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Capulet vs Montague Hunger Games - Game Over! Ley & Time Win!!


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With all the plotting on hold, the attacks started, the nights were cool and the streets empty, not a sound was heard, yet you could see the shadows move.....

The market place was empty save for two individuals attacking their prey, yet the prey still escaped, they followed it into the night, a silent agreement was reached and they went through narrow alleyways to intercept it.......

BG was silent as he ran, he would it kill, he would survive, he would...... , he stared at the figure that came out of the shadows, and a scream pierced the night, and at the same time another scream was heard on the other side of the market, the screams were both horrific yet gloriously in harmony, a dagger gleamed in the darkness and hit the shuddering body, the murder had gone he had done his job and BG was dying, a dagger hit the shuddering chest and it stopped moving, it would never move again.......

Rand rand with glee grin on his face, "the effects of being young i guess" thought AJ as he followed his target, he saw the miserable attempt at trying to kill the person "he wondered who that was, it was to dark to make out anything other than he or she escaped", he saw his opportunity as rand split up and ran alone, and he thought " now is as good of a time as ever i guess", and attacked, a scream of pure terror pierced the silence as rand was stabbed, and he heard another scream somewhere too, "i better go" said AJ while he wiped of his dagger, and he felt something pierce his back and then everything went black.......

BG - Killed Night 1 by lenlo and a secret Killer,
Rand - killed Night 1 by AJ,
AJ - Killed Night 1 by BB.

It is now D2

If you are Dead your Dead. The Dead do not speak - not even a Bah! Post. Please remove any Dead players from any communications you are in - or start new one. The Dead must NOT communicate with the Living about this game in any way - thanks.

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