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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Yes. He claimed it said one of his win requirements was to keep me alive:

Basel Gillsiguser.png


10:10 PM ET (US)

If I were scum, I think it would actually be in my best interests to lynch you to vet myself. Assuming that you don't flip scum. I've been thinking of changing my vote to Womby, but Des is still the leading vote-getter and I'm still suspicious of him. I will tell you that while I am town, I was given a personal win condition in a separate mod PM that I have to keep you alive till the end of the game, in addition to eliminating all the bad guys. So I really don't want to lynch you. I don't think this is something we should reveal.

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A symp is someone who knows who the mafia are or sometimes just knows who the godfather is. And Basel telling John that he got another PM should have send alarm bells ringing for you John. Btw Basel's flip puts suspicion on AJ and Rand.


*Nods* Hindsight 20:20

I thought that my role PM saying we were both good guys cleared him. BG is making this game...very interesting.

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A symp is someone who knows who the mafia are or sometimes just knows who the godfather is. And Basel telling John that he got another PM should have send alarm bells ringing for you John. Btw Basel's flip puts suspicion on AJ and Rand.


Huh, nevermind then. Mafiawiki said that it usually didn't know who mafia was, but that role may have been changed for this game I guess. However, if there is recruiting, then what is the point of knowing who the symps are. So this boils down to two possibilities (that I see at least, if there are more, please add to this list). One, basel knew that he was mafia symp from the beginning and knew all the other mafia, meaning that he was not recruited and that Niel is lying. Two, Basel did not know who the mafia team was and Niel is not lying.

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Um, Nolder, if you have been reading what we have been saying, if Basel knew who his mafia partners were from the beginning (which would be the only way that he would vet a mafia), then there would be no need to recruit him, which would mean that John is probably lying. So if you believe this, which I personally don't, then John would be the safest bet.

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What's a Mafia Symp?

Someone who knows the mafia but the mafia doesn't know them


Also, this confirms it's a recruitment game.

Ehhh not exactly

It's like a 50/50 chance whether it's a recruitment game or not

Symps are sometimes recruitable and sometimes not

It depends on the mod


IMO there is probably like two scum teams of two that know each other and 2-4 symps filtered throughout the other teams

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What's a Mafia Symp?

Someone who knows the mafia but the mafia doesn't know them


Also, this confirms it's a recruitment game.

Ehhh not exactly

It's like a 50/50 chance whether it's a recruitment game or not

Symps are sometimes recruitable and sometimes not

It depends on the mod


IMO there is probably like two scum teams of two that know each other and 2-4 symps filtered throughout the other teams


Oh, I must have misread mafiawiki, wait let me go read it again.

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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.


Indeed. This limits the info we can get from Basel's lynch. However, I am thinking his innocent result on AJ was a symp signal. This obviously makes AJ and Rand suspicious. Turin, it would be best if you and your partner did not block Nyanna tonight.

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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.


Indeed. This limits the info we can get from Basel's lynch. However, I am thinking his innocent result on AJ was a symp signal. This obviously makes AJ and Rand suspicious. Turin, it would be best if you and your partner did not block Nyanna tonight.


Heh heh heh, ninja'd :ph34r:

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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.




A thought: AJ is scum, and Basel knew that. To try to let her know he's a symp, he "vets" her as town?


Yes, that would be a classic symp signal. It could also be WIFOM but right now I am thinking symp signal.

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A symp is someone who knows who the mafia are or sometimes just knows who the godfather is. And Basel telling John that he got another PM should have send alarm bells ringing for you John. Btw Basel's flip puts suspicion on AJ and Rand.


*Nods* Hindsight 20:20

I thought that my role PM saying we were both good guys cleared him. BG is making this game...very interesting.


=p I'll believe that you are new but this implies other games.


If part of someone's mason team is a symp should we not be looking at their partner heavily tomorrow? Not that he is likely to be mafia given the circumstances.. I actually think it works in Johns favor but am unwilling to rule other possibilities out. Also, AJ Nol and John seem to be the main candidates for tomorrow so far.

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The scum would not know that Basel was a symp. They were just as likely to lynch him as town.




A thought: AJ is scum, and Basel knew that. To try to let her know he's a symp, he "vets" her as town?


I have wondered about this. Moreso, if AJ is scum then should not Rand be as well? And of course the inverse is true. The trouble with a game full of masons is that if they are true masons every death helps the town twice over =) But I am sure BG thought of that.

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