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Whispers that official-pre release reviews have been drastically cut this time?

The Fisher King

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Peter: I am going to post a non-spoiler review before the 8th.


I've been swamped with work, including the death of a colleague due to illness, and also been trying to finish a major essay that will be posted soon after the release of AMOL.



My review will go up on the 8th - probably at 12am EST. Tor asked that I not post one earlier and asked that I not reveal spoilers before the 8th, and that's what I'll do.


I know of several other bloggers who got copies early like I did. I also know that several of them have not read far enough in the series yet to do a review right away. Sort of a waste I suppose, but then I think there is a pretty small list of bloggers who Tor trusts to stand by the embargo request (as mentioned above, they've been burned by bloggers in the past). Don't worry, I imaginet that in the next week or so people will start getting early copies through the usual means - bookstores releasing earlier than they should, early shipping, employees sneaking a peek, etc.


Lack of reviews doesn't bother me too much, never really understood book reviews to be honest, especially one's that follow a franchise with such length. Book reviews are generally spoiler material and that ruins the fun of reading a book, and people aren't going to go out and buy just AMoL and expect to enjoy it, there is too much back story. I think in cases like this, it's best not to have book reviews until after the book has been out a few weeks/months and fans have had a chance to read it. I'd be pretty pissed off if some book review spoiled the ending. I can understand spoilers not wanting to be leaked out though, that's for sure.


That's probably because you assume Tor's bread and butter is fans like us. It isn't. The vast majority of sales will come from people who walk into a store and see it on display, or browse their favorite blog and find an entry there. Some of these people will buy the book for their niece or nephew. Some will even buy it without realizing that it's the endpiece for a lengthy series. But many many people will have read earlier books, and still won't realize that AMoL is out until they stumble into it.


Needless to say, Tor needs AMoL to sell well in the first couple of weeks, because best-seller lists drive sales as much as sales drive the lists. They don't have time to wait for dedicated fans to become impervious to spoilers.


Almost certainly about spoilers.  This book will not have any trouble being a best seller and a "bad" review will not dissuade the legion of fans anxiously waiting for AMOL. 

What's the deal with THAT??





You remind me of Glenn Beck. Random crazy capitalized words, ellipses, and the I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS side. Are you an Alex Jones fan by chance?


As for Leigh, her SQUEEEEE routine is really annoying, but whatever. I like her rereads. I just scroll past the pages of spanking rants and feminist stuff.

What's the deal with THAT??





You remind me of Glenn Beck. Random crazy capitalized words, ellipses, and the I'M JUST ASKING QUESTIONS side. Are you an Alex Jones fan by chance?


As for Leigh, her SQUEEEEE routine is really annoying, but whatever. I like her rereads. I just scroll past the pages of spanking rants and feminist stuff.



He is way more coherent than Glenn Beck ever was...I also have a tendency to overuse ellipses.


Fish Olver_is_a_Forsaken

My review will go up on the 8th - probably at 12am EST. Tor asked that I not post one earlier and asked that I not reveal spoilers before the 8th, and that's what I'll do.


I know of several other bloggers who got copies early like I did. I also know that several of them have not read far enough in the series yet to do a review right away. Sort of a waste I suppose, but then I think there is a pretty small list of bloggers who Tor trusts to stand by the embargo request (as mentioned above, they've been burned by bloggers in the past). Don't worry, I imaginet that in the next week or so people will start getting early copies through the usual means - bookstores releasing earlier than they should, early shipping, employees sneaking a peek, etc.

I'll also be posting a review on the 8th. It won't be specifically non-spoiler but it will be in general terms and avoid the major spoilers.

My review will go up on the 8th - probably at 12am EST. Tor asked that I not post one earlier and asked that I not reveal spoilers before the 8th, and that's what I'll do.


I know of several other bloggers who got copies early like I did. I also know that several of them have not read far enough in the series yet to do a review right away. Sort of a waste I suppose, but then I think there is a pretty small list of bloggers who Tor trusts to stand by the embargo request (as mentioned above, they've been burned by bloggers in the past). Don't worry, I imaginet that in the next week or so people will start getting early copies through the usual means - bookstores releasing earlier than they should, early shipping, employees sneaking a peek, etc.

I'll also be posting a review on the 8th. It won't be specifically non-spoiler but it will be in general terms and avoid the major spoilers.

Wait...so you have your own copy? Or you are reading someone else's? Linda's perhaps?

My review will go up on the 8th - probably at 12am EST. Tor asked that I not post one earlier and asked that I not reveal spoilers before the 8th, and that's what I'll do.


I know of several other bloggers who got copies early like I did. I also know that several of them have not read far enough in the series yet to do a review right away. Sort of a waste I suppose, but then I think there is a pretty small list of bloggers who Tor trusts to stand by the embargo request (as mentioned above, they've been burned by bloggers in the past). Don't worry, I imaginet that in the next week or so people will start getting early copies through the usual means - bookstores releasing earlier than they should, early shipping, employees sneaking a peek, etc.

I'll also be posting a review on the 8th. It won't be specifically non-spoiler but it will be in general terms and avoid the major spoilers.

Wait...so you have your own copy? Or you are reading someone else's? Linda's perhaps?

Luckers was sent a copy and had to sign an nda...


Pat got a copy after all. He wasn't on the reviewer list Tor sent me, so I assumed he wasn't getting one.


My memories of events back in October 2010 gave a more formal spin to things, but checking my old emails, my memory is faulty. Tor never formally said back then that they wouldn't send Pat a copy. Also, Justin was the publicist at the time, and he has since left Tor to go work for Amazon, so the current publicist wouldn't necessarily be aware of what went on then.


[EDIT: I should also say that when review copies started going out, I had totally forgotten about Pat's October 19th, 2010 post until someone else mentioned it. And that I now have reason to believe the crap Pat caught for that post was undeserved.]

As for Leigh, her SQUEEEEE routine is really annoying, but whatever. I like her rereads. I just scroll past the pages of spanking rants and feminist stuff.

I think that the 'feminist stuff' is arguably the best and most important part of what she does.

Pat got a copy after all. He wasn't on the reviewer list Tor sent me, so I assumed he wasn't getting one.


My memories of events back in October 2010 gave a more formal spin to things, but checking my old emails, my memory is faulty. Tor never formally said back then that they wouldn't send Pat a copy. Also, Justin was the publicist at the time, and he has since left Tor to go work for Amazon, so the current publicist wouldn't necessarily be aware of what went on then.


[EDIT: I should also say that when review copies started going out, I had totally forgotten about Pat's October 19th, 2010 post until someone else mentioned it. And that I now have reason to believe the crap Pat caught for that post was undeserved.]


I don't know that he really caught much crap for it. Some frustration, yes, but most of the ire was directed at Larry, and most of the crap Pat caught was for some snide remarks he made about the WoT fandom in general (which were definitely undeserved).


I did write a review for TOM, posted the night before the book was published: http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/2010/11/my-review-of-towers-of-midnight.html

 for reference, and I intend to write one this time. I've started writing it.

The NDA I signed some months ago says that I can't post a review prior to release day. Perhaps I could get it cleared through Team Jordan as Jason and Leigh did, but at this stage it's not going to make it earlier, and I dislike having my reviews vetted.


I did write a review for TOM, posted the night before the book was published: http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/2010/11/my-review-of-towers-of-midnight.html

 for reference, and I intend to write one this time. I've started writing it.


The NDA I signed some months ago says that I can't post a review prior to release day. Perhaps I could get it cleared through Team Jordan as Jason and Leigh did, but at this stage it's not going to make it earlier, and I dislike having my reviews vetted.


Respect. I'll be posting my review at 12:01 on the 8th, lol.


Looking forward to lunch on friday!!!!




I did write a review for TOM, posted the night before the book was published: http://13depository.blogspot.com.au/2010/11/my-review-of-towers-of-midnight.html

for reference, and I intend to write one this time. I've started writing it.


The NDA I signed some months ago says that I can't post a review prior to release day. Perhaps I could get it cleared through Team Jordan as Jason and Leigh did, but at this stage it's not going to make it earlier, and I dislike having my reviews vetted.

Respect. I'll be posting my review at 12:01 on the 8th, lol.


Looking forward to lunch on friday!!!!

Is your review spoiler free or should I read the book first to not spoil myself? Though unless it's on east coast time, doesn't matter to me as I'll have the book by 12.01 west coast time, which is 10am my time. I could get the book at 8am but gotta go take some lab tests that morning.


Ps. Less than a week to go, driving me crazy <.<.


I live in Australia. We be far ahead of you.


That being said, my review will not be spoiler free, and it will be posted on the spoiler board. That being said I will be very conscientious of spoilers, and will hide them in spoiler tags


I should add that mine too will be going out midnight AEDST on release day.


I discovered with the TOM review that spoiler tags don't work for RSS feedsin blogger, which is one important reason why mine will be spoiler free.


Luckers: So am I. I'm glad we scheduled our lunch well before the Day of Return!


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