie The List).

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That still doesn't explain how you tried to immediately turn that onto RTE and then once he claimed Cop you quickly backed off. Who did you actually mean - and what exactly were you trying to say? That the scum NK'd the same person they were pushing in thread?


I did not back off because he claimed cop. I backed off because I had thought he was YOU, badgering the hell out of Ithi the day before. I posted in haste, wrongly, because, as you said, I thought those pushing on Ithi implicated themselves. It's not an excuse, but I was in a hurry, distracted, and made a mistake.


This is what I don't understand and am asking you to clarify. You say that you thought he was me and that I was badgering Ithi before she died. You voted him for this. although here you imply it should've been me. I don't get it.


If you meant to originally vote me for it why haven't you since?


Why do you think Ithi turning up dead means those pushing her were probably mafia?

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i'm harder to get rid of than the toughest weed. :tongue:


let's see how long i shall manage this time :ph34r:

Thane, are you immortal?


Because it seems that you are. 


Holy Love of God... your first post, on Day 3, when town is down and hunting, and it's a Joke?!?!


Can we PLEASE target the one person who seems to be consistently on everyone's scum list but never gets more than 2 votes?!?!



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Seeing there are no backups in the game, i kindly get asked to fill for those who asked to be replaced. So, i guess i'll play as long as people need to be replaced :tongue:


on a more serious note:


vote TG


him and BFG i see as scum, i still have to make up mu mind about the others.

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That still doesn't explain how you tried to immediately turn that onto RTE and then once he claimed Cop you quickly backed off. Who did you actually mean - and what exactly were you trying to say? That the scum NK'd the same person they were pushing in thread?


I did not back off because he claimed cop. I backed off because I had thought he was YOU, badgering the hell out of Ithi the day before. I posted in haste, wrongly, because, as you said, I thought those pushing on Ithi implicated themselves. It's not an excuse, but I was in a hurry, distracted, and made a mistake.


This is what I don't understand and am asking you to clarify. You say that you thought he was me and that I was badgering Ithi before she died. You voted him for this. although here you imply it should've been me. I don't get it.


If you meant to originally vote me for it why haven't you since?


Why do you think Ithi turning up dead means those pushing her were probably mafia?


*shakes his head* Let it go, man. I have no bloody clue why I jumped on that vote. Something that I cannot find pinged hard. As I said - rushing is bad. I don't know if I buy his claim, but if he did fake claim, where is the real cop to counter?

What's the protocol of counter-claiming - wait till 5 min before deadline like every other claimant wants to? Hallia has been Town for me all game, despite your pushing. This lends him cred in my book.

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If there is a counter claim it'll likely come whenever that person gets online, if they ever do and RTE is lying that is. We're too far down atm to not CC at this point whenever someone claims, if another player actually has that role. That said, I don't think we'll be seeing one coming. I'm kind of curious as to why he chose to view Hallia over Dawn though, she's been kind of a consistently on his scum reads and he made that comment about starting D3 where he left off D2 earlier - seems like a good enough reason to check someone.


And as far as me letting go, I'm not sure about that quite yet. You plowed in there rather forcefully and then quickly jumped back when you blundered - now you're telling me to forget about it. Not a big fan of that.


I question why you think the mafia would kill someone they pushed in thread previously is because mafia will often NK players to make others look bad. You immediately jumping at this when Ithi turned up as town pings me pretty severely.

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Just ISOed Dawn - the ONLY people she has ever come out an out said were scummy are Basel, Thane1, and the TIna/Ithi/Thane2 hybrid. THAT IS IT.

Don't believe me? Go look. And all 3 ended up dead, and rolled Town. (PS: How can I quote from ISO?? What methods do you use for these WoTs? I use

Notepad for notes, and that ain't gonna fly).

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I had one of my most productive days of my PhD ever, maybe of my whole time as a student. So so sorry you had to wait Turin. But definitely going to stick to avoiding distractions while at work.


For your enjoyment:


Dawn is Scum

TG is Scum

Nikon is Scum

BFG is Scum

Turin is Town

Hallia is Town

RTE is Town

AJ is Town

Tsuki is Town

Ed is Town

Talmanes is Town


Yes my reads changed today and I changed them again (gave it more thought, think BFG more likely to be scum than Talmanes) and as should all of yours. My scum reads have been dead wrong so far and why I looked at Hallia last night should be a no-brainer. AJ was ready to hang her and I had her a scum read, as did many, so finding out to me had a lot to offer in figuring out if we were wrong or right. Evidently looks like almost all of us were wrong. Pretty sure everyone in this game has had at least one wrong view this game and some of you still do if you think I'm not town.


We need to really take a good look around because we are messing up. Bad. I didn't look at Dawn because I feel confidently she is scum. If you like, we can wait a night and I can view her tonight if that makes you happier, but brings us no closer to a successful scum lynch today. AND WE NEED ONE GUYS.


No idea also how anyone could ask why I claimed when I did. Also Turin, this list is great, but your attitude this game is less than desirable and you're painting a target on your back for the scum team. But play as you wish. We. Need. To. Get. Scum. Today.


Very possible that the town is inactives with only 1 person submitting the night kill (hence waiting all night for teammates to appear when none do).


Possible team of Dawn Ed TG + 1 where Dawn has been leading the team so far which would explain some things. Not sure how many more mislynches we can afford here but I feel Dawn is scum. No one has been right thus far that we know of though so we have to really try to make this one count people.

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