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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Y'know, I'd love to say that my smugness is a mafia strategy that helps me get the mafia so rattled and peeved they slip up, but honestly, I'm just as smug in real life :unsure:


I'm plenty charming tho, so it kinda makes up for it! :smile:


I did think of a nice offer for you tho AJ. If I let you punch me in the face if we ever meet, will you give us the names of the rest of your team?



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Something tells me you were itching to twap me... :tongue:


Morning dear mod!




Also, teh punching of the face talk didn't bother me at all, I got thick skin


*flicks thigh with a paper clip to demonstrate*



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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.


Indeed. This limits the info we can get from Basel's lynch. However, I am thinking his innocent result on AJ was a symp signal. This obviously makes AJ and Rand suspicious. Turin, it would be best if you and your partner did not block Nyanna tonight.

I felt that you shouldn't be directing other's night actions like this. and to be honest I would rather Nya gets blocked to stop another NK. And who we view should also be kept a mystery so as to keep the mafia guessing. But I already decided that we could easily lynch AJ or Rand tomorrow. In fact I will definitely be voting for you AJ.

Ahh right this is what I wanted to comment on yesterday and forgot.


You said you guys blocked me last night? But...I didn't do the action. Does blocking one mason partner block the other too???

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Aww despo edited. Shame on you... :laugh:

Looks like your smugness backfired.


Anyway, I wouldn't have believed it, that Basel would flip symp because I am convinced that John is town, and I assumed that mason teams wouldn't be mixed. But now I won't find it hard to believe that AJ is mafia. Rand may not be mafia, but I feel AJ is more likely than Rand to be mafia. And actually I don't see any problem with Basel thinking that if he "viewed" AJ and said she flipped town then we would believe him and he would then have vetted a mafia as town. Basically, this may have been his plan all along so we should continue to follow this lead and lynch AJ tomorrow.

And Rand you may be right that your power is useful, because I think in this game there can be unconventional powers like Darthe's star power. But for now I'm certain that the cops and docs are the highest on the list of NKs.

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BG, I modestly accept your gracious judgement. Thank you, and my bad once again.




Alannalynn, you have an excellent avatar and your grasp at teh game of mafia is astounding. I wish I could grow up to one day be as skilled a mafia player as you.



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BG, I modestly accept your gracious judgement. Thank you, and my bad once again.




Alannalynn, you have an excellent avatar and your grasp at teh game of mafia is astounding. I wish I could grow up to one day be as skilled a mafia player as you.




It might just be me, but I don't think that sounded sincere. :laugh:


Good morning by the way folks.

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JS can you tell us how your role/power was affected by Basel's death?


I have vote control now.

I'm just not sure where to put it: Despo, so I can get 2x day after tomorrow, or on one of our likely scum targets.

If I put it on despo, I'd likely follow what despo wants.


so it's kind of like Nolder losing the punch-through ability on his NK, making his only a basic NK after his partner died.

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