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So My Bro Is Probably Going to Join..... Luke/Isam! (look over here second, bro)


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lol... you will, although he's more of the quiet violent crazy


he have a serial killer look?


no he doesn't surprisingly... unless you get him mad


I don't get mad... or even... I get a satisfying amount of revenge that is part of my master plan before leaving you to think you're safe

there goes the :) (and the splatter cat)


me no cwazy? me no cereal kiya yook? Ah is ofen dead. you take back?:(:(:(

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I can be called sir...of course, I suppose Isam would work too.

There's a difference between a kitty and a cat - one is little (a baby) and one is big (a CAT)

What does a cereal killer look like (not the cannibalistic cinnamon toast crunch kind)?

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A cereal killer has no name. A cereal killer has no face. He could be anyone on the street. He could be a family member. He could be your best friend. There's no way to know. One day, they will simply be gone, leaving no trace but a pile of empty Cheerio boxes.

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I can be called sir...of course, I suppose Isam would work too.

There's a difference between a kitty and a cat - one is little (a baby) and one is big (a CAT)

What does a cereal killer look like (not the cannibalistic cinnamon toast crunch kind)?


those rice krispies kids always looked menacing... Snap, Crackle and Pop... Sounds like they're eating your bones

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