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Basel Gill

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This is where I am right now on everyone. 


Lenlo, RTE, lolguy


BG, Darthe, Smiley, Despo 2.0(starry), Ley 2.0 (snow), Tress, Time, Maw


Turin, Kaylee, Ithi(just a little niggling suspicion)


TG, Random


Time, If BG is the only person you currently think is mafia why not vote for him?


Ley, it looked like a big reason you were voting Ithi was that you thought her claim in error. Since that has been addresed do you feel better or worse about her now?


Despo, I can't believe I am saying this but what do you think about Starry's play before you replaced him?


Darthe, if you had been Thorum on D2 would you have shot Tina(or anyone else) with your one and only shot? Also what did you think of his play before you replaced him?

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I like my vote on ithi.



Turin, I wouldn't have wasted my only vig shot on a weak suspect.. Nope.  Some player of a similar name didn't agree with it then and I like the way he thought on it..  though I am definitely not him.


@Mod, yes that is what I meant and it still makes things easier to interpret.  Here, I will take care of it.

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Are you using WoTs color system? Cause if so you just labeled yourself as probably town. Do you not know your own alignment?

A pet peeve of mine is when people that are NOT CONFIRMED TOWN try to pass themselves off as such. I know I am town, but no one else does so in my opinion it is disengenuous to put that into a list form where it may be taken as a fact. That was why I put myself in blue and not Green.


I also just like blue better, but that is a different story.

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1. Ithi
2. Turin
3. RTE
4. Darthe William Joseph Slim, Allied Rubber Tongue, lynched Day 1
5. Falcon Ironeyes Jimmy Doolittle, Allied cop/Doc Backup, lynched Day 3

6. Smiley
7. Rand Georgy Zhukov, Allied Mason, lynched Day 2
8. Ley J. Robert Oppenheimer, Allied Inventor, killed Night 2

9. Random
10. BG
11. Maw
12. Tress
13. Kaylee
14. Bard Babe TG
15. lolguy
16. Len
17. Womby Franklin Roosevelt, Allied Doctor, killed Night 3
18. Despo Henry Stimson, Vanilla Ally, killed Night 1

19. WoT13
20. Starrik Despo 2.0
21. Snowy Ley 2.0
22. Tina Vasily Chuikov, Vanilla Ally, killed Day 2
23. Thorum Darthe 2.0


Also, I have no idea why I didn't notice this before but with a bit of a review...  Unvote vote smiley


I actually like the red.  It serves it's purpose.

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Day 1 Final Vote Count:


Darthe (11): Ithi, Len, Turin, Womby, Darthe, Tina, Maw, RTE, Thorum, Ley, Rand, Snow

Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry

Tina (1): Random

Thorum (1): Des


Not voting (5): Falcon, Time, Tress, Kaylee



Day 2 Final Vote Count:



Final vote count:


Ithi (1): Iron

Thorum (1): Len

RTE (1): Rand

Rand (11): Ithi, Maw, Thorum, RTE, Turin, BG, Kaylee, Time, Ley, Womby, Starry


Not voting (5): BB, Chuckles, Snow, Tina, Random

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Ithi is first on all three.


Turin is safely middling on each of the first two and late on the third


Maw is middling on the first and early on the second and third


RTE is safing all lynches


For some reason Smiley doesn't appear on the first two and is early on the third.


Nor does BG, so no clues there.


So we have to base the next two days on very careful reasoning.  Mafia must be one of the people on all lynches, and mafia must be pushing hard this game to go against their own stereotypes.  Me thinks Maw, Smiley, or Turin are good places to go.


By this point, with some really crappy SK or the like out there and my one botched Vig shot, mafia has a strong hold on the game if there is one.  If two, this is a much better situation.


Normally I wouldn't ask but we could really use a cleared townie BB, besides yourself.


On the Darthe train we have Ithi, Len, Turin, Maw, RTE, and Ley 2 as unknowns.


On the Rand train we have Ithi, Maw, RTE, Turin, BG, Kaylee, Time, and Starry as unknowns.


Almost freaking everyone is unknown on the Marsh train.

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I wasn't on the first two because I didn't think Darthe 1.0 or Rand were really mafia, but by that point both of their trains were well formed enough that putting my vote on could have put them on L-1 where one more vote would have killed them possibly before they could claim or further defend themselves.


As for Marsh he was the surest I came at that point to thinking someone was actually mafia, so I voted him

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Ley, it looked like a big reason you were voting Ithi was that you thought her claim in error. Since that has been addresed do you feel better or worse about her now?


No better, as it wasn't my big reason. My big reason, was because Snow was a Roleblocker. Night one he blocked Ley 1.0 for some reason (maybe he thought Ley 1.0 was mafia and would maybe send in the Night kill/a mafia aligned role block or something like that?), and Night two he blocked, yes you're right, he blocked Ithi. She shouldn't have recieved any information. And that's the true reason I vote her.

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Welcome to today's Ithi post. I'm really not in the mood today but I will try.


I wasn't blocked, I got my result. The only person who says they were blocked was the Cop. Ley has taken about three days to come up with this, probably because the Lynch on me is stalling.


I still think Len is the best way to go. So many people have come out hard on me since I accused and voted him. Please read his posts ... Honestly, has he done anything on his own at all. And he definitely was against smiley and then flipped. Surely you must see it. And Ley is probably a team mate trying to get me killed. And WoT is another.


I can't really post more today. It's the first anniversary of my F-in-L's death and we are going to Scarborough. I won't be here to change my vote or post again today. Sorry.

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I'm not sure what to make of this now. As I see it the logical possibilties are:


Ley 2.0 is telling the truth, the roleblock works as he thinks and Ithi is lying .: Ithi = mafia; Ley = Town Roleblocker

Ley 2.0 is telling the truth, the roleblock does not work as he think and Ithi telling the truth .: Ithi = Town; Ley = Town/Mafia Roleblocker

Ley is lying, the roleblock never happened and Ithi is telling the truth .: Ithi = Town; Ley = Mafia


I'm sure there are others here I haven't listed, if there are any major ones please add in

Now I must think as to where things lie, Ithi's claim seems solid to me and the info fits in well, but Ley can't just be ignored

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I wasn't blocked, I got my result. The only person who says they were blocked was the Cop. Ley has taken about three days to come up with this, probably because the Lynch on me is stalling.


Okay, hope the quote works.


I even said that I did it because the lynch was stalling, as I did not want to paint myself as a target for the mafia.


If it had been possible, I'd not have revealed myself, but it seems it's the only way to get you lynched, and dying to lynch a mafia is worth it, imo.


And one last thing, I'm Eisenhower. As it seems we're all convinced it's allied vs axis, I should get a counterclaim if I'm lying, right? Because who wouldn't use the commander of Operartion Overlord (you know, D-Day and such stuff) in his game?

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It's been an emotional day. It has sunny though, and they still haven't come back from the sea, so I'm all alone and trying to distract myself by playing this game.


Ley replaced John Snow who was SO inactive he got replaced on Night 2, and yet he is supposed to have sent a block in on me. Total rubbish and made up desperationism. I'm sure you have your - oh dear me, Ithi is really Town afterall speech all worked out and other explanations.


You really didn't think this through at all. I just haven't worked out who you are trying to protect, there's only me voting Len so far, unless my other names have you worried. It makes me even more certain that Len is someone you really don't want to lose, but don't worry - hopefully I will have the chance to come after you tomorrow.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Ithillian" data-cid="2715664" data-time="1356256891"><p>

Welcome to today's Ithi post. I'm really not in the mood today but I will try. <br />

<br />

I wasn't blocked, I got my result. The only person who says they were blocked was the Cop. Ley has taken about three days to come up with this, probably because the Lynch on me is stalling.<br />

<br />

I still think Len is the best way to go. So many people have come out hard on me since I accused and voted him. Please read his posts ... Honestly, has he done anything on his own at all. And he definitely was against smiley and then flipped. Surely you must see it. And Ley is probably a team mate trying to get me killed. And WoT is another. <br />

<br />

I can't really post more today. It's the first anniversary of my F-in-L's death and we are going to Scarborough. I won't be here to change my vote or post again today. Sorry.</p></blockquote>


Hey Ithi, I almost agree with your Len assessment. Vote smiles with me and his flip will give the info we need, one way or another.

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