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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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Golden. it would basically have to be a redirecting role. there are in general 3 unless I have missed any. All have variations as well. .


Mirror: all actions taken against this role are sent back to the person taking the action. (i.e. role cop will get result of role cop, a kill would reflect back and kill the shooter)

Busdriver: takes two people and redirects all action taken against one onto the other. in both directions (i.e. Player A is cop viewed by player X, Player B is shot by player Y. result is Player A dies, and Player B gets the result of Player B's alignment)

Redirector: chooses a player and redirects any actions that player takes onto another player.( i.e. Player A selects to redirect player X actions to Player B. Player X submits kill on player Z. result player B dies)

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Golden. it would basically have to be a redirecting role. there are in general 3 unless I have missed any. All have variations as well. .


Mirror: all actions taken against this role are sent back to the person taking the action. (i.e. role cop will get result of role cop, a kill would reflect back and kill the shooter)

Busdriver: takes two people and redirects all action taken against one onto the other. in both directions (i.e. Player A is cop viewed by player X, Player B is shot by player Y. result is Player A dies, and Player B gets the result of Player B's alignment)

Redirector: chooses a player and redirects any actions that player takes onto another player.( i.e. Player A selects to redirect player X actions to Player B. Player X submits kill on player Z. result player B dies)

player X

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Tommy Darthe was talking to you about my meta. Well when you quoted all my stuff you proved what he was saying. I dont go aggressive as mafia. I know this. im trying to fix it but i haven't been mafia for a while now.



Are you a man of your word tommy? cause if so i will make you a deal. 


and trust me you dont wanna shoot me.



In case tommy doesnt agree  Vote Turin


This post is probably the main thing that I think Tommy has against Rag.  I would readily go for this if not for the fact that I found Rag.  


Re-reading thread


AJ never once looked scummy so the people who went after him with nonsense reasoning should be lynched


Will investigate the interactions when I'm at a PC tonight


Still feeling Dice is lock scum for this reason (and others)


Unvote Darthe


Vote Dice


Dice is the safest lynch for today.


No.  Safest lynch does not equal best lynch and given that we haven't seen you take a shot yet I don't trust your play here for crap.  Kill dice and save us the day it takes to lynch him or lynch rag and solve the inherent WIFOM between him and I, otherwise you're actions are directly impeding the town.


Let's take a quick conversation segue to discuss the Lay kill on N1.


I saw Lay as an excellent mislynch opportunity for scum. So why kill him? Who was he going after? Did he hint at a PR?


I found D1 Ley scummy iirc.  I figure his kill was random or that a mafia member thought he was another mafia team member.


Did rags actually claims mirror?

Cos I don't think he did


The suicide gambit was just in there to further how unlikely I thought darthes role was.


Nuuupe.  The suicide gambit is actually perfect logic.  Nobody can justifiably reason why I would make this move if my interest wasn't in seeing Rag dead and in a game this small your arguments that I might consider his role worth my life etc don't really hold water.  Especially not in consideration of the fact that as a town PR rag would have claimed and if a second scum team exists then I wouldn't have enough teammates to make this heavy a sacrifice so early.  Basically I am telling the truth.  No other sensible option unless I produced the weakest and most convoluted lie ever without much hope of benefit from it.


Btw, what is with the focus on a single role that Rag could be?  Everyone keeps mentioning mirror exclusively but even if he was it would likely be night only and I can name four roles off the top of my head (redirector, bus driver, nexus, absorber) that are equally likely and yet don't produce the result everyone is fussing about.  That argument is moot.


I played a game where (Darthe?) someone died and subbed back in 5 times in a row before they got mafia

Meh it's like the whole spot 11 is mafia

Don't care how many games it's true for, it's not something I give weight to


Yuuupp that too was me.  Five times and when I finally replaced in as scum I was the only person that could be scum and lost the game.  Making me eternally grumpy.


Ok, it's been a long day.  I'm not a mirror or anything else.  Straight up nilla town.


And here's my question for Darthe...what was this supposed result?  You have nothing.  You've given nothing.  All you've done is claim to have some mythical result. 


And the fact that the people who also voted for me have seemingly NO interest in getting anymore info before deciding is either sad or scummy.


This has been said about a billion times.  I got my own role back, town role cop, and you continue to ignore that and fail to claim (which will now be complete shit even if you do because you've had over a day) and we don't need more info because we have a day vig that won't vig his top suspect and we have a two way shoot off between you and I that is going to produce mafia barring very few exceptions.


Well if they're together then let's play it like a regular game


...which means we lynch scummy players and see how people react to it 


I like this.  Now we have two options that make logical sense to remove WIFOM and you have a day shot that you aren't using on the person who you keep casing, leading credence to my thought that you're probably faking vig.  A town thing to do but still not helpful atm.

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Well, we can try to find out who is lying between Darthe and Rags. It is possible that they are both telling the truth and that someone else has done something to mess with the results. I was siding with Darthe in the debate as it makes less sense for him to make that as a fake claim. Rags was initially obfuscating to me with the entire UI "joke claim" as I called it. That Darthe didn't come out and formally claim and say exactly what happened.   :ph34r:


nvm that part. I forgot about nexus, and absorber but they don't quite work right. 


I am just very confident that Hallia is mafia. tommy put up her posts. they were all nothing. and her "niller town" claim reeks. hiding behind fluff and nonsense.



I am thinking Darthe is right that tommy doesn't really have a shot. at least not a day shot. but it did get some discussion going so not all bad. now that there are people around it might be good to resolve these things to prevent it going too close to deadline. 

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heres my read on Tommy...he cant read between the lines! and it seems that even people who know my meta didnt twig.

so fine i will say it outright and turin will probably be happy


Tommy KILL Turin so we can lynch someone else and possibly get 2 mafia today. 




Cause the Cop says so!

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Going back through and stopping at page 11 or so, the scummiest people to me were Turin and Dap.  Not much happening by then, but with the knowledge of AJ flipping town, these two stuck out with Dap being more suspicious for just hopping on the train.





What do you guys think about what I said regarding NKs in this game? Discuss.




Too much setup talk out of AJ. 





I'm game to go for an AJ chase

unvote vote AJ

Choo Choo!









i notice i was left off this list.


Blue  So why didnt you say this the first time?  unvote just in case vote AJ


Bold: You were on my original list of players. Here. The post you quoted was me responding to some of Dap's comments.

Blue: It was said the first time. Click the link. I literally say 'Hallia - Too jokey for my liking'. This should suggest that I am unhappy with her play thus far. Is the phrase just confusing or something? I think perhaps, since you and Dap have both pointed this out, that it's not a common one where you guys are from?

So, now that I've proven that it was stated the first time, I'd like you to explain your vote. Why would you feel that it was warranted even if I hadn't stated it originally?


i know i was on the first list, thats why i said THIS list.

"too jokey for my liking just says you dont like how she is joking around all the time. it gives NO indication of which way you are leaning re is she town or mafia. your second answer does. My vote is that the way you dealt with that and the way you rather ambigously gave that first answer makes me think you are mafia. And that Hally is a teammate that you felt you had to write something about but didnt have enough gameplay to come up with anything else



Why did you pick me specifically?  And with AJ having flipped town has  your opinion changed?  


(Except I'll never not be jokey. Evarrrr!)

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I see, gotcha sir!  Continuing ze rereadz.  Still not finished, but while I'm here:


A couple of things have stood out since you cop claimed:



wonderful. a train that didnt seem to really be going to result in a lynch outs the doc. Well done.

Mock outrage.



Okay maybe I lied
Read the first 8 pages
Vote Turin
Get @ me Turin
Could also lynch Dice
Don't ask for reasoning yet



im here for another 2 hrs but i probably wont be for deadline. its 3 40am my time. Im quite happy where my vote is

Scum detected
Dap/dice wagons today; load 'em up
Not sure if Darthe is scum or just Darthe
I would guess he's an indie god or something lol



Both started saying you were scum, with Tommy not even putting a reason.

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Dice. Your claim wasnt something to read between the lines about. All you hinted at was a PR, plus with darthe hinting at role cop, a cop was not at the top of every ones minds


also told you about darthes role . Could be town ir mafia in games and wont clash with a real cop (if hes lying)


Notice how hally finally gives a read to link turin and i, post cop claim


darthe. You list 4 roles it could be. Absorbee wouldnt work. Vus and redirect ive explained stretch credibility, and rhat leaves mirror.

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I think I got all the claims together, unless I missed some VT claims.


1. Turin

2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi)

3. Andrej - Manmohan Singh - Vanilla Town - Lynched Day 1

4. Darthe - Role Cop

5. TheRagnarok

6. WBK Ley 2.0

7. GF - Doc Claim

8. Hallia - Vanilla

9. Dap

10. Chuckles Tommy   - Shooty person

12. Ley - David Cameron - Vanilla Town - Killed Night 1

13. Golden

15 Dice - Cop

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considering that before i even weighed in yesterday there was a convo between darthe and tommy re my meta   and any of you who know me should know im NEVER this adamant as mafia i expected more chatter. I thought i did enough to get him  and other to go...why could he be pushing this so  and come up with the right answers. Also i was hoping to not claim but with the day starting with me seeming to be the main lynch candidate i think it was a vain hope from the get go

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Okay so with a claimed cop view I have to be the lynch today. I don't think Tommy can really shoot. At least not anymore.


So now here is my take on the setup:


As the MOD proclaimed in the rules, THIS IS A RECRUITMENT GAME. Based on the numbers (13 players) the three gods started out by themselves. The town is packed up with PRs. so the mafia teams must have some strong Kung Fu also. I will say that each one will potentially be able to recruit each night. I also have a feeling that the town PRs ARE RECRUITABLE. I actually think AJ was onto something when he mentioned how people might only be recruitable based on there region/country of origin. I think that there is one person that is recruitable only by their local deity as they are already believers. Anyone else is fair game for any god. Something else to consider, with up to 3 possible recruits last night there could already be 6 mafia/cult/whatever. if you are still town you will be in the minority soon. 



My belief is that you will find the gods amongst the unclaimed/vanilla claims... 


And since Dice appears to be the cop, I will unvote

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I think I got all the claims together, unless I missed some VT claims.
1. Turin- ????? to be revealed later
2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi)
3. Andrej - Manmohan Singh - Vanilla Town - Lynched Day 1
4. Darthe - Role Cop
5. TheRagnarok - claimed vanilla - 
6. WBK Ley 2.0
7. GF - Doc Claim
8. Hallia - Vanilla
9. Dap
10. Chuckles Tommy   - Shooty person
12. Ley - David Cameron - Vanilla Town - Killed Night 1
13. Golden
15 Dice - Cop


current guesses for Gods:(obviously not ALL of them, but top to bottom most likely)







most likely recruits:






most likely recruits for tonight:




it is going to be one heck of a game... 

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One of these two things is true...






I only have 10 minutes before I need to go back to sleep... Any questions????





Oh, BTW Gods have the ability to either Kill or recruit each night so do the math. And no I will not release the name of my god/minion...









Finally, anyone wanting to treat this game as a"normal" mafia game is trying to sell you something  



Oops. 5 minutes.

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