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I'm undecided


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first post here, sorry if its in the wrong section.


Anyway, I read the first 11 books about 2 years ago, and really want to start with the series again. Unfortunatley, I feel that I've forgotten alot of the details. I dont want to read the whole series again though. Should I just jump into book 12?


Re-reads are awesome. Trust me, I've done like thirty of them. :D


But not, seriously, Jordan's writing is layered so that you constantly pick up new things. Re-reads can be as much or more fun than the first read.


Re-reads are awesome. Trust me, I've done like thirty of them. :D

one upper! :dry: jk jk lol.

but one of my favorite things is how he'll will mention something just slight as it is (ex: Tower of Genji) in one book, makes you wonder about it. And then doesnt tell you about it until so many books later. My first collection of books and sooooo many post-it notes referencing so many over things


If you've only read the series once, then a full re-read is definitely recommended over just reading summaries. I dreaded it a bit, but once I got started I had tons of fun and discovered many things. If you'd like to be really thorough then you could read Leigh's Tor re-read commentary after each reading session. But I would really recommend reading yourself the 2nd time since you still will have some surprises - you will never have that experience again later on.


To each their own, but I recommend a complete reread. I've done it with every book release since like book 5 i think. I'm on my 9th one right now and hope this one will carry me through to the release of the final book.


Though as a special treat i have never even once read new spring so even if i finish early i will have material to read before its over. Not sure how i've managed to never read it, but i keep saving it "for a rainy day" so i would always have something of the wheel of time that was new. I almost broke and read it after RJ passed, but i heard Sanderson was finishing the books so that stopped me.


I don't disagree with the others recommending going ahead and re-reading them all. I myself am waiting on the library to get some of the books in from others who've already checked 'em out so I can do another re-read as well, and I've already read through the Tor re-read while waiting, and I'm a bit miffed that the Towers of Midnight re-read isn't finished yet, but I own that book, so it's no biggie.


But to each their own, really. I can understand being overwhelmed at the sheer volume of material implicated in a re-read, and not feeling ready to tackle it. In going through the Tor re-read, Leigh really makes it clear how much she's leaving out of her summaries, which just gives a greater motivation to go ahead and re-read the books yourself, and lessens some of the trepidation of doing so, since it doesn't take much time to read the summaries, you'll feel like it won't take too much more to just re-read the books themselves. Man, I love comma-splices.


I am on book number 4 right now. This probally for me is number 52 or 53 of my read throughs maybee a lil more maybee a lil less. Ive always said they need to be read at least 3 times to start to get everything, then after that you can pick and choose what storyline you want to. i have done that more than once i think its fun. Then you also can start skiping parts that really have no pertinace to main storyline overall.


But i say at least read em all 3 times through,and your good to go.


I definitely enjoy rereads, and I also recommending rereading the series, at some point. I reread a lot of books, but WoT is one series that I pick up more and more on every time I reread (and I'm on my...fourth or fifth reread now). However, it really is a big undertaking for some people; even reading the series just once can be a huge undertaking. So if you truly feel you don't have time, I also recommend Leigh Butler's reread on tor.com. It will refresh your memory but, you know, take less time than actually rereading.


I would say reread as well. Everytime through I pick up new and different things. It does take awhile to get through the whole series especially if time is limited. I would recommend reading at least one book before the one you need to read just to refresh the most current plot lines and where everyone is.


First eleven books are great for re-reads, though there are parts of Crossroads that you might want to skim through... Then you can go through the next two once (significantly less rewarding to re-read), and the next thing you know... BAM the last book is coming out and you'll have the ending.


If I had it all to do over, this (1-11, then 1-14) might even be my preferred way of reading it.


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