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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Morning all

In other news, I'm not sure when the deadline is, but there's a few too many "outlier" votes for my liking. Theo and Darthe are our two competing trains today, and I personally like them both (as in both players seem scummy to me). Very unlikely that anyone besides those two gets lynched today, so anyone voting someone besides those two better either come up with the most OMGWTFPWNBBQ case on them to convince others, or else figure out which of the two seems like a better choice for today.


Thanks in advance :biggrin:

I have to say, I hate this line of thinking.  People should vote who they think scummiest, not one of two options that are chosen for them.  All that does is let scum slide onto a train with little effort.


And let the cop get killed in a random? Sure. Good idea. Always appreciated.


I'm gonna vote with my brother here.


Ley's bandwagon vote on Theo was awful, no reason other than 'Woah'


I'm also reading Theo as Town right now, I think she has defended herself reasonably well.


vote Ley


Just because I don't list the (pretty obvious) reasons, doesn't mean they don't exist. I just found her defense to be the worst I've ever seen. Almost too bad to be scum, I have to say...

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Claim aside GE.


Show examples of why you think Theo is scum.


I'd say, read her "defense" in the last five pages, and don't get distracted by it this time. She doesn't defend against the accusations. At all. The only defense she's done, is saying "I am town" or something along those lines (the post I quoted with my vote) and her claim up there, which, if I have to believe GE, is not that trust-worthy.

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I did read it, it's also when I found your vote. To me Theo's defending herself as I am used to seeing her do so in the last two games I've seen her in. She was Town in both, at least initially when it came to mine :baalzamon:


Also, I dislike your backtracking from two posts above. The worst defense you've ever seen 'almost too bad to be scum' but you're voting on her anyway? Sounds like distancing here.

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Meh. If I'm wrong about you then I am wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. Right now your wagon just looks too easy to jump on. Why aren't you at least trying to fight it? 


Sorta disappointing. Besides, why can't I be the white knight to your dark one? :sad:

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I did read it, it's also when I found your vote. To me Theo's defending herself as I am used to seeing her do so in the last two games I've seen her in. She was Town in both, at least initially when it came to mine :baalzamon:


Also, I dislike your backtracking from two posts above. The worst defense you've ever seen 'almost too bad to be scum' but you're voting on her anyway? Sounds like distancing here.


Well, I haven't seen her in past games, so if she plays bad this game, I vote her for that.


And what do you mean with distancing here? Damn, I really need to learn more of the distancing, buddying, defending etc terminology, because I STILL don't get when actions can still get called distancing and when not anymore. Sure is that it's FAR wider than it's apparent meaning.

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Meh. If I'm wrong about you then I am wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. Right now your wagon just looks too easy to jump on. Why aren't you at least trying to fight it?


Sorta disappointing. Besides, why can't I be the white knight to your dark one? :sad:

Oh I am just being patient. I figure that soon enough this game is going to pick up and I will eventually get some real pressure or people will figure things out and move on. No worries for now. I am the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs.

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Claim aside GE.


Show examples of why you think Theo is scum.


Aj, wash my car. What? Oh I thought we were just ordering each other around. Don't be lazy, my vote's already on her and I explained my reason there. These little pop-up-in-the-thread and order everyone around spurts you have aren't really scum hunting, they come off as fluff to pad your post count man.


Lol to AJ as a white knight. I just keep seeing the monty python movie with Darthe as the French guy and Aj as the knight at the gate. "Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time"

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Also I said ALMOST too bad to be scum. I wouldn't want a scum to slip by by not defending him/herself.


Wasn't the reason for your vote how badly she defended herself though?



Claim aside GE.


Show examples of why you think Theo is scum.


Aj, wash my car. What? Oh I thought we were just ordering each other around. Don't be lazy, my vote's already on her and I explained my reason there. These little pop-up-in-the-thread and order everyone around spurts you have aren't really scum hunting, they come off as fluff to pad your post count man.


Lol to AJ as a white knight. I just keep seeing the monty python movie with Darthe as the French guy and Aj as the knight at the gate. "Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time"



It is easier perhaps for you just to call me lazy instead of reiterating your earlier points?

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Also I said ALMOST too bad to be scum. I wouldn't want a scum to slip by by not defending him/herself.


Wasn't the reason for your vote how badly she defended herself though?



Claim aside GE.


Show examples of why you think Theo is scum.


Aj, wash my car. What? Oh I thought we were just ordering each other around. Don't be lazy, my vote's already on her and I explained my reason there. These little pop-up-in-the-thread and order everyone around spurts you have aren't really scum hunting, they come off as fluff to pad your post count man.


Lol to AJ as a white knight. I just keep seeing the monty python movie with Darthe as the French guy and Aj as the knight at the gate. "Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time"



It is easier perhaps for you just to call me lazy instead of reiterating your earlier points?



Still being lazy I see. It gives me joy to annoy you, so no, go use the page back button. If anyone else wants my reasons just ask and I'll give them in list format. :tongue:

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I'm just going to refer to you as Troll for now on.


There's a reason I asked for you to reiterate. Mafia have to often formulate fake reasons to vote someone and so I wanted to see if you would remain consistent. Instead you reply confrontationally. Pretty lame overall and really just immature. Also not conducive to positive Town behavior. If you firmly believed that Theo is scum you should have no hard time recalling your reasons. Frankly I don't think she is scum, so I gave you the opportunity to convince me otherwise. Well done.


I'd be cool lynching GE too, FTR.

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AJ I like you in RL, so take this in the spirit it's meant.


There are a few people that pop up and act as "regulators" of games they're not modding way too often and it annoys me. I'm consistent in this and I don't run around jumping through hoops for anyone. Now, if have a legitimate new question, you're confused about something I said or want clarification on a point, fair enough I'd be happy to give it. But "say what you just said before all over again" is ridiculous. It's a plea for townie creed and it's weak. You're a grown man whining because people don't follow your commands? Really?

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Nobody is whining GE. If you choose not to restate your reasons that's on your head, not mine. I explained my reason for asking you to reiterate, I've got nothing more to say on the matter.


JS with the consolidation vote while also trying to FOS me. Lame, talk about ping.

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Been in Doctor's offices all day. 


Darthe - when you said "cop", are you claiming that role? With no character claim? I would need more than that to change my vote (like a defense of some sort).  That seems like a fairly easy way to move suspicion away from you at the last minute. 


Thea - I do have to say that your character claim is also a little suspicious to me - she was totally an evil character, even though she wanted her kids dead. Just in terms of the "character herself" I would never have thought of her in the VT group. 

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