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WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower: A fun quiz and cut-throat property empire game for all **Game On!!**

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And so it begins ... WoTOPOLY at the Black Tower.


Do you think Rand, the AS, the BT and all the rest of the gang are doing a good job of running Randland? Do you think you can do better? The Black Tower now offers you the chance to take over and, using your knowledge of the Wheel of Time books, financial acumen and ability to spot people landing on YOUR PROPERTY, to do just that. Based on the ever popular Monopoly game, WoTopoly will allow you to buy land and utilities, build property, spend and earn money and even take a Chance with the M'Hael or the Lady Dragon's wishes and whims. But beware of the Whitecloaks and their fortress, unless you manage to find an 'Escape from the Fortress of Light for Free' card.


The Teams


Dragon Sceptre: Millon, EP, Tina, BG, Kae



Oath Rod: Tiinker, Razen, Smiley, Random, Cyan, Ayla



Dream Ring: Tress, Matrim, Basel, Niel, Cindy



Fox Head Medallion: Dice, Len, Shomofo, JohnSnow, Flash



Horn of Valere: Nolder, Arez, Locke, Taltos, Pank



Callandor: Turin, Rand, Nyanna, Despo, Roo, Darthe





Colour Codes for mobile Users


[b][Color="red"]Dragon Sceptre : Red[/color][/b] 

[b][Color="green"]Oath Rod: Green[/color][/b]

[b][Color="purple"]Fox Head Medallion: Purple[/color][/b]

[b][Color="orange"]Horn of Valere: Orange[/color][/b]

[b][Color="blue"]Callandor: Blue[/color][/b]

[b][Color="hotpink"]Dream Ring: Pink[/color][/b]

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How to play


We are basically going to be playing Monopoly with all the usual rules from that game. All teams will begin with 1500 Marks and will progress around the board buying property, building and charging people rent if they land on their spaces. Most things are familiar, but there are a few things unique to this version.


1. The Mods will roll the Twin Dice. They will only roll the Dice when the team requests that they do so. To roll the Dice, simply post Roll the Dice in bold and your team colours.


2. To initially purchase a property you must land on it. If you do not wish to buy, the property will not be auctioned off. If you wish to Buy the property you must post the word Buy in bold and your Team color.


3. To access your bank account to make purchases and build, you must provide a password. The password will change everytime and will be the answer to the Question provided by the bank. Fail to provide the correct password and you will be given another chance. You will have three attempts to give the correct password before your account is locked. You will then need to roll the dice and move on. To give your password type Password in bold and your team colour along with the answer.


4. You cannot build on properties until you own the whole colour group. To Build on a Property you must alert the bank to your request by posting Build in bold, in your Team Colour instead of asking to roll the dice. You cannot select to Build until you have completed all of the normal actions that occured as a result of you landing on your last space. The bank will then ask for your password as above. If you successfully provide it, you will be allowed to add your buildings to your property. When you have finished building, you must ask for the Dice to be rolled if you wish to move on.


5. If you spot that another team has landed on your Property you can charge them rent. You do not need a password to do this. Simply Post Rent - Team Name - Property Name and the bank will check if you are correct. If you are correct, both teams play will be halted until the other Team confirms they will pay. The Bank will transfer the funds and confirm rent has been paid. Both teams may then ask for the Dice to be rolled. It is YOUR responsibility to watch for other teams landing on your property ... if they manage to roll the Dice before you claim Rent - tough.


6. If you are captured by the White Cloaks, you have three ways to escape. 1. Bribe the guards 50 marks, 2. Use an Escape for Free Card, 3. Try to roll a double. You have three chances to roll a double - if you fail on the 3rd attempt you will need to bribe the guards 50 marks anyway. Again, you must request each Dice Roll and/or action yourself. There is no auto roll in this game. Choose your Action by typing it in Bold and your Team colour. Bribe, Use Card, Attempt Double You will NOT be able to collect Rent whilst you are imprisoned.


7. If you land on the Summoned by the Dragon or M'Hael cards - you will need to solve an Anagram before you will be able to take your card. If you are successful, you will be given your card and the actions required. The bank will automatically complete these actions for you if possible. You must then ask for the Dice to be rolled if you wish to move on. If you are not successful you will not get another chance and will need to roll the dice. Please post your answer in bold and your team colour so we do not miss it.


8. Yo can view the whole list of board spaces, property, costs and rental values and also who owns who on the WoTOPOLY Doc. There is a link to this at the bottom of the Mod Posts. We will try and keep it as up to date as possible.


9. Do NOT quote the Mod Game Posts.


10. You may trade cards between teams. What arrangements you make are up to you. When you have reached an agreement, BOTH TEAMS must post Trade - Property Name - A to Team B - Transfer XXXX Funds/Property The bank will ask you for a password and either Team may answer the Question. The bank will then perform the Transfer. Once it has been completed you may ask for the Dice to be rolled.


11. If you run out of money, there will be no Mortgaging. You may sell property and buildings back to the bank for half their value - Sell These items will then become available for other Teams to purchase. You must provide a password to use this service. You may also trade the properties direct to the other team Trade. If you choose this option they will be worth their full value. You may not trasde building however, so will need to sell them back to the bank first.


Command Post Summary:


1. Roll the Dice!

2. Buy

3. Build

4. Rent

5. Transfer

6. Bribe (When in Jail)

7. Use card (When in Jail)

8. Attempt Double (when in Jail)

9. Sell (to release funds for debts)

10. Trade (to cover debts)

11. Password = Type the Answer (to access the Bank's Services)




Full List of spaces on Board & cost to buy

1 GO! Collect 200 Marks -

2 The Blasted Lands 60

3 Summoned by the Dragon -

4 Shayol Ghul 60

5 Payment for Lodging and Stabling 200 or 10% of Property Value (whichever is greater) -

6 Tinkers (Peoples of WoT) 200

7 Arafel 100

8 Summoned by the M'Hael -

9 Kandor 100

10 Saldea 120

11 The Fortress of Light (and just visiting) -

12 Cold Rock's Hold 140

13 Saidar 150

14 Imre's Stand 140

15 Rhuiden 160

16 Ogiers (Peoples of WoT) 200

17 Sea of Storms 180

18 Summoned by the Dragon -

19 Spine of the World 180

20 Stone of Tear 200

21 The Stedding (Free parking) -

22 Dumai's Wells 220

23 Summoned by the M'Hael -

24 Janghai Pass 220

25 The Sun Palace 240

26 Seanchan (Peoples of WoT) 200

27 The Two Rivers 260

28 The Four Kings 260

29 Saidin 150

30 Caemlyn 280

31 Captured by Whitecloaks! (Go to Jail) -

32 South Harbour 300

33 Dragonmount 300

34 Summoned by the Dragon

35 The White Tower 320

36 Sea Folk (Peoples of WoT) 200

37 Summoned by the M'Hael -

38 The Farmhouse 350

39 Pay for Damage Caused by an attack of Tainty Madness 150 Marks -

40 The M'Hael's Palace 400


Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Oath Rod - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Fox Head Medallion - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Horn of Valere - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Callandor - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Dream Ring - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document




OK ... Game on!





All PMs have been sent and you may now post in this Thread.


Feel free to chit chat, plan and plot, discuss tactics as if you were all sitting around a table together. As long as all of your commands are in Bold and the appropriate colour then me and Rhea will see it fine, so we don't really mind what else you get up to.


Welcome to the game, and good luck.

Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Oath Rod (Green) - 1500 Marks: You rolled a Double 1 and landed on The Blasted Lands: Awaiting Command


Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1500 Marks: You rolled a Double 4 and landed on Arafel: Awaiting Command


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 1500 Marks: You rolled a 1 and 3 and landed on Shayol Ghul: Awaiting Command


Callandor - (Blue) 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document



The Mod is very well. Thank you for asking. It's always nice to be playing games :biggrin:


puts on a bullwinkle the moose voice and says "wanna watch me pull a mod out of thin air?"



in Rock the Squirrel voice "that trick NEVER works!"



bullwinkle" hey Tainto!" sees ithis post....."oops wrong mod!"

Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Oath Rod (Green) - 1500 Marks: You rolled a Double 1 and landed on The Blasted Lands: Awaiting Command


Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1500 Marks: To BUY Arafel please provide the password: Who’s sign is a kingspenny on a field of blue?


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 1500 Marks: To BUY Shayol Ghul please provide the password: Name three spies of the Dark One.


Callandor - (Blue) 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document





Yes you do Basel, but DM has not been sending out notifications sometimes. I have just checked and it is there.


All game play occurs in Thread Nolder - so post your answer in Bold and your team colour. I will add that to the rules :)

  On 7/23/2012 at 10:43 AM, WildTaltos said:

Ravens, Crows, and Rats

Are you sure about the Ravens? I thought of them but then thought about Mat and started second guessing myself.

Official Mod Post: Please do NOT requote this post!


Dragon Sceptre (Red) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Oath Rod (Green) - 1500 Marks: You rolled a Double 1 and landed on The Blasted Lands: Awaiting Command


Fox Head Medallion (Purple) - 1500 Marks: To BUY Arafel please provide the password: Who’s sign is a kingspenny on a field of blue?


Horn of Valere (Orange) - 1440 Marks: You have BOUGHT Shayol Ghul: Awaiting Command


Callandor - (Blue) 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command


Dream Ring (Pink) - 1500 Marks: Awaiting Command



Click here to access the WoTOPOLY Document


Hello Taltos :) Most Ironic Purchase Ever lol


Hehe isn't it? So since we do not own the whole colour, cannot do anything with it yet, right? So we can just move on?


Of course you can, you just need to use the Roll the Dice Command. There is NO auto roll in this game. Teams will need to get used to that. It is so it is more likely you will be able to claim rent from those who forget to move on lol.


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