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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Despothera is a GIRL'S NAME!


Preemptive karma at its finest.


That's one fancy sounding role. Now I need to read the big ol' scene.


Hehe sowwy. Got a little carried away with the scene writing perhaps :blush:


Also... can we just vote Despo and get destroy the big bad and get this over with?


You not enjoying my game?



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Official Vote Count:


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Maw: Hallia (1)


Not voting: Turin, Peace, Tinker, Mish, Wombat, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), Basel, Maw, Darthe, Yates, Dice, Cloud, Ed, RTE, BG (16)


Day 2 deadline here

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Vote: Turin


Really? Even after this?

There was one that he had made eye contact with earlier, and as he had a chill had gone down his spine. During all the bickering and arguing that went on during the day, he had felt something... off about this one. He had kept a close eye on where he crept off to after night had fallen, and was at that moment entering the chambers where he felt he might find his target waiting. As he strode surprisingly stealthily into the room, considering the heavy plate armor he as wearing, he instantly noticed he was not alone in the room. The figure at the center of the room turned around and grinned malevolently.


"I had a feeling you would come and find me. Oh Holy Avenger, thou hast made the poorest of choices this night. Harken now, for the hour of your final breath is upon you. You wear that armor as if it will offer you any protection against me. You wear your faith as if it will stop me from devouring your soul. You-"

If you were Ithi and you were a vig, who would YOU have visited last night? That's right. Maw. When Ithi went to see Maw, she ended up in the chambers of whom, again? Oh. Despo. So logically witches are made of wood. Also, Maw is Despo.


Vote Maw


FoS: Wombat


This game just switched to easy mode.

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Official Vote Count:


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Maw: Hallia, Yates, Darthe (3)

Turin: Wombat (1)


Not voting: Turin, Peace, Tinker, Mish, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), Basel, Maw, Dice, Cloud, Ed, RTE, BG (13)


Day 2 deadline here

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Refer to Rule 15.

15. Just as a forewarning: Some of my scenes might contain partial clues or hints as to game events, some might be mostly or all flavor. It could be a good idea to read them, but then again it might be a bad idea to try and overanalyze them too much. Basically, game the mod at your own discretion.

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Vote: Turin


Really? Even after this?

There was one that he had made eye contact with earlier, and as he had a chill had gone down his spine. During all the bickering and arguing that went on during the day, he had felt something... off about this one. He had kept a close eye on where he crept off to after night had fallen, and was at that moment entering the chambers where he felt he might find his target waiting. As he strode surprisingly stealthily into the room, considering the heavy plate armor he as wearing, he instantly noticed he was not alone in the room. The figure at the center of the room turned around and grinned malevolently.


"I had a feeling you would come and find me. Oh Holy Avenger, thou hast made the poorest of choices this night. Harken now, for the hour of your final breath is upon you. You wear that armor as if it will offer you any protection against me. You wear your faith as if it will stop me from devouring your soul. You-"

If you were Ithi and you were a vig, who would YOU have visited last night? That's right. Maw. When Ithi went to see Maw, she ended up in the chambers of whom, again? Oh. Despo. So logically witches are made of wood. Also, Maw is Despo.


Vote Maw


FoS: Wombat


This game just switched to easy mode.



Makes perfect sense with Ithi being a Vig. Town Ithi Vig is the most effective role Ithi can have and often tears apart mafia teams. I've seen it so many times.


And in honor of the *headdesking*


Vote Maw

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What wombat said. I believe you just made poster child for overanalysis.

Well, the first thing it says is that there might be clues. Even if we ignore flavor entirely, Ithi would have been shooting you. Of that, she left little doubt.


Were you shot last night? And if so, why are you still alive?

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Imo the scenes give nothing away about Maw's allignment because Ithi ended up following Despo to the room where they later had their battle. This however takes nothing away about Maw's scummy play.

What? Read it again. Ithi walked into the room of her suspect. In the CENTER of that room that she had just walked into was Despo.
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