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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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@AH: I'll respond to what I can remember-


1. The main reason I had ever been suspicious towards Talya was the "mafia amongst all those involved" comment. Most the other stuff was just ancillary.


2. Not all symp's know who their teammates are. The mafia team almost never knows who the symp is. There's def still potential info in Tiink's reads, but looking too deeply into them could be bad if he didn't know his teammates.


3. Ahh yes. Cloud's "multivote" thing? Can you explain this to me please, I don't remember a multivote thing. I remember being one of those to fos him for his joke vote that didn't really look like a joke vote at the time. Either way, my feeling towards Cloud right now is that his hammer on Darthe semi-clears him, considering that a mafioso would have been too wary of a bomb move on Darthe's part. Additionally, Darthe never really made it seem like he had any more to add. I think those that were calling on halting the train to get more out of Darthe may have been trying to get town cred.


I really don't think there was anything bad about Cloud's hammer at all. You seem like you do. Interesting.


4. As for whether or not Darthe had some other part of his role that could help us, you kinda answered your own question later in your post, but I will respond anyways. Firstly, as I mentioned, if there was any other part to Darthe's role I think Rand would have told us.


What Dap was doing during that whole exchange tho was terribly scummy I thought. He was gaming the mod outright, and guessing as to someone else's role when they couldn't confirm it or anything, so basically he was filling the thread with a whole bunch of distraction. Yes, he ended up being right about Darthe's character, but all the supposition about other elements of his role was very anti-town.


Moreover, I think there is something you're not thinking about regarding that whole matter. A miller is town. They're put in the game to help balance it (as in they give town a slight disadvantage). If Darthe was a miller, then he'd want to help town, but if there was any other part of his role that could have helped town in any way, he wouldn't have been pushing for his lynch so hard.


I think all that whole conversation was just a way to disguise actual intentions for keeping a claimed miller around, and as Ive said many times, trying to keep a claimed miller in the game longer is an anti-town move. Dap was pushing this angle the hardest, and he had already popped on to my scumdar, which is why I have focused on him more lately.


5. I am against speedlynches day 1, because day 1 is for info-gathering, and it's hard to get much info if the day flies by too quick. However, in Turin's case, when he claimed a viewing on EP, there was no harm whatsoever in speedlynching EP, and there was a lot to be gained from his flip. Not only could it have possibly bagged scum, but it could potentially vet a mason team, so kind of a 3 for 1 there.


And btw, I personally would rather lynch someone before they can say much at all if there's a viewing on them, because it's really just giving scum an opportunity to introduce wifom into the game. And there's very little chance that anything that they said would sway everyone's mind anyways, so really a speedlynch there didn't bother me at all.


6. The reason I quoted Turin's comment about "yeah, and so many people defended him too" about Cloud was that I found it odd that Turin agreed with me about Cloud's hammer, yet at the time that others were questioning Cloud about it, Turin seemed to be against him as well. However, that's kinda moot now considering that Turin and Panchi are basically cleared.



Alright now that I've responded to all the things I remember from your post AH, can you explain to me why you've spent so much time doing all these catchup threads all game while at the same time never really putting forth any cases or strong opinions on someone else's alignment? You're another player who's behavior this game strikes me as way too careful, even your "Cloud hammer, interesting" post. Why are you playing like you got something to lose? You already have a couple marks against you, so I hope you have a good response for me.

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Umm...looks like I missed a lot


@talya- I think that is just how mafia minds work my dear. I started playing mafia so much a couple of years ago that I was looking at my 3 year old wondering if him and his brother were pulling a gambit because they pooped at the same time. :/


Despo- first of all, using a word like manipulate is in fact, manipulation in itself. But, yes, I was wanting everyone to consider the idea that the mafia team, was in fact, newer players. Am I confused or is that not how mafia works...you see something strange or suspicious, point it out, and then try to get others to go along with your suspicions?


An inexperienced team could have killed Basel, not realizing he was a relatively easy lynch target. An experienced team could have killed him because they thought he had a PR, because his reads were wrong and his death would make those people look bad, or they could have just done it for wifom.


Either way, you attempting to get us to assume the mafia team is inexperienced is pretty anti-town. What happened to prepare for the worst, hope for the best? Anyways the reasoning  behind the post was kinda weak, and it could mislead the town even if you're town yourself. You should note things that seem strange, yes, but you also should try to not jump to conclusions either.

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so im replacing lessa 


so after reading the thread (i skimmed some of the WoT's and heart's spoiler thing was confusing, i mean my particle physics exam i took a few hours ago was less confusing)


my current list of stuff


1. Turin (mason)

2. Arez Peace (some weird role)

3. Nya (needs to post more)

4. AH (slight ping)

5. Nolirion (needs to post more, has 0 posts in D2)

6. RTE (null)

7. Hally (needs to post more)

8. Tina (scum)

9. Dap (townish)

10. Basel Boromir, Even night Vig, killed Day 1

11. Cloud (scum)

12. Leyrann BB hasnt posted anything yet

13. Darthe King of the Dead, Miller lynched Day 1

14. Tiinker Saruman, Mafia Sympathizer with 1-shot recruit and godfather potential, killed Day 1

15. BG (null)

16. Lessa chuckles (null)

17. Tigraine (needs to post more but im getting a slight town read)

18. Pank  (mason, had a scummy lurker read on her before the reveal, but she still needs to post more)

19. Talya (another finder something role)

20.WBK (scum)

21. Dice (null)

22. EP Witch King of Angmar, Mafia Vote Controller

23. Despo (null, not so sure, sometimes he seems very towny other times not so much so im not sure yet)

24. Thorkin (needs to post more)

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Last one. I'm going to bed.


Hm. Darthe was right though. Time to analyze lynches. EP, RTE, WBK are suspect imo.

Thoughts why?

Is that a why me? Doesn't really matter...


I find it interesting that the dead SYMP picked these three names. I am wondering if it might have been some form of a signal. Tiink's follow up was pretty innocuous with his suspicion being based primarily on their positions on the Darthe train.


Okay I'm done. so everyone itching to post thoughts can come on down. Good Night.


Bumping this up so it is remembered in case I am dead in the morning.  The dead SYMP called out these three particular players. To me it stood out because I was growing suspicious of all three during the Day. RTE for his first big thoughts post(go back and take a look at that for yourself and I think you will see what I mean). Kronos for his vote on Dice but even more so for his reaction when called on it. EP for being quieter than he normally is and then also for the words used by the other suspicious people in regards to him. One of those web of trust thingys that Dap goes on about.


About my comment regarding Cloud and getting defense. It was not as much an indictment of him. I actually began to think that he would be town during the day as I saw more people that I am suspicious of jump on his train. The Hammer vote on Darthe put him into my null group with a slight town lean. I just wish he would stop saying the occasionally pingy thing. Anyway it was NIGHT and I didn't really want the suspicious people knowing that I was moving in another direction come day.


Heart, I was not suspicious of you just because you wanted the Miller kept alive. It was because you were the one to introduce the bomb talk. And then the "It's a TRAP!!" post and then blatantly refusing to be the one to hammer Darthe.  Also the push against Basel was less than stellar IMO.


Other random Thoughts:


RTE, a reread really? You never posted your thoughts from Night one. there is something else but that requires multi quote... so in a minute.


Nya, join the game please. your hiding is only drawing attention to yourself.


Chuckles, You really have a null on RTE? (sidebar: Did Lessa ask to be replaced? I didn't see it. Wondering why she would get replaced over say Noliron? nevermind)


BB: come on down. Ley didn't post at all. We need more from you.


Okay gonna get something that bugged me yesterday. If I think up more stuff I will be back.


Oh, Last thing about Tiink and his posting. He used all three names (EP, RTE, Kronos) but also said that Darthe's reads were a good place to start. However if you look at Darthe's reads None of those three were listed as Mafia. Then as previously noted when questioned about why he thought those three looked bad, Tiink's response was easily put down. Sometimes Mafia will make a bad case on a teammate to create heat that can easily be put down. I still think that Kronos(who EP flat out refused to go after although mentioning him numerous times) and RTE are the best leads for this coming day.

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Turin any time I answer your questions you ignore them and ask again. For a supposed mason, you can suggest all the names you like but you've been tunneling me for a while now, and it's your own agenda.


I did answer your first question moons ago, and then you just reasked it in your next WoT post. I work for town, not for you. Also, it is better to do this in the day than the night and I will post then.


I haven't been active enough yet this game but I am following and trying to make sense of it between all the WoTs and everyone pointing fingers in every direction.

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These are the last few votes plus the people who voted after the lynch was secured. Small comments about each.

Finally something we can agree on Turin.


Vote EP

Agree on what? that I viewed him? These comments to me reek of mafia trying to justify voting a teammate because they feel bad about it.




I have only time to check in sporadically today. I'm doing a full reread when I get home.

all you have to do is vote EP.

I checked in and posted that message without catching up and hadn't seen Turins view yet.

vote EP


See above. Question Kronos, do you use mobile or full version?


I'm here now after a very long and boring day of work and stuck on a train for two hours, that was packed with very wet people aghh!


So I'm not in a good mood and would love to MC Hammer with EP



This is kind of odd but I see Talya as pretty much confirmed as Treebeard and therefore town.


just in case turins count was wrong  vote EP

Not much here. just making sure he is shown voting the Mafioso. Although if Kronos ends up as mafia that earlier voting thing could be seen as failed distancing.


Good morning

well done turin. unvote Vote EP (doubt there is much need for my vote but its in keeping with Turins wishes)

I do wish EP had a chance to appear and speak first. might of got some more info out of him

Typical Dap.


UGH. I'm really sorry, I'll stop apologizing now cos I've done it enough without helping anything, but I only really have time really late at night now and so this may seem garbled but here's me catching up and my immediate thoughts on stuff..

At least I have laptop internets again and can actually do one of these quote things! :)


Really no surprises here, and this is one of the things I mentioned above, the Cloud suspicion is definitely legit now and I'mma be voting him when the red dawn rises.

But since it's night first now I'll just sit here to wait and sink into the deep black tar pit of shame [ :blush:]


Oh wow so you are going to vote for me based on a hammer which was obviously meant as a consolidation? I find that kinda weak you know.

Yeah me too, buuut you just hammered, no explanations or expressions of regret that "someone has to do this blah blah WHOPP" or whatever. I dunno, maybe that's widely accepted, but to me it kinda set off the alarm bells... after being FoS'ed by a lot of people that Day, it seems a little like you whacked the hammer after waiting *shrug* just my thoughts.


Or, if I didn't explain that to any satisfaction:


You say it was obviously meant for consolidation however there were others here waiting for answers from him, if you were caught up up to that point you should have seen that. There were those not voting him yet posting, you could have left it to one of them to throw the hammer. Yet you hammer him say nothing about it being for consolidation and leave. That is why people suspect you because of your hammer.




Turin seems to be working on defending Cloud..picking apart EP's "promises" from the Day before, but hey - don't things that happen at Night, or other things said tend to change people's focus in this game? :rolleyes: Really.
I have to agree with Master Despo here, Turin really pings...





That was ypur revalation?

I'd be disappointed if I was you too. First your symp dies, then you get the great Despo on your trail. If you give up the rest of your teammates now, I'll leave your lynch for last :baalzamon:
Oh despo, sweet despo

I am town, deal with it


*raises eyebrow*

Really convincing. *nodnodnod*





Hiya everyone!!


Replacing in...will re-read, but someone wanna gimme a summary?


*waveywave* :D welcome

*unhelpful Capn Obvious comments* XD People argued, people ganged up on person, person dieded, more people dieded....more people arguing. *goes back to trying to argue too* XD



I am a mason. Panchi is my partner. I had a 1x cop view. I used it on EP. The result was NOT TOWN.

unvote. Vote EP


Agh, blaaaaah, what is wrong with my gut feeling these days? :[

...unless Turin and Panchi are mafia and faking it. Meh, only one way to find out.


Vote EP



....soooo, was that a lynch or what oorrr???


I give up, my brain's dead for today. Someone drag me in here first if/when I make it on the internet tomorrow!!!


Goodnight. *flop*

Lots of talking to get to a vote that really didn't matter. Plus the bolded is floating an idea for possible future use. Really do not like that.


So my list of primary mafia candidates remains:






Also remember that there is likely another symp out there. Otherwise there would be no point in Saruman having a recruit ability.


I am off to work now so may not be around so much. Also a heads up. I am starting a long trip tomorrow and will have unknown internet availability for some time. I should be able to check in but will not be as active unfortunately.

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