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Min, Aviendha, or Elayne


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Actually the 'vampire problem' is mentioned several times by AS (I think - it could be that it's been discussed on these boards). I think Nyn brings it up as a problem at her AS test, as a reason for AS to isolate themselves from the world.


Yes you may be right about that, I think Nyn mentions it at some point but it is not a topic that is discussed at great length if I do not remember it wrong. I really need to re read the books as it have been a while since I have been through the series.


The most realistic interactions were Avi and Rand imo. Their time spent together really was great writing. Min is done well too, but for some reason it just comes off as a bit boring and stale to me when compared to Rand/Avi.


I personally think that either Rand or Min will die - or both (talking about a final Rand death here). Avi and Elayne have responsibilities that will occupy them after the last battle, but Min has nothing. Furthermore, Avi and Elayne became sisters for some reason and I think that's going to relate to the ending and how they wont get Rand at the end. For Min, the only way to satisfactorily write her ending is going to be to kill her off somehow.


Think of the options:


- Rand dies and all of the girls survive. Min suddenly has nothing. She has no responsibilities, no backstory, no nothing. It would be extremely difficult to write an ending for her like this.


- Rand stays with the girls. I dont see the three of them sharing long term - especially when Min begins to age, etc. Again, a bit of a messy ending.


- Min elopes somewhere with Rand together. Problem with this is the aging thing. It is not a happy ending long term.


- Min dies and Rand lives with the remaining two girls. They all age together, Avi and Elayne are sisters so sharing is OK, and they can live happily ever after.


- Min and Rand die. Avi and Elayne have their kingdoms and responsibilities along with each other for comfort and a herd of kids to keep them busy and remember Rand by.


I am leaning towards the last option. Rand and Min are both going to die or leave the world somehow to live on in TAR, etc. Elayne and Avi's ending is basically already written in the series so far with their sisterhood and host of future kids to remember Rand by. Min It will be hard for Min and Rand to retire together due to the aging thing so it is likely that one or both of them will die.


Of course anything can happen, but my instincts are telling me that Min bites the dust or leaves the story somehow.


If I remember correctly, Nicola's foretelling indicates that all of Rand's women will survive the Last Battle. Aviendha, Min, and Elayne will live past the LB; whether Rand does is another story.


Are you talking about the one of them on the boat? Thats too ambiguous to tell. I assumed that it referred to Rand's resurrection and was not referring to the ending of the series post last-battle. Possibly though


Are you talking about the one of them on the boat? Thats too ambiguous to tell. I assumed that it referred to Rand's resurrection and was not referring to the ending of the series post last-battle. Possibly though


There is just more than Nicola's foretelling. We have the Wise Ones dreams as well as Egwene's. We we have to discarded cover by the late designer (sorry, forgot his name). It is probably pre-resurrection; and that should probably be towards the very end right before he takes Nynaeve and Moiraine to Shayol Ghul. I am assuming that the three women are most likely to survive.


I hope all four of them survive and have a relationship due to the simple fact of a lack of positive literature that depict polyamory. The WoT series is kind of put on a pedestal by many in the poly community and there will be great disappointment if Rand end up with one of the girls in the end. I however should I guess think that he will die and that his women will live on. It is true that Min do not have a great task put ahead for her so she might just fade into obscurity, or perhaps tell the tale while the other two rule their kingdoms and take care of other duties.


The "vampire problem" should be quite common among the Aiel. Their channelers don't lock themselves up in a tower ...

Amy's should, for instance, outlive Rhurac by far and see him age while she stays young. However, I have a feeling that the Aiel have a fairly rational view on these sort of things. The Wise Ones who can channel probably stay with their husbands until they die of old age and then simply find themselves a new man to love and wed.


The "vampire problem" should be quite common among the Aiel. Their channelers don't lock themselves up in a tower ...

Amy's should, for instance, outlive Rhurac by far and see him age while she stays young. However, I have a feeling that the Aiel have a fairly rational view on these sort of things. The Wise Ones who can channel probably stay with their husbands until they die of old age and then simply find themselves a new man to love and wed.


And Aiel women are probably used to husbands dying in battle. Bair buried three of them; and she cannot channel.


It may be just my way of thinking but I think it would be worse for a relationship to know your lover will age and die while you stay young, that is one hell of a growing apart, than knowing that your lover will mostly not live long and will die in battle before you. Perhaps that is why it works for the Aiel, the situation seldom arises as few of their warriors live into real old age and everyone know that, the chances that the man you met when he was 18 will be alive at 91 and need you to feed him and help him with even the most simple tasks are very slim, we do not see many very old people among the Aiel they live a hard life. Among Aes Sedai however, in the Tower with access to every luxury chances are an Aes Sedai's husband could live into extreme old age and she would have to watch that decay. I imagine it would be easier to bury a fallen soldier, mourn and then remarry than to care for a man who have become old and frail while you are still young.


Lol .... Aes Sedai abstinence is one of the main reasons why there is a reduction in the number of channelers in Randland. Wouldn't be wonderful if each Aes Sedai bears 30 - 50 children in her life time (Healing can take care of the pregnancy and birthing effects)? They would probably bury most of them in their lifetime. But with time and since channeling genes survive and continue to reproduce, the number of channlers would increase!


Aviendha > Elayne > Min

"The Far Snows" was an amazing chapter/scene, it's a pity we don't see more of them together.

What I don't like about Min is how she teases Rand in LoC. I understand that she couldn't confess because she was afraid that he'd send her away like he did with the other two, but still, her teasing was just cruel.


Aviendha > Elayne > Min

"The Far Snows" was an amazing chapter/scene, it's a pity we don't see more of them together.

What I don't like about Min is how she teases Rand in LoC. I understand that she couldn't confess because she was afraid that he'd send her away like he did with the other two, but still, her teasing was just cruel.

How was that cruel?


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