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Things I'd like to see in Memory of Light but might not happen


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I really like the Perrin finding out that Padan Fain killed his family. I don't often think about it because my version of the earlier books says Perrin was an only child but meh.


Perrin should be the one to kill Fain.

Heartstone Armour is a fantastic idea too they should definitely make that.


I'd like to see what Perrin's castle/fortress/palace would look like. I'd like to see how his leadership and progeny affect the Two Rivers. Won't ever happen, there isn't enough time, but I'd love to read about how the Two Rivers used to be a backwater forgotten hole in the wall before it was a major city ruled by the Wolf King and his Falcon.


the things i'd like to see would be more in the epilogue.


my wishful thinking coming true and min moving to the waste to become roof mistress of rhuidean and topping elayne and avi by having rands quintuplets.


nynaeve's fate. if she becomes queen of the reclaimed and rebuilt malkier who's her aes sedai advisor? cadsuane? siuan? moiraine? random aes sedai? if no malkier, is it automatic she becomes elyane's advisor? head of the yellow? as one of the few with a reputation with all the important factions does she become the white tower ambassador to the sea folk? the aiel? any country worth mentioning?


the black tower becoming epic.


elaida having a moment of clarity and realizing how epic fail she was and then dieing a useless worthless death.


on a personal note, even though i know it's probably impossible for 2 of the 3... ingtar, tomas and verin being among the heroes of the horn when mat blows it again. certainly verin is worthy.


two words... aiel asha'man


1) Siuan confronting Elaida.  Perhaps the Seanchan will oblige, but I'm not counting on it.

2) Moiraine and Verin bringing each other up to date on their plots.  Difficult, as Verin's dead...

3) Mat leading the Red Band to drive the Seanchan and Tuon out of Ebou Dar and giving Beslan back his kingdom.

4) Nynaeve hunting down the remainder of Liandrin's 13.


If even one of those happened, that would be pretty awesome!


Perrin telling people he can go into Wolfyland and do stuff and talk to wolves and smell emotions instead of just standing there saying nothing.


Perrin showing people how to make weapons that have bonus points for shadowspawn instead of just standing there dying nothing letting them think he's only discovered power weapons thus keeping another ability to himself. Would be good arrowheads I reckon.


Tuon becoming an initiate to the WT and beating Egweens record for being able to get her bum smacked more times thany of the other naughty novices.


Mat to get a chance to dice with the Dark One, win, go double or quits and then declair 'ante up, bitch'


Perrin showing people how to make weapons that have bonus points for shadowspawn instead of just standing there *dying* nothing letting them think he's only discovered power weapons thus keeping another ability to himself. Would be good arrowheads I reckon.



wishful thinking slip? :)


*added as I can't format at the moment



Will a key character face real danger?

Yes because Rand has just had a waltz in the park?!




To be honest this, in my opinion, was RJ's biggest fault.  He pretty much tells us from page 1 that Rand, Perrin and Mat need to make it to the Last Battle together.  It trivializes their danger when you know that they are going to survive.


@meeker, yea, I don't know about that.  At least in the case of Rand, and to a lesser extentMat and Perrin, it's been not about whether they would make it or not, but rather what condition would they get there in.  The danger of Rand sustaining too much physcological damage always seemed a real threat to me.  Not to mention Rand has lost a hand and Mat an eye, not exactly cheap prices to pay if still short of death.

@meeker, yea, I don't know about that.  At least in the case of Rand, and to a lesser extentMat and Perrin, it's been not about whether they would make it or not, but rather what condition would they get there in.  The danger of Rand sustaining too much physcological damage always seemed a real threat to me.  Not to mention Rand has lost a hand and Mat an eye, not exactly cheap prices to pay if still short of death.


The suspense was always in how they got there, however, it was pretty clear that RJ intended all of them to get to the last battle in, more or less, one piece.  RJ was never able to get me actually worried that something really bad would happen to one of them.  The worst part was Min's viewing in the first book with the sparks that announced to the reader that all three of had to make it or they did not have a chance of winning.  That ruined a lot for me as far as one of the three ever being in any real danger. 


I kinda think losing an eye or a hand is something really bad.  Pretty sure it would be if it happened to me. There's lots of bad things that can happen short of death, this is the lesson Elayne continues to fail to learn.  But yea, you know they aren't gonna die.  This is true for tons and tons of great stories though, I guess it just doesn't bother me.  To each his own.

I kinda think losing an eye or a hand is something really bad.  Pretty sure it would be if it happened to me. There's lots of bad things that can happen short of death, this is the lesson Elayne continues to fail to learn.  But yea, you know they aren't gonna die.  This is true for tons and tons of great stories though, I guess it just doesn't bother me.  To each his own.


It does not bother me much either, becuase RJ provided the suspense in other ways.  I was simpyl agreeing that none of them have faced any "real" danger. 


It is true for tons and tons of stories, though many of them are not great.  The most infuriating example for me is LOTR.  It is one of the worst series ever because there is no danger, no suspense, no anything.  It is a waste of paper because nothing that happens matters within the story. 


I really want to see some more reaction to Nicola's death, specifically from Areina. Or for Areina to appear at all, really.


I got 5 hours to kill and I feel like I want to contribute why I feel leashing Tuon is prolly one of the worse ideas.


I believe that Avi`s visions have some credibility - They arent going to happen, that`s for sure, but I suspect we should pick something from them. So to quote relevant parts for my intentions.


"If only the Seachan Empress..." Ronam shook his head, and she knew what he was thinking. The old empress, the one who had rules during the days of Last Battle had been considered a woman of honor by Ronam`s father. An understanding had nearly been reached with her, so it was said. But many years had passed since her rule.
Seventeen years was too long for the Aiel to be without battle.
We learn that Tuon is no longer Empress and she had been reasonable bout the whole damane issue, leading to nearly an understanding. We also learn that days of her rule are long past, despite the fact of LB being only 17 years in the past. Or maybe few more years more, likely there will be Trollocs/etc left to be killed after the war is "over". But the point of why I brought some timeline into this is because context gives image how Tuon`s rule will be a short one, if things would happen as Avi`s visions suggest.


Most importantly we do not know Tuon`s faith. Knowing how Galgan(Cant bother checking spelling from book) has let his ambitions to be know to Tuon in ToM by the whole hiring & killing assassins, it might be intended for us to assume he is behind her demise and reason for her rule to end would be death. This concept seems even likelier after reading the chapter 11 of AMoL, least the part that was given out for free. To keep it spoiler free, I`ll just say CH11 only enforces the concept. But I suspect this concept is a red herring.


The distrust, even disgust, Seachan feel towards Marath`damane makes it obvious the talks between Tuon and Aiel are unpopular among Seachan. When Aes Sedai tried to corner Tuon into discussing peace with Seachan and "Randland", she completely ignored them along the lines "They`re Marath`damane and I got no use for them till they are properly collared". The prejudice is strong against all channelers and there are bound to be people who only need an excuse to end the talks with Aiel.


I suspect that in Avi`s visions or the timeline/world/whatever Tuon is very much alive - She is simply damane to the Empire. The treatment of damane, how they are purged from any family records combined with how one of Tuon`s siblings was made da`covale I expect it to be reasonable assumption that even Imperial family or the Empress herself can be collared if her ability to channel is discovered.


I find it unbelievable for Seachan to free their channelers just because a`dam holds Tuon. It`s more likely that she`ll be considered as one who slipped trough the testing than a proof of all Suldam to be capable of channeling. And really, when it`s discovered, it seriously discredits her intentions of freeing Aiel channelers - With how Seekers seem to jump into conclusions, least the one we`ve seen on screen, I would suspect Tuon`s actions will be considered a Treason. And in this scenario, Seachan have perfectly valid reason to depose Tuon from the throne - Least by their traditions and standards.


I`m not saying this is going to happen but we know what WT plans or least Elayne`s intentions what I believe to be shared with WT. They intend to return channeling Suldam back to Seachan to undermine leashing culture - What better way to crush it than leash their leader? WT knows that Tuon can learn to channel trough Egeanin and Teslyn & co.


I do believe they´ll be given a chance for it, I believe it will be Egwene who gets the chance, there`s just too much bout her leashing and hate of a`damn and Seachan in the books for it to be anyone else. She might manage to even leash Tuon, I dont know bout that, but I suspect it will be Avi who either persuades Egwene to not do it/release Tuon, saving her from the life of damane.


I`m interested how damane issue will be solved but I feel certain it`s not trough leashing Tuon like a lot of people seem to believe.


Ps. The concept mentioned earlier how all Suldam cant be held by a`dam should be ignored on Tuon`s case. She is considered very skilled in training damane and with her privileges I believe she could link to damane whenever she felt like it, causing her to be experienced despite her young age.


I agree that Tuon ought not be collared at all. I also expect her to be wearing Mat's medallion o a likeness to it for protection; and she is also skilled in looking after herself .It is on the Aiel's interest that Tuon is kept as an strong Empress, not at as a potential Damane by her subjects.

I would love to see the main characters survive and continue being close friends. And for Rand to be a close father to his children.

I hope for a happy ending for Lan and Nynaeve.


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