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There is strength in Numbers

Moon Sedai

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Congrats and welcome Mish!




A hag? Seriously, you picked the hags? *grumbles*

*witholds the stabs in protest*

Nah, I kid, congrats sis.

*stabbity stab*


What's wrong with us hags Ishy?  :ohmy:  Besides our most glorious DO we are the most awesome and the most beautiful of all the factions. It is known.

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Congrats and welcome Mish!




A hag? Seriously, you picked the hags? *grumbles*


*witholds the stabs in protest*




Nah, I kid, congrats sis.


*stabbity stab*


What's wrong with us hags Ishy?  :ohmy:  Besides our most glorious DO we are the most awesome and the most beautiful of all the factions. It is known.


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taht s not wher i first herd it used. maybe if yuo had anythng in yuor brain besids tv, wuold have considred that. "lulz"

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dosnt mater wher it caem from originaly - i didnt hear it on a tely show, i herd soemone els use it, so for yuo to autmaticly asume i heard it frm wherever is beyond idotic. might as wel show proof sinc yuor so confidnt it originaets in realty televisson, becuse nothng i haev lookd up indicaets that but insted irgunating newpapr editorials.

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