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[Advanced] Once Upon a Time Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Andrej, Andrej, Andrej...



How did you have TG "closer to town" than BFG when TG had said NOTHING of any real  content?


Here we go...


What does it matter anyway?


But since your post here is already misrepping, I did you the favor of MQ'ing both TG and BFG's posts up to that point where I made this statement. They are all in order.



##vote Basel


Call me Jack, lol


OP from TG


Hello :smile:








Not sure why the quotes got removed here, but these are the only 2 posts from BFG that you'll see until after I make my read that Turin is pointing out.




[image removed]


This is basically TG listing some early town leans in myself, Thane, and Tsuki.



TG I sent you that photo of me in confidence :laugh:


Sorry...so I shouldn't post the other photos then?


Bwahaha... I was hoping to draw him out, so I could avoid sleeping, but I guess that isn't gonna happen.


@TGlems: Tsuki, Thane, AJ #BIGDADDYCLUB


Care to back that up a little? Nudging is bad, hmmkay?



Apparently Tsuki and Thane need to be kicked out of the club.  Big Daddy club is the ultimate club of bad-a$$ery that basically consists of me and AJ.  I was saying you both looked town and you both took it the exact opposite way.  Guilty conscience much?


Some jokes, explains to them what the BDC is



You guys are all crazy.


Thane is noob. Nikon looks town. Basel looks just fine with his qualms about people voting noobs. Not sure he's town yet but none of that stuff looked scummy to me. Tsuki is sticking his neck out to me, looks town. Tina defended the train on me, so town or looking to get town cred as scum. Chae is still scummy. Not due to her play but because of her fascination and obsession with all things pink. Dawn is still a noob in my books but posting well. Which either means she's a good player or is being helped by her team or both? Andrej looks just fine. Hallia's doing her Hallia thing. Ed is alive (Hi Ed, missed you!). TG is getting his EBromance on with AJ from the Hydra game. I can respect that. No read yet but I'm awful at reading the TG. Talmanes is new to me. Hallo der Talmanes. No read on Dice. BFG is just fine (and I still can't get a decent read on her for the life of me) and that's everyone. :wub:




Nothing of note.



ofcourse we're all crazy here, this still is in the Black Tower....


Thane, I'm definitely kicking you out of the Big Daddy club for comments like this.


Retracts his town read of Thane, which I think a few others of us would agree with at this point.



Hmm... as I was not aware of the Big Daddy club being a good thing (especially since you left YOUR name off the list) I did indeed take it as an attack... I'll say

that you have preempted a counter argument, because I was gonna ask YOU why you were sure that there were only 3 scum... Besides, I was avoiding sleep,

and wanted the distraction. Probably a good thing you DIDN'T bite, if I was being defensive...



You get to stay in the club. 


Reiterates town lean on Tsuki, which I also agree with.


Does Papa equal daddy or grandad? You could earn a spot as old guard


Nah, just DM old. Or at least DM older than me




Jokes about Ed being old.




Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, AJ

ed (1/9): Talmanes

Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (1/9): RTE


Tina has asked to be replaced! If you know anybody who might want to replace her, please ask them. 

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST   http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140502T20&p0=814&msg=OUAT+Mafia+Day+1       


Time - Could you please add those Not Voting in your VCs, oh lovely moddess? :wub:


Alright, so DL has been set and we've got about 48 hours left. Time to start taking stances and putting your votes to good use.


I want to re-read Thane/Basel namely.


Dawn looks good to me so far, much more active than I have seen her in my other 2 games that we played together. I need TG and BFG to get in here and start town telling so I can take them off my D1 suspect list.

TG is closer than BFG atm. 

RTE I would put firmly at null. I thought he handled the early bandwagon fairly well but his change of view on me after I asked him for opinions was weird and out of sync, kind of sketches me out.


Nikon pings me but they may just be his inexperience showing. Not sure if Talmanes is a townie sitting back and letting the game come to him or scum playing it safe, would like to see more. A legitimate vote would be good to see.



The post where I give my read that Turin is now questioning about.


So Turin, you were asking why I had TG closer to town than BFG because she has as you say 'significantly' more content posted? I would agree that NOW she does, but at the time when I made this post she hadn't - stop trying to play spin doctor.


Definite scum lean on you so far.


Try again.

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No Ithi, I don't think you would pretend that. It's also not something I'm going to debate with you.


You were asked for an explanation and other reads, instead you decided to leave. Regardless of whatever reason, it still doesn't look good.


Clearly I think your Mafia hence my vote.


Clearly I was aiming for reactions and I got them.


Suddenly you're not very clear.


Come again?

Teaser: Ithi's two statements are NOT mutually exclusive. It is a very good way to look for mafia. You pick a suspect vote them with no reason, and see what happens. There is even a name for it on DM: "Wombatting" 


The vote itself is the belief that you are mafia. The manner of the vote and the subsequent questioning of those that came to defend "the suspect" was the look for reactions. When you do this it is better to not give the reasons for the initial vote for as long as possible as once the "case" is made THEN the reactions are no longer valid. 


Also it should be noted that the answers given by both Dawn and Thane were very vague and not supported by any real evidence. I believe it was something along the lines of "his posts seemed pro town" but when preseed to explain how the posts were really pro town it got a bit quiet. The closest to a real explanation came from dawn in that she said AJ is giving "town cred" and explaining that something was scummy. That is merely taking charge of the on thread dialogue or "town-leading" and is done by mafia that think they can lead the town sheep. Quite possible in this game full of new people and a few with rust to shake off.



As far as the entire  "bounce" thing. C'mon mon. You better than that. 



AJ, what do you think about my take on Tina? 



Firstly - I already addressed the bounce thing. It's not relevant.


I don't feel like I've been leading town at all, at least at first I wasn't. Activity has been pretty poor overall though, so yes, I have been sort of vocal but mostly I have been pushing for players to give their opinions and take stances. The first thing I've done that could be considering 'town-leading' imo was today when I told people to sheep me on Dawn.


I hadn't looked much at Tina bth, she had those 2 posts and then was subbed out with Ithi - which you see what happened there. I think your take is pretty good actually, but that doesn't say much about you imo. You defending Tina/Ithi's slot is pretty null for your meta, but in a way it does make me feel that they could definitely be town if you turn up as scum.


What do you think of Hallia? Would you consider wagoning there? What about Dawn/Thane?

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Still waiting for RTE to answer my questions, especially the new one about AJ and Dawn. TG has been absent. Hallia is being very reticent. I'm still wary of Nikon.


Ed's looking ok, despite being quiet. Would like some updated comments from him.

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ATM I would be fine lynching any of Thane, Dawn, or Hallia.


Turin is a scum lean, but I want to give him more time to dig into the game because if he's town he is actually pretty good - and we need some more of those right now.


BFG looks good. I think Nikon is town along with Tsuki. Tal is a town lean. Now that I've looked back at TG's post to pull them for Turin I'm gonna stick with my town lean there as well. I agree with BFG that Ed is probably just lazy town.

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First, my bad on the TG thing. I didn't see where he called it a way of saying he was town reading them. Can't we just say town read? all you kids and your slang. Some quick takes on the upper section:

first part is just banter with TG. not much to see here. I don't really see it as alignment indicative of either of them. 

Next tho is a bit of Thane defense. Now it might not be much but when two players each defend each other on D1 it garners my attention.

That the gif banter with Thane follows immediately is an additional red flag for me.



TG I sent you that photo of me in confidence :laugh:


Sorry...so I shouldn't post the other photos then?


What happens in J-TAG Gchat, stays in J-TAG Gchat :wink:



Basel: Thane is indeed less experienced than Dawn.

And I think if he were more experienced, then he would have known to make such an obvious tell like that pounce was.


Are you saying Thane is playing like newbscum? I'm not really following you here.


@ TGlems: As for the Bigdaddyclub: i was really convinced it wasn't anything good :tongue: might have to do with my recent game and AJ being master scum in that one (i will try to erase that memory and make a fresh start)


Big Daddy Club is a blessing :happy: You should be happy to be included, if you were. Also, master scum? Me???





First vote on Thane, no feeling either way (just a play vote)


RTE has four votes already? 


Vote Thane


Why are your bandwagoning already? 


Nikon - What about Tina's vote seems like a 'play' vote?



As I said, not a lot to go off of for day one and Tina was first person to vote Thane which I can't say I feel is a sign one way or the other... Just seemed a vote for the sake of voting hense a play vote.


Tina votes Thane for bandwagoning, which makes me think it was a legitimate vote.


And since things seem to be getting down to earth




Sorry if I offended/annoyed with all my quotes. Any suggestions on which types of theories to quote and post my opinions on would be appreciated... I know the basics from the game I played back in December but guess each game has a different play style that I'll probably only learn about by playing a few more rounds of the game over time... Sorry again.


You didn't offend anyone, so stop apologizing. You're free to do what you want with quotes or whatever, just be aware that when you make large MQs that generally don't say much it makes them look fake or less genuine. Scum are not genuine.




Looking at Basel/Tina atm.


Now for what to me are the interesting bits. Nikon answers your question about how he thought Tina's vote was a "play vote" (I didn't see it as such myself as it was really what got the game going) in a manner that I don't find very convincing yet you unvote him and coach him up some. (Town leader) Then you say you are looking at Basel and Tina. Now in your last post you say that you didn't look much at Tina and agreed to an extent at least of my town read on her.(she did have more posts prior to subbing out that I think keep her as a town read) 


There is another thing about this and I probably should have pulled the other quotes. When you voted Nikon originally he got quite defensive and (to me at least) you seemed to tell him to just chill out cause your vote wasn't going to stay on him. Then your unvote for less than a stellar response from him and your desire to look at Basel(now known to be town and a frequent D1 lynch as he can have an odd way of posting his thoughts) and Tina(now Ithi) that I had a solid town read on even before the player change. 


Also you didn't really answer my assertion about how Ithi's two statements can easily go together in being an effective mafia hunting tool.


As to your question I have some reservations about Hallia, Dawn and Thane. Of the three I would put them in order of more willing to lynch Thane then Hallia and then Dawn.  


I think that you are the prime candidate ATM however.

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What is your read on Nikon currently? Yes, I voted him early and moved my vote off although I can agree that his defense wasn't particularly stellar - but it read as genuine to me. I think his effort his is genuine as well, regardless of some of the 'mistakes' you could say about his play.


Yeah, I never actually looked back at Tina/Basel in depth. I got lazy - sue me.


Sure, I can agree that Ithi's vote was pretty effective at gaining reactions - I still maintain that it wasn't the best way of bringing them though. It certainly got a rise out of me and brought some others to my defense, which could indicate knowledge as already stated, but the way she did it makes the reactions less reliable because doing it in the manner she did would likely have gained the attention of town and mafia alike. Voting without explaining is generally scummy behavior, bottom line. Townies are supposed to attack scummy behavior, so just because Thane/Dawn came to my defense doesn't mean that they are automatically mafia for it. Nor does it mean that we are teammates, as Ithi was pushing for a bit there.

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I don't think Thane is going to flip scum, I'll say that plainly.


His wagon started in a bad way (with Basel) and slowly people have been jumping aboard for echoed reasons (Nikon, Tam, etc)


I still think Dice is town. I'm beginning to come around on Ithi.


Hallia is null and quickly tipping towards being a scum read, she would be a good D2 wagon imo if she remains quiet, thread-tension or not.


BFG's catch up post was a little strange and seemed to end rather abruptly, hopefully we'll get more from her. I liked her commentary on RTE though, I can agree there.


TG, ICE, and RTE are all AWOL.


Ed looks like lazy town - which is unhelpful to say the least.


Chae I'm not sure on. She seems to be seeing my point about how Thane/Dawn/AJ scum team is extremely unlikely based on the Ithi-spat. For one, I'm town so that completely blows that out of the water.


Dawn is borderline for me. She came out and was a lot more active at the start of this game, which I liked, but it was also a drastic change from how she played in her last two games that I've seen her (and she was town) so that gives me a little hesitation. I don't like how she has regressed to playing the newb card either, as if she doesn't understand that the game is Town vs Mafia and asking about a 'town' thread. What??


I'm gonna unvote; vote Basel as Thane is one of my stronger town reads atm (and not for his defense) and I don't find the case against him very solid, nor the way his wagon has steadily gained over the days. I dislike the thing Ithi pointed out a moment ago with how Basel's 'list' is nonexistent. Comes across to me like he is generally just sheeping the current suspects on the thread instead of doing his own investigating.



ATM I would be fine lynching any of Thane, Dawn, or Hallia.


Turin is a scum lean, but I want to give him more time to dig into the game because if he's town he is actually pretty good - and we need some more of those right now.


BFG looks good. I think Nikon is town along with Tsuki. Tal is a town lean. Now that I've looked back at TG's post to pull them for Turin I'm gonna stick with my town lean there as well. I agree with BFG that Ed is probably just lazy town.

Why the change on Thane? how did he go from a strong town read to a prime lynch candidate?


So i interpret your post as your reads being as follows:


Mafia: Thane, Dawn, Hallia


Mafia Lean: Turin


Town Lean: Talmanes, TG, Ed?


Town: BFG, Nikon, Tsuki


RTE and Ithi are not included so I assume they are null? 

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I pretty much won't allow myself to trust Ithi - which is wise of anyone. She had good points once she shifted her focus elsewhere, but experienced scum can make townies look bad fairly easily. I take your case into account as you know her much better than I do, and your posting has progressively gotten better. You're wrong on me though. I don't think a scum-Turin acknowledges a mistake, especially when the mistake was that glaring.


I haven't much liked Thane's posting today. He seems to be kind of going out on a limb and some of the targets he is pushing I think are town. His vote on Nikon was pretty opportunistic, as Nikon doing that sort of thing on thread if he were mafia makes zero sense - he basically just sheeped BFG's reason behind it. I also think Tsuki is likely to be town and he has voted there today as well.


RTE actually bugs me a lot actually. His vote on Dawn after I cased her with the comments about how her flip would vet me don't sit well. Makes it too easy for him to flip on me later if Dawn were to actually flip as town. His D1 vote was weird too, way out of sync with the thread and the reads list he put out that has been quoted a few times looks pretty fake. I could absolutely move there to lynch.

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What is your read on Nikon currently? Yes, I voted him early and moved my vote off although I can agree that his defense wasn't particularly stellar - but it read as genuine to me. I think his effort his is genuine as well, regardless of some of the 'mistakes' you could say about his play.


Yeah, I never actually looked back at Tina/Basel in depth. I got lazy - sue me.


Sure, I can agree that Ithi's vote was pretty effective at gaining reactions - I still maintain that it wasn't the best way of bringing them though. It certainly got a rise out of me and brought some others to my defense, which could indicate knowledge as already stated, but the way she did it makes the reactions less reliable because doing it in the manner she did would likely have gained the attention of town and mafia alike. Voting without explaining is generally scummy behavior, bottom line. Townies are supposed to attack scummy behavior, so just because Thane/Dawn came to my defense doesn't mean that they are automatically mafia for it. Nor does it mean that we are teammates, as Ithi was pushing for a bit there.

Nikon pings to me also. It started from the beginning with the manner that he questioned the RTE train. He has used the word "us" more than once which is a thing that draws my attention as it is frequently a ploy to overcompensate for being mafia by "talking like a townie". New players that are not generally good at fibbing get stuck there often. There  are some other things that trouble me about him as well. I honestly don't see how you have him as a town read. 


You never looked at Basel in depth and voted him on Day 1? That kinda sounds like as long as you got the vote off of Thane(who you now have as mafia) you were happy to see it go onto someone else. Not liking that. There isn't a VC on this page. Who are you presently voting?


Disagree that the results are tainted. In fact I believe just the opposite. You can't set a trap by saying "this is a trap". Disagree on the bold also. There are many times that voting without giving a reason is not scummy. In your back and forth with Ithi you mentioned how it is making her look. Town don't care how they look because they are town. Mafia care how they look because they want to avoid getting attention and getting lynched. So is it more likely for a town player to stick to their guns and  take heat for it when they think the result is that mafia will be found? It is to me. Mafia will back down at the thought that the leading voice in the game is going to come @ them. 


One other thing I noticed when reading that back and forth was that even when you voted her you NEVER said that she was mafia. You said she needed to be lynched. Internalized guilt? Perhaps you KNEW she is not really mafia. 

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I think Nikon is very townie. I can see what you're saying about the word usage, but his play and analysis this game feels genuine to me, even if it's not the best perse. I think that's mostly due to him being new though.



Lol do you think everyone who voted Basel at the EOD1 had gone back and ISO'd him before doing so? Doubtful. Your point is pretty moot there, I voted where I felt it was good at the time. My reads are allowed to change. I had Thane as a town read D1, his posting today has since changed that. My reads are allowed to be fluid, you of everyone here should understand that. My vote is currently on Dawn, since you asked. I think it's well placed there, RTE's nibble was already an interesting nugget to be gleaned from it.


Wouldn't have any trouble switching to any of the others I have listed as scum reads: Hallia, Thane and RTE are all good lynches today IMO.



You can disagree all you want, but what I am saying is true. Regardless of if the person doing so cares about how they are perceived, they have to accept that their action could draw negative attention from townies just as easily as scum. In general, voting without giving a reason doesn't look very good. This point is stressed further by the general inexperience of this player group. Of course she was questioned over it.



Okay - you're starting to reach Despot levels of stretching here.

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Official Vote Count


RTE (4/9): Chae, AJ, dawn, Thane

Chae (2/9): RTE, Hallia

Basel (1/9): TG

ed (1/9): Nikon

Thane (1/9): Tina


no deadline yet...



Official Vote Count


RTE (1/9): Chae

Chae (2/9): RTE, Hallia

Basel (1/9): TG, dawn

ed (1/9): Nikon

Thane (1/9): Tina, Basel

dawn (1/9): Thane

Nikon (1/9): AJ


no deadline yet...



Official Vote Count


Chae (2/9): RTE, Hallia

Basel (2/9): TG, dawn

ed (2/9): Nikon, Talmanes

Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel

Nikon (1/9): AJ

Talmanes (1/9): ed

Tina (1/9): chae


no deadline yet...



Official Vote Count


Chae (2/9): RTE, Hallia

Basel (2/9): TG, dawn

ed (1/9): Talmanes

Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel

Talmanes (1/9): ed

Tina (1/9): chae


no deadline yet...          



Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (2/9): TG, dawn

ed (1/9): Talmanes

Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel

Talmanes (1/9): ed

Tina (1/9): chae

AJ (1/9): RTE


Tina has asked to be replaced! If you know anybody who might want to replace her, please ask them.

no deadline yet...



Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, AJ

ed (1/9): Talmanes

Thane (2/9): Tina, Basel

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (1/9): RTE


Tina has asked to be replaced! If you know anybody who might want to replace her, please ask them. 

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST   http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140502T20&p0=814&msg=OUAT+Mafia+Day+1       



Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, Thane

Thane (2/9):  Basel, Talmanes

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (1/9): RTE

Tsuki (1/9): AJ


people not voting (7/16): Nikon, dice, chae, ice, BFG, Tsuki, and Ithi


Ithi is replacing Tina!!! :D

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST   http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1


@ dice, the link above is the countdown....



Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, Thane

Thane (3/9):  Basel, Talmanes, Nikon

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (2/9): RTE, Ithi

RTE (1/9): Chae

dawn (1/9): Tsuki

Ithi (1/9): AJ


people not voting (3/16): dice, ice, and BFG

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST   http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1



Official Vote Count


Chae (1/9): Hallia

Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, Thane

Thane (4/9): Basel, Talmanes, Nikon, Ithi

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (2/9): RTE, dice

RTE (1/9): Chae

dawn (1/9): Tsuki

Ithi (2/9): AJ, Thane


people not voting (2/16): ice, and BFG

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST http://www.timeandda...UAT'>http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1



Official Vote Count


Basel (7/9): TG, dawn, AJ, Chae, Thane, Ithi, Hallia

Thane (2/9): Basel, Talmanes

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (2/9): RTE, dice




people not voting (4/16): ice, BFG, Nikon, and Tsuki

Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1    



Official Vote Count


Basel (9/9): TG, dawn, AJ, Chae, Thane, Ithi, Hallia, Nikon, Tsuki

Thane (2/9): Basel, Talmanes

Talmanes (1/9): ed

AJ (2/9): RTE, dice




people not voting (2/16): ice and BFG

Lynch achieved!!! scene coming up...


these are all of Day 1's vote counts...

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Your posting has convinced me you are probably town Turin.


I am town. We need to work together here.


You agree on some of my reads, let's consolidate and vote there. I think we can likely POE pretty easily from this point moving forward once we get a scum flip on the books.







*I wouldn't lynch from this group today barring something crazy happening - I have them as pretty firmly town atm.









*There are lesser town reads. TG has been absent since D1, but his early posts gave me a townie feel. Tal is actually playing and offering analysis - I don't agree with all of his points but some of the things he pointed out D1 were legitimate. Ed isn't very helpful, but I don't get a scummy vibe from him. Most likely town anyway based on numbers alone. I'm pretty much going to sponge Turin's read on Ithi/Tina, I think he's town at this point and if anyone would be able to read Ithi, it's him.








*These ones have some explaining to do. I literally just finished a game where I watched Hallia lurk and take pot-shots like she has been this game, I was the cop viewed her N1: result was guilty (big surprise). I actually think my vote is best served there and that's the lynch we should push through today. I asked her specifically if she was the Vig earlier so that I could clear her, but since apparently she isn't, she can stay on my scum list.


unvote; vote Hallia


Thane is starting to look pretty scummy in my eyes. I gave him the benefit of the doubt D1 in most cases and I liked how he was being active, but I don't like the pushes or the people he has been going after today.


RTE I'm really not sure on. His reads are funky and so has the way he's voted. He's generally been absent (AFK tells) which is kind of a scum trait although I wouldn't lynch him for this alone. His reads post and then later his vote on me after I asked for his opinion on his early bandwagon was really weird considering he had listed all the players as looking good to him in an earlier post. Not really liking the commentary he made when joining me on Dawn's wagon today either.

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I pretty much won't allow myself to trust Ithi - which is wise of anyone. She had good points once she shifted her focus elsewhere, but experienced scum can make townies look bad fairly easily. I take your case into account as you know her much better than I do, and your posting has progressively gotten better. You're wrong on me though. I don't think a scum-Turin acknowledges a mistake, especially when the mistake was that glaring.


I haven't much liked Thane's posting today. He seems to be kind of going out on a limb and some of the targets he is pushing I think are town. His vote on Nikon was pretty opportunistic, as Nikon doing that sort of thing on thread if he were mafia makes zero sense - he basically just sheeped BFG's reason behind it. I also think Tsuki is likely to be town and he has voted there today as well.


RTE actually bugs me a lot actually. His vote on Dawn after I cased her with the comments about how her flip would vet me don't sit well. Makes it too easy for him to flip on me later if Dawn were to actually flip as town. His D1 vote was weird too, way out of sync with the thread and the reads list he put out that has been quoted a few times looks pretty fake. I could absolutely move there to lynch.

Bold: No? that is very odd to me. Are you trying to say that no one should trust Ithi or that you shouldn't trust anyone? 

Italics: True. Basel was made to look bad quite well. Who pushed that to start? 

Underlined: The case I made for that slot being town was primarily to do with Tina's early posting, not Ithi. I do not see anything in her posts to contradict my earlier town read on Tina so there is that.


Provide some examples of why Thane is mafia please. Are you saying that Thane sheeped BFG? You have BFG as solid town so could he just have agreed with her?


Nikon is new so he might well make a newbmaf mistake. 


Why do you think Tsuki is town? 


Can you quote the post where you linked your alignment to Dawn's? I must have missed it. Also how RTE was trying to use that against you(or how you thought he was saving it for later)

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I am saying that in general about Ithi. She's a strong player so naturally I am weary of her. People are free to make their own decisions about her though.


Dawn was the first one to actually vote Basel for a legitimate reason (defending her), I'll need to look back on the other people. I joined the wagon at 4 I believe and then the others were close behind. Tsuki hammered.


I'll pull the quotes I want from Thane after dinner when I can get back on my laptop. That read is sort of conditional based on who he has pushed today and me thinking they are probably town players.


Tsuki is a town read because of how he is playing. He's questioning a lot (although I don't think all of his questions have been the best in some cases) and applying pressure. He seems invested in the game and trying to solve it.


The RTE quote will come later as well. I think you'll understand once I show it though.

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I'm betting on an AJ/Thane team.  AJ pushed Basel pretty hard D1, and then dropped this little gem:


Dice is town.

Soul read.


I'm gonna look back at Thane but in general nothing of his really stood out, I don't invest a lot of value in vote swapping D1.

Funny, Dice was the N1 kill, so this would ordinarily make AJ seem townish.  He then tries to say nothing stood out, but promises to look back at him.


voting inactivity on D1 is low.. even mentioning it would seem like wanting to lynch a possible townie. One less for scum to have to NK. We should focus more on the people that are actully around and let the mod decide inactivity and it's consequences.


If the only reason people read me scummy is my changing of votes.... wow... it has gotten people to talk, and i wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the fact that i want people to be more active. You can't tell scum if the game is not active.


That said, i get the feeling Basel wants to get the lynchtrain going on me.... feel like i'm being singled out here. He already was on my possible scumlist, there's a deadline and we need to get going in the game. His actions just made me make a decision.


vote Basel

Thane is all to happy to join him on Basel.

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Starting from here: Basel actually only has 2 votes as Thane was really on Ithi at this point. I will leave it as this is what most thought was accurate until Chae noted the error.


TG's vote was his place holder form the beginning of the day. That it was still there with no dialogue is troubling

Dawn voted Basel for his defending her from Thane. Somewhat odd in that she didn't seem to understand why her defending AJ earlier was questionable.

Thane was really voting Ithi but w/e 

Official Vote Count

Chae (1/9): Hallia
Basel (3/9): TG, dawn, Thane
Thane (4/9): Basel, Talmanes, Nikon, Ithi
Talmanes (1/9): ed
AJ (2/9): RTE, dice
RTE (1/9): Chae
dawn (1/9): Tsuki
Ithi (2/9): AJ, Thane

people not voting (2/16): ice, and BFG
Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1

 AJ defends Thane and votes Basel for being wrong and for "sheeping". Notes on this post: The slow train growth on Thane is actually more indicative of a mafia train than a town train IMO. Especially on D1 as it is easier for mafia to just later say they were wrong, oops. TG is AWOL but still town for you later. Does it not trouble you at all that he left his placeholding vote on Basel ALL DAY? 

I don't think Thane is going to flip scum, I'll say that plainly.
His wagon started in a bad way (with Basel) and slowly people have been jumping aboard for echoed reasons (Nikon, Tam, etc)
I still think Dice is town. I'm beginning to come around on Ithi.
Hallia is null and quickly tipping towards being a scum read, she would be a good D2 wagon imo if she remains quiet, thread-tension or not.
BFG's catch up post was a little strange and seemed to end rather abruptly, hopefully we'll get more from her. I liked her commentary on RTE though, I can agree there.
TG, ICE, and RTE are all AWOL.
Ed looks like lazy town - which is unhelpful to say the least.
Chae I'm not sure on. She seems to be seeing my point about how Thane/Dawn/AJ scum team is extremely unlikely based on the Ithi-spat. For one, I'm town so that completely blows that out of the water.
Dawn is borderline for me. She came out and was a lot more active at the start of this game, which I liked, but it was also a drastic change from how she played in her last two games that I've seen her (and she was town) so that gives me a little hesitation. I don't like how she has regressed to playing the newb card either, as if she doesn't understand that the game is Town vs Mafia and asking about a 'town' thread. What??
I'm gonna unvote; vote Basel as Thane is one of my stronger town reads atm (and not for his defense) and I don't find the case against him very solid, nor the way his wagon has steadily gained over the days. I dislike the thing Ithi pointed out a moment ago with how Basel's 'list' is nonexistent. Comes across to me like he is generally just sheeping the current suspects on the thread instead of doing his own investigating.

 Nikon unvotes Thane. This makes the real vote 3 for Basel and 3 for Thane. It is likely that if Thane is mafia that there would be one teammate on his lynch if it looked like he was definitely going down. The timing here makes me suspicious of Nikon. The bold also adds to that uneasy feeling. You find Thane suspect but you unvote and do not put your vote on anyone that seems more suspect. I don't get it.

AJ - After a detailed re-read AJ has moved back into the grey zone for me. (He is offering a lot of information but his comment of ithi's "leaving" when her kid was sick, don't think a parent would lie about that, really rubbed me the wrong way.)
Basel - Basel if offering opinions though some of his posts seem like they could be misdirecting...slight scum read but needs more looking into.
BFG - Still no read either way on her, I buy her reason for having missed the first few days but haven't seen much in the form of her opinions on people (unless you count a single opinion here and another there).
Chael - I don't think Chael is acting like scum so far so leaning towards possible town
dawnflower8 - So far I see dawn bordering on the edge of town but still short of it... Neutral read but hopefully day two will give me more to go off of.dicetosser1 -
ed - Even after my rereads I don't see a whole lot of useful information from Ed, when I asked about it in my last list he just said "They're there if you look for them, I just don't do them like you" but no quotes or real answers beyond that.
Hallia - offered opinions but no real in depth explination beyond these people seem suspect, neutral and needing more reads to form a valid opinion
Ice - Still only one post from Ice so no idea yet.
RTE - I didn't see too many things pointing towards scum but there were a few... Neutral opinion for now but not giving up on a possibility of scum.
Talmanes - I'm undecided on this one but one comment in particular that urks me was when he said "Vote Thane, at this point he seems like the best option...is also closest majority" Though I too suspect Thane I don't know why the other peoples oppinions of him matter unless we are minutes away from a deadline and have to vote just to get information from it.
TGlems - Not a lot of things to go on so still neutral on this one.
Thane - While I still feel he is high on my possible scum list I did see a few things I missed on my first read and quick reread which make me want to wait until day two so I can build a better opinion just in case.
Tina/Ithi - Still getting a town feeling on this one
Tsukibana - Still trying to form an opinion her, there are a number of posts so
After Thane would be Ed but I don't feel I have enough to go on to actually vote him yet...
Will sit on it and think then try and pop back in before the deadline to see if my mind has changed.
Don't want to vote the wrong person out but also don't want to miss out on a report which would only put us at more of a disadvantage than we're already at.

 Thane unvotes Ithi and goes back to Basel. Self preservation so null. I have enough other suspicion of his being mafia to warrant voting him if the consensus is that AJ gets to live another day.

The best opportunity to lynch possible scum would be to lynch Basel. Not a lot of people are convinced that Ithi might be scum, so i will change and
vote Basel
so at least one of my top scumreads could be lynched. There's enough out there against him, not enough from him.

Ithi also switched from Thane to Basel in this time frame. I missed the quote. Will get if wanted. The vote was bad but is indicative of Ithi when she finds something that stood out as much as Basel saying Thane moved up his list when he was already voting him.  Basel did have a case on Thane to start with so that phrasing was a bit odd. hindsight there.  


 Here AJ updates the VC showing that Basel is clearly the vote leader


Official Vote Count

Chae (1/9): Hallia
Basel (6/9): TG, Dawn, AJ, Chae, Thane, Ithi
Thane (2/9): Basel, Talmanes
Talmanes (1/9): ed
AJ (2/9): RTE, dice

people not voting (2/16): ice, BFG, Nikon, Tsuki
Deadline!!! Friday May 2, 2014 20:00 EST http://www.timeandda...UAT Mafia Day 1

This should be current.


 and then immediately asks Nikon and Tsuki who they are planning on voting. I don't like that. It feels like trying to bully their votes.  

@ Nikon & Tsuki - who are you going to vote?

 Hallia votes Basel purely for consolidation even distancing from the lynch while voting. I don't like this. Even if you think there is no way anyone else could be lynched in the time remaining I would expect you to say who you would have preferred to lynch. perhaps there were more lurkers willing to change.

I see that we get a punishment for not having a majority.  With three hours to go I'll go with
Vote Basel
I don't see him as particularly scummy, but rather to know then a random kill with no info.

 Ithi asks if Cinderella is likely to be about. I read this as asking if Cinderella is a characteer in the show and how likely it would be for that character to be in the game.

Is Cinderella likely to be about?

 To which Nikon provides a link to the show wiki and makes a partial list of characters. He doesn't include Cinderella in his list. She is on the wiki although farther along then when he stopped his list. Feels like trying to discredit the claim without having to make a real statement about the question of the claim.


Time is allowing Character claims so she feels quite confident we won't solve the game with them.

Perhaps she did give fake claims.

Does anyone actually watch this show?

Is anyone there?

Once Upon a Time Characters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Once_Upon_a_Time_characters)
Emma Swan (Daughter of Snow White & Prince Charming)
Neal Cassidy (Baelfire, son of rumplestiltskin)
Henry Mills (Son of Emma Swan and Neal)
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White)
David Nolan (Prince Charming)
Regina Mills (Evil Queen)
Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin/The Beast)
Lacey (Belle)
Dr. Archie Hopper (Jiminy Cricket)
Ruby (Little Red/The Wolf)
August Booth (Pinocchio)
Sheriff Graham Humbert (The Huntsman)
Leroy (Grumpy)
Tom Clark (Sneezy)
Walter (Sleepy)
Widow Lucas (Granny)
Dr. Whale (Dr. Victor Frankenstein)
Marco (Geppetto)
Sidney Glass (Genie/Magic Mirror)

I think there are more but that is a decent list and I remember most of them from the part of season one that I saw.


 Then Nikon goes ahead and votes Basel, for consolidation apparently since his earlier read on Basel was only a slight scum lean. Good enough with deadline closing in. But again no mention of who he would most rather lynch. 


Nikon is active in the game and not voting too.


Sorry, was trying to answer your question on characters from someone having seen the show (Though I haven't seen the ending of season one now many episodes since)
And check out #395 and #417 before accusing me of being active yet not voting.
And since there's only 90 minutes left might as well throw mine in now: VOTE Basel


 Tsuki hammers with about 80 minutes on the clock.


Tsuki saying he's gonna vote Basel and then not is a bit suspect, perhaps he knew Basel was gonna pull Cinderella, a pumpkin and a couple of mice out of his hat.

What's he gonna say now I wonder.

I simply believe in not jumping to conclusions... Basel is L-1.
I don't watch the show, that doesn't help, but it could be a safe-claim. ABC and Disney have literally HUNDREDS of characters...
BFG - Quote something a little newer, why don't ya. Basel could've been town at that time, but it seems my main reads are being ignored (which is cool, I am definitely not GOAT)....
CInderella sold her baby to Rumplestiltskin... not sure if that matters.
Tsuki is gonna hold to what he said he would do. Basel has been less than forthcoming, claims so late as to make it suspicous, has never moved off my list. The only thing I can say good is that 
the Thane accusation was held to with great tenacity. But that actually hurts, since the vote was made waaayyy too soon. Claimed an hour ago, has not returned...
Sorry, Cinderella. The Ball's over.

The reasoning in this vote is atrocious. claims it could well be a fake claim. Also claims to not watch the show. Then puts out that Cinderella sold her baby to Rumplestiltskin. The wiki I read said that cinderella agreed to a deal that merely stated she would be required to give something in the future but not what. 


Basel could have been town at that time? how could his alignment have changed during D1? I don't get what you are saying.

He admits that holding to his mafia read on Thane is a good thing. I don't get the comment about the vote on Thane being way too soon. iirc Thane switched to Dawn when he got heat from Tina for voting RTE and then Basel voted him pretty much right after that.


Last line seems to say he thinks Basel's claim is true but he is going to lynch him anyway.



To me the people that look the worst out of this are Nikon, Tsuki and AJ. Followed by Hallia and TG. Add Thane and I think you will find most if not all the mafia in there. 


My reads Mafia to town:

AJ: He compared me to Despo. Isn't that enough? Seriously tho. the acceptance of defense town reads without real reasons, the Ithi back and forth, much much more.

Thane: Do I need to say it? AJ defense, then hopped onto Dawn in bad way. then more AJ defense leading to his Ithi vote. I think he couldn't figure a way to back out of that stance so was stuck there. 

Nikon: overuse of "talkiing townie". The timing of his Thane unvote even tho Thane was a viable candidate at the time and then his actions around EOD. 

Tsuki: lots of sniping posts that didn't really take a stance about what the actions cited meant. add in the hammer post and I need to see him explain himself better

Hallia: lots of fluff and lots of banter with Tsuki. Add in the "consolidation vote" 

TG: Absence, and leaving his vote on Basel all day. If he has a reason for being away then might reconsider this.


RTE: have some questions here but for now I have him as null due to those that have pushed him

Dawn: trying to decide if truly confused or faking confused. Still leaning the latter and it looks like AJ and Thane are both looking to push her over each other

Ed: crazy monkey. 

BFG: leaning town. a few questions I need to ask. May not get there tonight.

Talmanes: leaning town: haven't played with him but nothing pinging to date


Tina/Ithi/???: I laid out why I think Tina was town and Ithi is looking town to me as well

Turin: Me. I have read my PM.  I am Town.

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Cinderella, nicknamed Ella, was originally a maid who wished to attend the royal ball. She meets Rumplestiltskin after he kills her fairy godmother, and offers her a contract: her wish in exchange for something she will have in the future. She signs without reading the contract and attends a ball where she meets Prince Thomas. The two fall in love and marry. However, Rumplestiltskin later reminds Ella of the contract and informs her that he wants her first-born child. When she discovers she is pregnant, she attempts to run away. However, Thomas and Prince Charming devise a plan to capture Rumplestiltskin. The plan succeeds, but Thomas disappears. Rumplestiltskin vows that she will never see Thomas again until the contract is fulfilled.[45]


Wiki is source for info on Cinderella, not the show.

hammer vote - said I was gonna vote basel, voted basel when I knew I would be unable to return to PC for 3-4 hours.

What other info you need, Turin?

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Actually Hallia for the sake of accuracy that was Thane's initial vote on Basel. But there is info there of a different sort. I am  little more interested in the bolded portions. Similar wording always makes me nervous. That Thane picked up AJ's argument and ran with it suggests to me it was talked about in the QT. 

I'm betting on an AJ/Thane team.  AJ pushed Basel pretty hard D1, and then dropped this little gem:


Dice is town.

Soul read.


I'm gonna look back at Thane but in general nothing of his really stood out, I don't invest a lot of value in vote swapping D1.

Funny, Dice was the N1 kill, so this would ordinarily make AJ seem townish.  He then tries to say nothing stood out, but promises to look back at him.


voting inactivity on D1 is low.. even mentioning it would seem like wanting to lynch a possible townie. One less for scum to have to NK. We should focus more on the people that are actully around and let the mod decide inactivity and it's consequences.


If the only reason people read me scummy is my changing of votes.... wow... it has gotten people to talk, and i wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the fact that i want people to be more active. You can't tell scum if the game is not active.


That said, i get the feeling Basel wants to get the lynchtrain going on me.... feel like i'm being singled out here. He already was on my possible scumlist, there's a deadline and we need to get going in the game. His actions just made me make a decision.


vote Basel

Thane is all to happy to join him on Basel.

AJ, do you think Dice was the mafia kill? or do think he was killed by a vig/SK? do you think he was killed to try to set you up?


The italicized section of Thanes post is falling into whyme fryme territory. Tina was the first to vote Thane right? had Ithi already switched it to AJ at that point? I guess I need to check.


The underlined is OMGUS crossed with strange reasoning. There is a deadline AND we need to get the game going? The game was already afoot when Tina voted you. What actions made you make the decision to vote him? that he voted you?  

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