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Niel an' Tyomn

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I'm sorry for not being active!!! I'm still here but barely so, I have so much homework!!! Over here in the states its like 11 PM and I've been working since 7 ... :D I'm only in the 8th grade but I have sOOOOOO many advanced courses, and other stuff to do! I hope to be around more often but I think It'll have to wait until summer??? Well anyways, I miss u guys!!!!!! :sad: And can't wait to be back!!!! :happy:

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Homework...H-ome...work?? HOMEWORK! i haven't done any in two weeks! lol just kidding...but i did miss an online quiz >.< I hate online stuff...I can never remember it. In class if you forget you at least get to try...online if you forget you just get a zero...ouch. No worries all good grades otherwise.

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Freshman year I just had the easiest classes. I had a final grade of 110% in two of them.


When i'm awake depends on how much sleep i get. If I get a good amount, I'm really drowsy in the morning but awake later in the day. If I get very little sleep, I'm completely awake in the morning but crash in the evening.

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Oh homework, the BANE OF MY EXISTANCE!!! :dry: :patpatsNiel: I'd happily kill your homework for you if you'd do the same for myne :myrddraal: *loads crossbow*


*Prepares a weave of balefire*

I have lots of homework, but I get it done at Flex... and I would totally destroy homework, too. *works with Niel and Cyan on balefire weaves*

*adds to balefire*


And I NEVER get any free periods unless a teacher is absent. What homework I don't do I have to do sneakingly between classes or copy from someone else's. Copying is usually reserved for essays. Teachers don't read that.

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Oh homework, the BANE OF MY EXISTANCE!!! :dry: :patpatsNiel: I'd happily kill your homework for you if you'd do the same for myne :myrddraal: *loads crossbow*


*Prepares a weave of balefire*

I have lots of homework, but I get it done at Flex... and I would totally destroy homework, too. *works with Niel and Cyan on balefire weaves*

*adds to balefire*


And I NEVER get any free periods unless a teacher is absent. What homework I don't do I have to do sneakingly between classes or copy from someone else's. Copying is usually reserved for essays. Teachers don't read that.


This, exactly this. Well apart from the copying essays. We have to read those in front of the whole class, so the teacher would be reallllly mad if we all read exactly the same thing :rolleyes:

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Oh homework, the BANE OF MY EXISTANCE!!! :dry: :patpatsNiel: I'd happily kill your homework for you if you'd do the same for myne :myrddraal: *loads crossbow*


*Prepares a weave of balefire*

I have lots of homework, but I get it done at Flex... and I would totally destroy homework, too. *works with Niel and Cyan on balefire weaves*

*adds to balefire*


And I NEVER get any free periods unless a teacher is absent. What homework I don't do I have to do sneakingly between classes or copy from someone else's. Copying is usually reserved for essays. Teachers don't read that.


This, exactly this. Well apart from the copying essays. We have to read those in front of the whole class, so the teacher would be reallllly mad if we all read exactly the same thing :rolleyes:


this happened once when people had to read out answers, they'd just copied the answers from the memo on the school's network... their punishment was then an oral on peer pressure where they turned everything around and advocated for peer pressure as a good thing...

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You're lucky because you're forced to get up an hour earlier. Suuuuuure.


I, on the other hand, lack a second period, so I do all my math homework then.


You sir are lucky. How many periods do you have total?



Wrll normally about one per month......

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You're lucky because you're forced to get up an hour earlier. Suuuuuure.


I, on the other hand, lack a second period, so I do all my math homework then.


You sir are lucky. How many periods do you have total?



Wrll normally about one per month......

Shush you.

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