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Welcome back, Tsukibana


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thank you, thank you. I am glad to see Pank is still trying to cast doubt upon my ebilness.

*waits for Chaels to spring her trap*


























(She DOES have a trap, right?)
























































(I mean, right??)




















































(Still scrolling?)

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Light and Shadow frequently exchange spies.


...I read that as Light and Shadow frequently exchanging pies. I was mildly disappointed when it turned out to be spies.





You can trust the BT threads to always end with something to eat. 

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Light and Shadow frequently exchange spies.

...I read that as Light and Shadow frequently exchanging pies. I was mildly disappointed when it turned out to be spies.



You can trust the BT threads to always end with something to eat.

which more often than not is a dessert

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