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Harry Potter Seven Title Announced!

Niamh Sedai

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But a horcrux can't be a place. A horcrux is a thing. It can, however, be a place where said horcrux either is at the moment, or where Voldemort killed the people he needed to make the horcruxes. A hallow is a holy place, like I said in my last post. Therefore it can't be a thing.


Yeah, but just thinking of the Lord's Prayer "Our Father who art in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy name"


So judging by this a thing could be hallowed.


I stick by my judgement ;)


"Hallowed be thy name" doesn't constitute it being a thing. Hallowing is a form of worship or reverence, and in that case, meaning we worship the name of the Lord, not... Well, look. Here's a dictionary definition, which can put an entirely new spin on your theories.




1. to make holy; sanctify; consecrate.

2. to honor as holy; consider sacred; venerate: to hallow a battlefield.


To render holy by means of religious rites



1. (used to call or answer someone, or to incite dogs in hunting.)


2. the cry “hallo!”

3. a shout of exultation.

–verb (used without object)

4. to call with a loud voice; shout; cry, as after hunting dogs.

–verb (used with object)

5. to incite or chase (something) with shouts and cries of “hallo!”

6. to cry “hallo” to (someone).

7. to shout (something).


I don't think she's going to create an entirely new meaning for a word... so it's probably safe to assume it's related to a definition above! :D


The end of the second definition looks promising, in conjunction with "deathly" anyway...


Anyone know if Rowling's been reading GRR Martin lately? *grins*




In conjunction with my definitions... They're currently working out the Dutch title. They aren't doing an exact literal translation of "deathly hallows." They've come up with a working title, which translates to "Deadly Shrine," "Deadly Sanctuary" or "Deadly Saints."


So I guess that gives a bit more of an idea of what's going on!


That literally made me spit all over my screen. My dad gave me a big "wtf?!" look, and my brother jumped. When did you get so naughty? I have trained you well, I see.


Oh Harry Potter and your unintended innuendos.


Well as long as it's not *his* broken wand you're fixing I'm happy. I'm Harry's girl through and through. I always have been, always will be. =)


you lot can fix any wand you like so long as you keep off from Snape's. That one's mine....


*jumps in ninja outfit and looks about fiercelylike*


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