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"How Feminism Hurts Men"


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Hi, Reiki, nice to see you.


I have no doubt that women will refuse your offers of help on the side of the road.  It is what law enforcement urges women to do.  Unfortunately, women are unable to determine if the man is a kind and helpful person like you or someone who will victimize them. 


I have to say that I don't view a decline of an offer of help as discrimination.


I wouldn't let anyone watch my sons until I knew and trusted them no matter what the gender.  My son's first teenage baby sitter was a 16 year old boy recommended to us by friends who had an infant daughter.  He was perfect and had 6 younger brothers and sisters.


I have a 16 year old son now who often babysits 3 children of a friend of mine.  The two boys have autism and the little girl is typical.  


I also disagree on your comment "especially if they are pretty."   Elderly women as old as 90 are raped.  I personally know of a case of a profoundly developmentally disabled woman who is unable to do anything for herself, whose I.Q. would be in the single digits if able to be measured, who is incontinent and wears diapers 24/7. She turned up pregnant.  She is unable to give consent.  




Myth #8: Only young, pretty women are assaulted.

Fact: The belief that only young, pretty women are sexually assaulted stems from the myth that sexual assault is based on sex and physical attraction. Sexual assault is a crime of power and control, and offenders often choose people whom they perceive as most vulnerable to attack or over whom they believe they can assert power. 




Myth: Rape and sexual assault are about sexual attraction and gratification. 

Fact: Rape and sexual assault are all about control and domination.


Myth: Only attractive women are raped.
Fact: Anyone can be raped. Children, the elderly and people with physical and mental disabilities are easy targets of rape because of their vulnerability. Men, gay and straight alike, can and do get raped. Rape is not about passion or uncontrollable lust. It’s about control over another person and it’s an opportunistic act of violence. Heterosexual men are responsible for the majority of all rapes.




“It can’t happen to me.” Rape is an isolated infrequent event that only happens to certain kinds of people: attractive, young women who are promiscuous or provocative.

Anyone can be sexually assaulted. Studies show that survivors include infants to people in their 80’s, people with disabilities, and persons from every racial, ethnic, religious, economic and social background.




MYTH: Only attractive young women are at risk.
REALITY: People of all ages are raped and sexually assaulted. Vera House has worked with victims as young as 2 and as old as 94.




MYTH: Only young, beautiful women get sexually assaulted.

FACT: Rapists choose their victims for their vulnerability and accessibility without any regard to age or physical appearance. Victims are young and old, single and married, rich and poor, male and female. Victims of reported sexual assaults have ranged from infants to 93 years old.

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I wish to clarify something.  IN NO WAY was I saying that only pretty women are raped, as rapists are generally creature of opportunity... anything woman is ok for them, as they want you to fight back/terror/scared look in your eyes.



I was stating that the undesired attention in bars/on the street (cat calls, ect) were probably more problematic for the "pretty ones" (which is subjective for who is DOING the harassing.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

WARNING. The content of this link is NOT PG-13. It's naked boobs, swearing, and sexual content.


It is a french movie made where the roles of society are switched. It made even me shocked. It made me realize how many things I don't even think about, that I've taken for granted, that becomes completly absurd when the roles are switched.


Again: NOT Pg-13 (and NSFW)




i feell it was compltely absurd in thatt men are naturaly more prone to agresion and not very nurturing (thatts in generall, of cuorse not all) so some of the thinngs in the video just cuoldnt see everr hapening even if triedd train them up that way. the opresion of womenn in lot of societies stems in partt from creatin a culture that exploits and twists naturall tendncies of men to argueblly its worst, such as chaneling the aggresssion and large libido into a need to dominate and objectify others; most women aer neithre aggresive nor have so great a sexual drivve so withuot those factors, i feel like they wuoldnt be able to take ovre such a culture that requiress those masculine characteristics. i know thhey were goin for that lookk how ridiculus things women have to put up with but it turnd out kind of distractin becuse of those things.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

We HAVE come a long way, we also haven't come far enough. But women aren't told to 'stay silent in church,' everybody is. Unless you are a reader or the priest. And WOMEN ARE OFTEN READERS. There are places that we haven't come far enough, there are places where we are just fine. But there are also places where radical feminism becomes evil. Abortion. Nuff said. The supposed 'right to murder your child.' 


While certain things that women have to go through are horrible, radical feminism does have a cost. It shouldn't. 


Women are prohibited from becoming priests in certain denominations.


I wouldn't call abortion "evil, radical" or "murder."


Women are prohibited from becoming priests in certain denominations.


I wouldn't call abortion "evil, radical" or "murder."


1. So? Women are also prohibited from entering men's bathrooms. Men also cannot become nuns.


2. abortion is the termination of an innocent human being, so yes, it is murder. And murder is evil. 


Jak, (cool name by the way) please remember to be civil.  You have not crossed the line per se, but you ARE mighty close.  Remember, as always, in the WT/W we are respectful of differing opinions, even if it is a belief you might find contrary to your beliefs. Confrontation is not allowed, respectfully voicing your opinions is, so please continue to discuss if you wish.


Now, on to my thoughts, I also do not think that women being 'prohibited from becoming priests' is an example of gender discrimination, though I DO know MANY people do (including in my church, at least around the world), I just can't see it myself.


I agree that abortion itself is NOT evil, its proliferated use IS indication of slipping morals.  There ARE instances, in my mind, where abortion is more than ok.  Instances of Rape and incest are times where the person has a tough decision to make, between them, and their maker, no one else.  For those that the baby is determined unable to survive anyways, and the life of the mother is also at stake, again, between the mother (the father if he is involved), their doctor, and their god.  I cannot make those choices for people in those situations.  They would be VERY tough.  HOWEVER, the number of 'unwanted pregnancies' that there are is indicated by increased promiscuity (for good or ill) in the world today.  And I find men to be AT LEAST 75% at fault.  If they would keep their britches zipped up, the need for abortions would be decreased dramatically.  Do i see it happening? No, not really, I dont see that whole mess being reversed universally, though i do find it a very sad situation.


Lol, like i said, you hadnt crossed it, i just am not familiar with you enough to know whether you would or not, so i wanted to remind ya.  :P Glad to see you posting here too, haha.


Thanks, Reki.


Jak we just disagree.


A nun is not on the same footing as a priest. A woman cannot be a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope, all of which first require the priesthood. A man can become A Brother/Monk as well.


I don't view a fetus the same as a human being due to my own religious beliefs. That is why I think it should be left up to the woman and whomever she decides to consult, whether it is her physician or clergy person or no one al all.


Sorry, sorry. My bad. I'm not mad at Ryrin, she was really nice in welcoming me to dragonmount when I first got here. I have nothing but good feelings for the green sitter.


We're good, Jak. :)


Now that you are here, have you thought about joining the Tower to become a Warder or Aes Sedai?


No need to get nervous, Jak, when Greens talk about Warders. ;)


Well, I'm kinda a guy so tend to gravitate more towards the warders. I have a few questions about the WT and warders. But in the interest of not spamming this thread I'm not sure if I should ask them here. Would it be okay if i sent you a message?


On the subject of abortion, I thought this book was really interesting: The Unaborted Socrates by Peter Kreeft. It is, admittedly, a philosophy book so it is not everyone's cup of tea but it is very thought provoking.


Take this with a grain of salt. I have not watched the video or read the rest of the thread.



I personally believe religious organizations should have the right to choose who will lead them and who will not. It is their belief and this is one of the reasons it is so hard to find a good church. A person looks for a church which most follows with their own personal beliefs. If those beliefs conflict, then those people move on and find a different church to try.


The church (and other religious groups) are a group of people with like beliefs, gathering in a single location to celebrate those beliefs. If we walk in on them and demand they change their beliefs, we would be preforming the same action, we requested them to stop. We would be infringing on their personal beliefs.


As far as abortion goes, I have some very unusual beliefs, which normally have people disagreeing with me, but lets just say I believe in complete equality. I believe the man should have more of a say in what happens to a product of his body, which he will have to take of for at least 18 years.


To me, honestly, abortion creates one of the most lop-sided issues in the "gender war" - With absolutely no say, from the father, the woman can have an abortion, regardless of how much the father wants the child.

He can be willing to pay her medical expenses, adopt the child after it is born, and the mother can never see the unwanted child again. Nope, she has the abortion. However, there is NO way for a man to completely

ditch his child once it's born. He CAN, of course, but then he is a dead-beat, scum, and hounded by the courts. That is the biggest issue with abortion, in my opinion.

As for abortion being murder... I truly do not believe a fetus is a "person" until it is self-aware... I know some 28 year olds who could be aborted, by this standard :P

All of the anti-abortion standards (heart beat, feels pain, etc.) also apply to my goldfish, the cow I ate for dinner, and my cat. The law doesn't consider killing any of those "murder"...


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