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How'd I end up here?


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Light, I started this series way back in 7th or 8th grade and have weaved in and out with as the books came out. I think I went a few years between book readings. I just recently found you guys online and am glad to have someone to share my fangirl tendencies with.


Why thank you for the warm welcomes. ^.^ Everyone seems so friendly here. *goes off with her pack and walking staff to explore*


Hello and welcome :)


You're the first person of late who is a long timer fan and had to wait for the books to come out. Do you ever wish that you could have just picked them all up and done a massive marathon read through, or do you think you had a better experience waiting for each new book?


Are there any other series that you like to read?


And DM is the perfect place to be a fangirl - with lots of other fans who share your enthusiasm. Have a nosey about the place and see what you can find - and if you would like to chart and interact more there are Social Group Forums you can join. If you would like to do a bit of RP and immerse yourself in the WoT world there and the RP forums a bit further down.


We love to answer questions so feel free to ask :)


Hey there Maurelle! Thanks for joining the Aiel. I'm sure you're going to like it there. It was my first Group to join.

I think you may also enjoy The Band of the Red Hand. There are endless amounts of fun to be had ad you'll meet

some amazingly awesome people. Welcome to DM! I'm Thorkin or just Thork if you'd like.


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