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Applications now being accepted for leaders of all three factions – Shadowspawn, Dreadlords, and Black Ajah.


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  • Club Leader

Yes, you read that right! All three Factions need new leaders. (I know there were some apps for the SS leader, but I haven’t seen them, so please reapply.) The positions are open to all SG members, fuls on up. You don’t have to be a member of the faction you are applying for, or any faction at all.

The duties are as follows:


SS leader (Shaidar Haran) – This person will be in charge of the Greyman tasks and oversees the Blight.

BA leader (Cuen’Shaidar) – This person oversees Thankandar, including the Cookpot thread, but not the Greyman tasks thread. They also oversee the Nae’Blis each month.

DL leader (Moridin) – This person is responsible for keeping track of the points earned and updating the wiki.


To apply, please PM me the following:

Which position you are applying for

Why you want the position

Why you think you would be good at the position – prior experience, etc.

What changes you would like to bring to Shayol Ghul in general

Anything else you’d like to add


I'll leave apps open until Aug 15th. That's only a week, so hurry up!

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note to self: Cindy is under the bed...do not dangle feet over the side.....do toss the dynamite under the bed. Light it first. Run like the dickens.


thank you all....


i'll keep the snacks safe, thank you nyn, and wait for the all clear... put out the dynamite.... avoid kat's toes, and refer her for involuntary status at bellevue as a danger to herself and others.... thank leelou kindly and start mixing magaritas.... and wish rand well....


*backs up a few more inches, eyes wide open and prepared to bolt*


thank you all....


i'll keep the snacks safe, thank you nyn, and wait for the all clear... put out the dynamite.... avoid kat's toes, and refer her for involuntary status at bellevue as a danger to herself and others.... thank leelou kindly and start mixing magaritas.... and wish rand well....


*backs up a few more inches, eyes wide open and prepared to bolt*


haha, thanks.


Note to self : Don't let Kat in my room.


this is very good advice....


i thought you could only get explosives like that in PA and alaska...


I have connections <.<


thank you all....


i'll keep the snacks safe, thank you nyn, and wait for the all clear... put out the dynamite.... avoid kat's toes, and refer her for involuntary status at bellevue as a danger to herself and others.... thank leelou kindly and start mixing magaritas.... and wish rand well....


*backs up a few more inches, eyes wide open and prepared to bolt*


Margaritas! :)


Really, would Nyn get mad at me? Well, here goes I guess.


Of course I'll get mad. I'm already on top of preparing a voodoo doll and designing a target with your face on it for Friday evening dart fun in the SS. We haven't decided yet if we're gonna use a frontal or a profile picture. We'll let you know.






Faction head positions are much more fun than the overall leadership position. People should sign up. If you're ambitious, apply for the BA. BA Heads always become SG leader.

  • Club Leader

So, in the meantime, can I have some Staff, please? heh


Seriously, I've received some great apps, but I'll certainly take more.


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