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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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I think Peace needs to give more info about his role. Is he an x-shot or not? 

Cause you are bloody scum and worried?  What a horrible bloody idea.


Add Ed to my bloody list.  Basil, Lenlo, Ed. 


Bloody targets.

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I didn't agree with it. You can't find a reason why a scum bag would post that they thought a train was too fast? Knowing that person would be town? It's the same tactic Cyan used, but in a different wording. 





I think Peace needs to give more info about his role. Is he an x-shot or not? 

Cause you are bloody scum and worried?  What a horrible bloody idea.


Add Ed to my bloody list.  Basil, Lenlo, Ed. 


Bloody targets.



No, it's not a horrible idea. I didn't ask how many shots you had if you are an x-shot, just if you are or not. 

And you wonder why I don't think you are a Vig. 

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Did you have to quote all of that to jusr reply?

I read a lot odf that as you commenting on stuff with the pretense peace iw a vig. Not a "if you are the vig then ...". It reads like you have accepted it

i cant remember how much mafia you have played but vig was originallly a NA. Day actions are a fairly new mafia thing. Still within my time but they arent as old as mafia

he had onne bad kill. Who would you of shot?

I would of chosen one of those gang



Player: I think I was thinking of serial killer when I mentioned Assassin, but I have been in a game where it was called assassin (I think that was a day one), which is why I said that, sorry for the confusion. 


As for Peace, I'm not saying we should lynch him. there were a few that were blindly believing him. We only have his word he is town and not third party, which would make a difference. We don't know. I was pointing a number of different reasons for not just assuming he is what he says. And I know it's not just a game of numbers, I have seen Vig help win a game AND I have seen them lose it for town, plus he might not be telling the truth! 


I haven't mentioned anything about lynching him neither - you are very good at putting words into my mouth that I do not say! just because I don't blindly believe him. the proof will be in how he uses that role. 


Len:  you said that he can't be a vig because they can kill anytime night or day, I have never known a Vig to kill both night and day and they are limited in their kill numbers. you seem to be assuming a little too much where the Mod is concerned, we don't know how it is set up, best to keep an open mind, nothing like being suspicious but you do seem very blinded. It's almost like you are trying to recover too much from your OMGUS vote and won't let it go! 


Every vig I have ever played with has been able to kill during both day and night. The only kill role that could only kill at night that wasnt mafia that I have seen is an SK, which is also not good.



I think Peace needs to give more info about his role. Is he an x-shot or not? 

Cause you are bloody scum and worried?  What a horrible bloody idea.


Add Ed to my bloody list.  Basil, Lenlo, Ed. 


Bloody targets.

So... Once again you add people to your list because they want more information from you, an untrustworthy person. You add people to your shoot list that threaten you. This isnt a scum list, this is a hit list for those that threaten you. Atleast call it what it is.

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Dap I wouldnt have shot. You shouldnt shoot with a vig on N1. You have very little info to go off and very little chance of hitting mafia. Shooting on D1, unless you have an inf number of shots, is a horrible idea.


Now if you didnt care who you shot on N1 and only cared about killing someone, then who would be better than someone everyone supposedly thought was scum? Good cover up eh?

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Lenlo, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I have seen Vigs who are only able to kill at Night, too. 

I know its possible. I just dont think its as likely as they are claiming it is that he is one.

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So right now its' nihgt now rihgt? Well we need to geta list for peace tp choose from, just to make sure he is actually a vig. Do you have any candidates to add to the list?


The whole reasonm Iäm suggesting a list is to make sure the mafia doesn't get a free card to counter our "vig's" action.

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So right now its' nihgt now rihgt? Well we need to geta list for peace tp choose from, just to make sure he is actually a vig. Do you have any candidates to add to the list?


The whole reasonm Iäm suggesting a list is to make sure the mafia doesn't get a free card to counter our "vig's" action.


He already said he's not going to do this.



You ok, Arez? Drunk mafias? 

Yeah I'm pretty sure this is drunk mafia.

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Len its possible. Thays all im saying. I dont get why you cant get that


ithis of the older DM generation (not old just been on DM a while) so shes more likely than the newer mods to.use the older fasion version of the roles cos she knows about them

Im not saying she did bt im not going to string him up for spmething thats possible


as for his hit list. I was agreeinng with.it but after your soft claiming its starting.too look more like a threat list

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Len its possible. Thays all im saying. I dont get why you cant get that


ithis of the older DM generation (not old just been on DM a while) so shes more likely than the newer mods to.use the older fasion version of the roles cos she knows about them

Im not saying she did bt im not going to string him up for spmething thats possible


as for his hit list. I was agreeinng with.it but after your soft claiming its starting.too look more like a threat list

I said I know its possible for a night vig. Im saying I dont believe it.


And thank you for seeing it as a threat list. Because everyone on that list is a threat to him somehow. Notice how it only contains people who have disagreed with him ((Im pretty sure basel hasnt done anything scummy to warrant being on a list such as this.))

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Len its possible. Thays all im saying. I dont get why you cant get that


ithis of the older DM generation (not old just been on DM a while) so shes more likely than the newer mods to.use the older fasion version of the roles cos she knows about them

Im not saying she did bt im not going to string him up for spmething thats possible


as for his hit list. I was agreeinng with.it but after your soft claiming its starting.too look more like a threat list



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I thought it was more normal with night only vigs? The game's I've been in where there's been vig shootings during the day people have seemed utterly shocked at the possibility.

Vigs are one of those 'whatever the hell the mod feels like doing' roles.

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Basel nor Ley voted Peace as they said they would. Just fyi. 

Maw never posted his thoughts on the Night stuffs. 


Not pings so much as oddities because THEY LIED. :tongue:


That might of course be because he claimed Vig...



In my case, it was because he claimed vig. I wanted to see how this day played out. Peace has only proven himself more scummy during the time I was working.





Vote Darthe

If I had any BT points left to give this month, you would get some just for that image.





I think Peace needs to give more info about his role. Is he an x-shot or not?

Cause you are bloody scum and worried?  What a horrible bloody idea.


Add Ed to my bloody list.  Basil, Lenlo, Ed. 


Bloody targets.



Peace, here's a radical idea. Why don't you do some actual casing rather than pulling a Red and accusing anyone who finds fault with your posts? Your so-called mafia list is nothing more than one giant OMGUS. You've made no serious effort to build an argument on me, Len, or Ed. All you have done is decided that we must be mafia soely because we don't agree with you. The only reason you aren't on thin ice is that the movie takes place in very warm locations... but that desert sand must be getting very hot under your feet.
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What dont you get. Ithis a.newish mod but a seasoned player. She knoes the older ways.of role lore


@len. basel has been trying to get dice lynched for 2 days now?


I don't think that you can ascertain how she chose her role mechanics from that...

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