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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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@Thane - yes I am voting you. I think you and Hallia are both scum. I would still happily lynch her but no one is going in that direction so it is you instead. I think Hallia is voting me because she is scum. She is just following Turin's case and allowing him to do the dirty work because she alone wouldn't be able to drive my lynch. The way she has called me town all game and suddenly today once Turin makes a legitimate cause (albeit to the wrong conclusion) she follows without adding anything new herself.


Her lack of reads all game except to name people town for little reason is a scum tell. This is on a general basis.

Her lack of real contribution and lurking is also a very big scum tell for her meta. Quiet Hallia is one thing. Quiet Hallia who doesn't point out anything and sheeps others is different. If she isn't mafia this game I will probably just hang my hat and give up playing. The way she is avoiding specific questions and giving reads when asked is a big red flag. You all have to see this.

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If Thane ends up flipping town now (which I still doubt but if he does) RTE just shot back up the scum list.

Why? Thane is one of my scum picks and no one wants to lynch Dawn, my top scum pick. Should I let it go random instead? Would that look more town?


I have never seen you so reactive and emotional before, including after I put one vote on you early day 1. Probably the number 1 reason I think you're town this game because don't see scum playing like this at all. Especially given you aren't at L-1 or something.

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I, for one, believe AJ for his claim. Though i feel claiming a few hours before deadline is .. well... odd....  If AJ would start to believe me as well, that would be good, because we'd both be focussing on the real actors out there instead of eachother.


Now, i had to post in absolutes, because Turin asked. Now, i wonder why it would be so important to post in absolutes. I did vote some people town, even though they are not active. That, is lurking. On D2, no more excuse for inactivity for most players who don't post a lot. I don't tend to vote inactivity as scum, that's why they have been listed town, not scum (if that makes)

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I'm calling it as I see it RTE. You are already high on my scum list for reasons independent of the others. If I'm wrong on Thane and he flips town, you helping to lynch him wouldn't make you look any better in my eyes. Inversely if he flips scum you would look better. These types of associations are a corner piece to mafia games, you should understand this. If Dawn flips town at some point and you think that makes me look like scum for pushing her that is a valid argument. Saying do doesn't make me or you a hypocrite though.


The emotion stems from frustration. I've been disappointed severely with the level of play here that I have witnessed recently. The town play is lazy and illogical from most. The game I just finished modding is a good example. Scum were basically able to lurk their way to victory and by the time people started to actually get serious it was too late. The Red Wedding game was a huge heartbreak for me. I invested a lot in that game. I had the entire scum team pegged and listed for town to lynch before I was NK'd because the doc decided to SP instead of saving the outed cop. Then after that I had to watch town sheep THE VERY SAME PLAYERS I NAMED AS MAFIA to speed lynch the Doc the next Day and then another townie the following. Super disappointing.

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i'd wish to say the following: pay attention to the people jumping on my train from now on. Especially if it's people who aren't that active.


If you all really want to kill off a townie, then go ahead. You've been warned. I was hoping to die of old age in this game... but alas.

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AJ... she'd be a better lynch than i would be. She's suspicious for me too. But, seeing we have little information from other players, can we be certain that there'd be a lynch on her?


and.. yeah, Turin asking for those lists... dunno... keep thinking about it, and it strikes me as off...

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well.... if it turns out, which it will, that we're both town.... then who do you think would be most likely? What's your little list?


As for Hallia... Snow White.... would make you town too.... :huh:


if you, me and AJ are all town, then scum is hiding deep...... :ph34r:

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well.... if it turns out, which it will, that we're both town.... then who do you think would be most likely? What's your little list?


As for Hallia... Snow White.... would make you town too.... :huh:


if you, me and AJ are all town, then scum is hiding deep...... :ph34r:

How about Ithi? I'm pretty sure she's scum. 

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Not really buying that. Hallia - if you are town, character claiming alone isn't going to vet you. You need to contribute.


Why haven't you posted your reads yet? What are you waiting for? It shouldn't take you that long to form a list in the way Turin asked. No explanations, just either town or mafia. I don't want to hear excuses about work either. You're obviously around if you can throw out a claim like that when your wagon starts to build.

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I've been caught up with lots of issues at work today but will be on briefly in about an hour for lunch to go through todays posts and see if any of my opinions have changed and place my vote.

Wish I had more time before the lynch, and if things calm down here I might, but RL has to come first since that's what pays the bills.

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i shall be looking forward to lunchtime (which is nearly bedtime for me, but heck, timezones *shrugs*)


and i hope to see more from other players too.... BFG, Ed, even TG.... Ithi for the moment is off the hook, RL issues and not posting....

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