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Spoilers! Chapter One - Eastwards the Winds Blew is up on Tor


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Waygates can't be vapourised - his plan was for Loial to remove the inner leaf on those considered too dangerous but I think machin shin got in the way

Still I don't get how machin shin didn't eat such a massive meal of souls - that was suppose to be why large numbers were not moved around


Waygates can be completely destroyed using the One Power. Loial mentions a record of 13 Aes Sedai with a sa'angreal destroying one in TSR chapter 14. I'm not saying it would have been easy, but considering the price about to be paid, it would have been worth the effort to actually destroy them.


Even removing the leaves wouldn't have been foolproof. A channeler can cut their way out of the Waygate from the inside, as Moiraine did in TEoTW.


Even removing the leaves wouldn't have been foolproof. A channeler can cut their way out of the Waygate from the inside, as Moiraine did in TEoTW.

Although Loial said a Waygate would slowly die after that. So I guess it depends on what he meant by slowly.


Really? This is so typical Brandon, just write the book as fast as you possibly can. No need to re-read the series, no fact check, just put out pulp. Much like everything Brandon has written this is really not good.


Wow, I'm amazed that Tor allowed this to be published. I'm really amazed that Harriett allowed this to be published.


Is it too late to start over with a new author? What's Stephen King doing these days? Is JK Rowlings busy these days? What about Jon Lennon? Oh wait I remember he's turning over in his grave as I'm sure RJ is too.


Brandon's style is to write a book as fast as he can. No wait, he's always got like three books going on at the same time so he gets confused on which one he's working on.


Honestly, I haven't read any of his other books but from watching this process unfold, monitoring his twitter account, and viewing his webpage....this post seems to be very accurate.




I knew I was being TOO dry in my now in vain attempt at humorous agreement.


Im very aware of who authored the piece I referenced ;-)




LOL, I was going to say that I liked that Isam scene too. In fact I think my favorite part of the aMoL prologue is the last lines in Isam POV


“They will accompany you,” she had said. Not “They will serve you.”

Bloody son of a dog. This was going to be a hateful job.

But are you saying that RJ wrote that scene? Are you sure? I don't see how that can be. as I understand it now RJ's BLANK in the Blight is the Town. But I seem to remember reading that he revealed the existence of the Blank in the Blight to Harriet on his deathbed and there weren't any notes, much less completed scenes about it. Isn't this right?


Herid - yes, Team Jordan and Mr Sanderson confirmed that the Isam's POV in the Town in the AMOL prologue was almost 100% written verbatim by the late Mr Jordan.


EDIT to say: Mark BEAT ME TO IT...that SWINE!!!





Also, just how often do you happen to have13 Aes Sedai with a sa'angreal handy?




Once every Seanchan Raid? :P


Seriously, though, this is something Rand could have told Egwene in their meeting in the White Tower. Say what he said, and a parting shot about Waygates being weakpoints that the AS must destroy to protect the world. How hard would that have been?


Also, while I get why people are pissed with the first chapter, I also don't get why some of the positives aren't being celebrated. Did no one find it noteworthy that the integration of Rand and Lews Therin seems to work fairly seamlessly in Rand's PoV? He's still recognizably Rand, but one with his former life. That was quite a feat to pull off, whether it was solely Brandon or done with RJ's help.


And while Egwene's PoV stands as a powerful spotlight on the craptacular writing of her character in ToM (think of the sheer number of debates we'd have avoided if we got better hints about her actual plan); as it stands this new PoV is a great things, especially if its a sign of things to come. It wasn't flawless, and Egwene is still way less cerebral than before, but at least she isn't completely schizophrenic in her thoughts on Rand's plan.


Also, did anyone else note the significance of Rand agreeing that as Watcher of the Seals, Egwene has a say on when they're broken? He just put egg on the face of a lot of the anti-Egwene (Eggwene? :P) crowd there.


“I believe it.” Rand regarded his wine. Lews Therin had loved wine. A part of Rand—that distant part, the memories of a man he had been—was displeased by the vintage. Few wines in the current world could match the favored vintages of the Age of Legends. "Not the ones he had sampled, at least."


Did anyone else notice the addition of the line above?


Not the ones he had sampled, at least.


Apparently, Team Jordan/Sanderson listened to everyone complaining about the wine comment. I went back and checked and the excerpt that was released initially from chapter 1 was missing this line. It was added after the fact.


I'm not sure how I feel about that.


“I believe it.” Rand regarded his wine. Lews Therin had loved wine. A part of Rand—that distant part, the memories of a man he had been—was displeased by the vintage. Few wines in the current world could match the favored vintages of the Age of Legends. "Not the ones he had sampled, at least."


Did anyone else notice the addition of the line above?


Not the ones he had sampled, at least.


Apparently, Team Jordan/Sanderson listened to everyone complaining about the wine comment. I went back and checked and the excerpt that was released initially from chapter 1 was missing this line. It was added after the fact.


I'm not sure how I feel about that.


And sorry for not bolding. I'm on my iPad and don't know how.



Did notice. It was a nice correction, and, in fairness, Sanderson is in a bit of a no win there - if he listens to the fan base TOO much and adds corrections then its just seen as a retconned piece of fanfic. If he does NOT, then he is attacked for NOT listening to the fans and not correcting little things.


Its hard. I liked many things in Chapter One though I had MANY issues too. Mixed bag. I will say this: The prologue ''felt'' a lot like Jordan in several areas. Chapter 11 ''felt'' like Sanderson at Sanderson's worst and Chapter One felt like Sanderson NOT at Sanderson's worst. - That is the kindest and most accurate way I know to say how I feel about the three released parts of AMOL so far.





Even removing the leaves wouldn't have been foolproof. A channeler can cut their way out of the Waygate from the inside, as Moiraine did in TEoTW.

Although Loial said a Waygate would slowly die after that. So I guess it depends on what he meant by slowly.


Even if the gate dies, it could still be cut through from the inside. Dying (as I understand it) just means that the Waygate won't ever open or close anymore, but the actual portal connection inside it still exists.


Edit to add: But if you are right, then there is far less excuse for not permanently disabling those gates.


Did notice. It was a nice correction, and, in fairness, Sanderson is in a bit of a no win there - if he listens to the fan base TOO much and adds corrections then its just seen as a retconned piece of fanfic. If he does NOT, then he is attacked for NOT listening to the fans and not correcting little things.


Its hard. I liked many things in Chapter One though I had MANY issues too. Mixed bag. I will say this: The prologue ''felt'' a lot like Jordan in several areas. Chapter 11 ''felt'' like Sanderson at Sanderson's worst and Chapter One felt like Sanderson NOT at Sanderson's worst. - That is the kindest and most accurate way I know to say how I feel about the three released parts of AMOL so far.





I completely agree. And I'm not trying to bash BS. I realize he's in a tough spot. I'm just glad that we're able experience the ending. It's much better than the alternative.


On a side note, I was really hoping that Talmanes wouldn't survive the healing and we'd get a nice moment with Nynaeve going crazy because she couldn't save him and vowing she'd find a way to heal everything, including death.


Also, just how often do you happen to have13 Aes Sedai with a sa'angreal handy?





Maybe once every last battle or so?


Rand probably could have done it himself with the Choedan Kal while he had it. Even if he just took out the ones inside the major cities he controlled, it would have helped.


I have to say, the entire chapter felt really anti-climactic. Talmanes surviving against all odds robs the prologue of its emotional punch, Rand's already figured out Elayne's pregnant, Elayne's reaction to Caemlyn's destruction was oddly subdued, the first Egwene-Egeanin meeting was a non-event as well... There's hardly any emotion or suspense. If this is what the rest of the book is going to be like, I don't think I'll like it much.


I read it as an attempt to minimize the damage from ToM. Just like Egwene is suddenly all reasonable and such. In ToM both were incredibly single-minded. I think this is fixing that up.


Yeah, it feels like Brandon's trying to rehabilitate Egwene's image, hence we get lots of retcon and ridiculous-sounding lines like:


"I may be Amyrlin, Nynaeve, but I am still Aes Sedai. Servant of all."


Next, she'll be kissing babies and mentioning how she sent help to the Borderlands off-screen in ToM. :p


haha this is one of my big annoyances of brandons egwene in tom and would actually fix it for me a little, atleast if something was done offscreen


So this is two substantial pieces of early-released material (prologue and chapter one) coming approximately one week apart? Even with the prologue unexpectedly early, that's a pace that seems unsustainable for a January 8th release. It will be difficult to wait having gotten this much in so short a time - I wonder at the strategy of such a rapid build up in late september... Are we still on the same timetable?


Anyone know who the hell Serenia Sedai is? Why is she opening Gateways to Caemlyn with the Kin? Was she one of the sisters at the Silver Swan? Someone from the AS camp who had a lot of sense?


And Neo: Rand couldn't have done it himself. Loial says that very bad things happened when four AS linked to try and destroy one during the Trolloc Wars. Apparently a circle of 13 is necessary.


Some have mentioned in this thread that based on how early this is being done they may push the date forward as was done with tGS. I'd be ecstatic if that was the case.


As for the chapter, enjoyed it overall. Really in anticipation mode for more, can't wait.


Anyone know who the hell Serenia Sedai is? Why is she opening Gateways to Caemlyn with the Kin? Was she one of the sisters at the Silver Swan? Someone from the AS camp who had a lot of sense?


And Neo: Rand couldn't have done it himself. Loial says that very bad things happened when four AS linked to try and destroy one during the Trolloc Wars. Apparently a circle of 13 is necessary.


Wasn't Serenia an Amyrlin killed by the WCs?


Some have mentioned in this thread that based on how early this is being done they may push the date forward as was done with tGS. I'd be ecstatic if that was the case.


I saw that mentioned as well - given that Luckers posted that particular bit of speculation, I'm sure nobody knows any more than he does, likely. Just sort of thinking out loud. And still a little surprised (in a pleasant way) at getting this much to read this early. Thought maybe someone with more marketing savvy than I have could see a pattern emerging...


Did notice. It was a nice correction, and, in fairness, Sanderson is in a bit of a no win there - if he listens to the fan base TOO much and adds corrections then its just seen as a retconned piece of fanfic. If he does NOT, then he is attacked for NOT listening to the fans and not correcting little things.


Its hard. I liked many things in Chapter One though I had MANY issues too. Mixed bag. I will say this: The prologue ''felt'' a lot like Jordan in several areas. Chapter 11 ''felt'' like Sanderson at Sanderson's worst and Chapter One felt like Sanderson NOT at Sanderson's worst. - That is the kindest and most accurate way I know to say how I feel about the three released parts of AMOL so far.





Your 3 points about the feel of the 3 released chapters are exactly how I feel about those scenes as well.


Edit: Actually, I just agree with your whole post - Sanderson's got it hard with this gig.


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