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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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5 points to BG & Turin for head desking on command


Maw ... tomorrow I am going to make it my only goal to get you Lynched. The fact that you are not responding to this only confirms my suspicions. Perhaps you aren't worried about what I might do tomorrow though ...

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5 points to BG & Turin for head desking on command


Maw ... tomorrow I am going to make it my only goal to get you Lynched. The fact that you are not responding to this only confirms my suspicions. Perhaps you aren't worried about what I might do tomorrow though ...


Setting up lynches in advance?

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That's twice now that you have defended Maw with regards to him bringing up the 3rd party thing. He has attempted to explain himself twice and has never said it was anything to do with a trap or that he made a mistake.


Why are you defending him?


If you were Town and you thought someone was suspicious wouldn't you just think that they were Mafia? Especially on Day 1.



Basel and Pralaya are both signalling that they are not happy with a maw Lynch.

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Well, both ways should apply - if I think someone is mafia, I will tell so. Similarly, if I dont think someone is not mafia, I will tell that too. It is just giving out our thoughts.

For example, before Ley lynch, I said the same - that I didn't think he was scum. Especially in cases, where I feel that the reasoning is not strong, giving it out may help prevent wrong lynches.

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Even you are saying that you think people are Town or Mafia.


Maw stated that he thought Leyrann was 3rd Party ... and confirmed his supposed reasons for that later in the Game. He never said it was a trap or that he had made a mistake.


I believe that a Town would not have brought up the possibility of someone being a 3rd party this early on Day 1 - bevause we are trying to find Mafia. Therefore Maw is NOT Town.

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I don't think it is a strong argument. What would bring more attention - saying someone is mafia or saying someone is 3rd party? If he was scum, why would he do that?

Turin mentioned that he could have done that to distract town. It could but I think it would do the opposite - make people fall on him, just like what is happening.

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I don't think it is a strong argument. What would bring more attention - saying someone is mafia or saying someone is 3rd party? If he was scum, why would he do that?

Turin mentioned that he could have done that to distract town. It could but I think it would do the opposite - make people fall on him, just like what is happening.

I think he just made a slip and posted a Bad Idea. Since he posted it, and I picked up on it, he has gone mostly absent - only popping up to make little nudges on other people and to give excuses for why he isn't posting in the game. Those are not the actions of a Town who is trying to find Mafia ... or even his proposed 3rd Party lol.


He is NOT helping at all in this game. He got caught out and now he is hiding and hoping that I will go away.

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Or I could have legitimately have thought Ley was third party? No, he did not smell like mafia to me. He smelt like third party. Meaning I should have just ignored what I thought he smelled like and moved on? How does that make sense? We need to remove all threats to town, including third party ones, am I right? And as for my absence, why is it apparently impossible to believe that I just had a busy couple of days? I feel like you've set me up and now you're just planning to lunch me come hell or high water.

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In the moments following the lights going out, there had been confusion and slight panic by some of the villagers. The heroes remained calm however, and knew they would have to keep their wits about them if they were to live long enough to see their targets dead. They were much more comfortable in the dark than the others, having familiarized themselves with it's embrace long ago. When fighting the sort of malevolent spirits, evil monstrosities, and general bad apples they encountered in their line of work, they knew they had to meet them on their terms, and defeat them on their own home turf. This only made it that much sweeter when they were able to bask in the glory of their conquered foe's demise.


As they each began to survey areas around them, and figure out where they could take up temporary residence until day broke again, one of them decided he could not rest after so recently seeing the blood of an innocent shed. Perceval had fought evil for a long time in his service as a Knight of Camelot, and because of the purity of his spirit he alone had been granted the blessing of the Grail. His familiarity with evil had not dampened his struggle against it one bit, and he decided that as the others slept, he would venture out and seek vengeance for poor Leyrann. Donning his faith and virtue as it's own armor, he ventured forth into the castle towards where the other villagers had decided to slumber.


There was one that he had made eye contact with earlier, and as he had a chill had gone down his spine. During all the bickering and arguing that went on during the day, he had felt something... off about this one. He had kept a close eye on where he crept off to after night had fallen, and was at that moment entering the chambers where he felt he might find his target waiting. As he strode surprisingly stealthily into the room, considering the heavy plate armor he as wearing, he instantly noticed he was not alone in the room. The figure at the center of the room turned around and grinned malevolently. 


"I had a feeling you would come and find me. Oh Holy Avenger, thou hast made the poorest of choices this night. Harken now, for the hour of your final breath is upon you. You wear that armor as if it will offer you any protection against me. You wear your faith as if it will stop me from devouring your soul. You-"


"Just shut up, monster. Let us end this."


Despothera grimaced at having been interrupted so rudely. With a shudder, he let himself shift into his full terrible form. Vampire, Werewolf, Zombie, and Rockstar he was, and the powers from each coursed through him as he vaulted towards the unafraid paladin.


Perceval raised his shield instantly, but the full brunt of Despothera's attack made him bowl over instantly. His sword had already been knocked aside, and as he started reaching for it an impossibly strong hand grasped his wrist. Perceval tried to knock the hand away, but another hand that was incredibly quick and powerful locked around the edge of his chestplate. Without a moment's hesitation, the monster lifted him in the air and threw him across the room.


The Holy Avenger fell with a heavy clatter, his shield scattering away from him as well this time. Most men would be despondent in a time like this, their weapons and armor tossed away so casually, so laughingly ineffective against their foe. But Perceval was not most men. He knew that there would be many times that his faith would be his only true weapon against evil, and with a steel resolve he grasped the Grail he kept hidden in a sash at his belt. He made a show of getting up slowly, as if already defeated, and he felt the presence of the terrible beast getting closer to him.


Withdrawing the Grail and jumping up with a sudden grace, Perceval flung it's contents out at the beast. The beads of water hit his foe, and the blessed holy water instantly brought out blisters and steam from everywhere it made content with Despothera's skin. His foe let out a feral cry of pain and anguish. Perceval simply started striding towards where his sword rested on the floor, doubting he would even need it. A slight bit of contact with the holy waters contained within the Grail was all that was needed to vanquish any other member of the Undead he had met before, but best to be sure with this one.


Right as he got to his sword however, another figure suddenly came out of the shadows. He felt the same feeling of wrongness from this one as well, and he got one quick look at the pale sickly looking skin of his new attacker. Why had he not gone for his shield first, instead of his sword? His attacker was too quick however, for the thought to have enough time to truly gain hold in his mind. It knocked him to the ground, and sprawled out on top of him.


Perceval's armor worked against him in the tight embrace. He could not use his agility or strength to get the zombie off of him, and as he struggled, the stench of it's rotting flesh filled his nostrils, and he gagged. The thing was heavy as well, much heavier than he would have thought. Or maybe it was just the weariness of a long life spent fighting evil. He thought of his time beside Arthur, and how in the end he had to see his brothers fall, no matter how hard they fought. He had cast that sword out into the lake, and wondered if it would have been able to help him had he kept it. No, he thought. That was the weakness within him talking. He couldn't let his own weakness defeat him, he had to keep faith...


Faith! He tried shifting his weight so that he could once again reach the Grail. The zombie was snarling its putrid breath across his face, trying to dig into his flesh with it's powerful fingers. He finally managed to slip an arm underneath it's weight, and grasped the Grail within its sash... and right at that moment the zombie sank its teeth into his jaw. He heard the sick sound of his own bone breaking as the zombie's teeth ripped through his flesh. It only took moments from there, for all fight to flee out of his body. He felt his faith draining away from him, and the Grail rolled away from his grasp. He didn't even get the chance to cry out even, for the Undead monster clamped it's jaws at his throat and pulled away the soft flesh. Sadly he still lived however, and had to be treated to the sounds of his attacker noisily eating him alive.



Despothera felt the waves of pain and anguish slowly fade from him. He had had to use the full healing powers of his being to overcome the blasted attack from the paladin, and even now could still smell the stench of the flesh that was scored from the burning touch of the water. He knew he would not be able to withstand another attack so easily, for his corporeal form was now weakened. He spotted the cup the knight had brandished against him on the floor - a cup! A mere cup had harmed him more powerfully and more fully than any other attack had for as long as he could remember.


Deciding to study its properties at another time, Despothera quickly wove the One Power and created a Gateway, then used two small weaves of air to push the cup through the Gateway. Letting it close, he rose and left the room, leaving his friend to enjoy the meal it had made of the brazen knight. As much as he would love to take his time making sure Perceval had felt even more excruciating pain than he had, he still had a game to play.



Ithillian: Perceval, Holy Avenger and Town Heroic Vigilante, is now dead.

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It is now Day 2.


Official Vote Count:


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Not voting: Turin, Peace, Tinker, Mish, Wombat, Berf, Rorschach (Pralaya), Basel, Maw, Hallia, Darthe, Yates, Dice, Cloud, Ed, RTE, BG (17)


Day 2 deadline here

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