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[Non Spoilers]Game of Thrones Season Three

John E. Kelley

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And that battle was the best ep so far


Also theon. Nice creative torture then getting his dick lobbed off

His story feels like it is finally going somewhere


@ Mish - i agree.  when i saw the actress they picked first i coudlnt' get over her without the dark hair adn then i was scared she'd over play Margery as a manipulative character.  but the actress has done wonderful with the character and has developed her beyond what i recall. 


<3 the Tudors though; the Duke of Suffolk (Henry Cavall Jr) is HAWT!!  and he's the new superman *squees*



@ player - actually, Sansa didn't start hating Joff until he forced her to see her fathers head on the pike covered in Tar and had her clothes torn in public.  until then, Sansa was still fine with marrying her prince and barring him golden haired little princes and princessess.



"Oh nooooooo...I have to marry Tyrion oh noo and he's a dwarf!"


















^ yes please




Red, Maybe thats the book influencing you (im about to start reading them). But watching the TV show i got the impression that the moment Ned died her character objectives changed and her arc took a different form for season 2.

But id agree that she didnt hate him until the spike incident, but she did stop wanting to have blonde babies and marry him after her dad was decapitated


It was a good ep. Gendry was a little, um, exposed though


But then again so was th mother of dragons so I'm happy with life



Something that really bothered me though, Sam drops the blade and runs off (it was kinda obvious that the blade would be able to kill those things but I didn't expect that intense reaction lol)

Also the leeches, should I know what happened there? Also she didnt kill him and the knife if pretty obvious now...


I didnt notice he dropped the blade. If so, yeah, that was stupid, also, this was the second time he used it, he should have known how it worked ... Hmmmm ... Less impressed now. :(




The leeches sucked his "kings blood" and then she used them in a spell for Stannis to curse the three usurper kings ... We'll have to see if her spell worked. I assume she put them on places where there was a good amount of blood? Hence his erect penis? I must say that was a cold hearted thing to do. LOL



I'm pretty sure he ran away crying after leaving the blade on the ground



ok so it was a curse. Right, but she gives this whole speech about not seeing the blade, then she drops leeches everywhere. If she ever needs his blood again, she will have a hard time seducing him.


Also I doubt he would be erect still...

Leeches will do that to a man



I'm still a bit disappointed they didn't use the fetuses shown earlier for the ritual (as I predicted), since they already have kings flesh and all (And there would be no need for your own personal Gendry!) but that's just the way things go, I s'pose.


I'm still a bit disappointed they didn't use the fetuses shown earlier for the ritual (as I predicted), since they already have kings flesh and all (And there would be no need for your own personal Gendry!) but that's just the way things go, I s'pose.


Maybe the blood had been drained in order to preserve them. <_<


I can't wait for next weeks episode *jumps up and down in excitement*


Me neither, but I got some bad news. There is no episode next week. They're on break until June 2 for Memorial Day weekend in the USA.




You watch your tongue missy!! That language is totally unacceptable.



YOU'RE BACK! *tacklehuggles* Oh I'm so happy! :D



she's taught me to be a little less frightened of naughty words. very freeing. :happy:

Naughty words are good for you! They let out steam, and we don't want the kitten to explode now do we? :wink:


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