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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Cool story Basel. I'm not scum. Guess whose head will be on the chopping block tomorrow if I get lynched today?


That's right, you and team "This is my first mafia game but somehow I'm teh best ever at it so stop questioning me!" over there.


I never said I was good at it. That's what you guys said.


I'm voting for you for the same reason you are voting for Basel. I'm trying to keep my partner alive, and your lynch is the best chance of that.


I didn't say you said you were good at it. I was being facetious. You did get very defensive about others questioning your quick learning curve tho. Betting money on that kind of thing?


This game, mafia... it's best not to take anything personal bro. If you are just simply a quick learner and that's it, then take satisfaction when everyone finds out that's really the case.


As to the bold: Are you saying you don't think I'm scum? Seems like you're trying to cover yourself now, as if you know I'll flip town.


For teh bestest new player evar, that could be an actual slip!




I'd also like to point out how ridiculously easy it would be to vet me and Lenlo's role. To not even give us a chance to prove we're not lying seems a bit silly


Yours was the power buff if I remember correctly?



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Cool story Basel. I'm not scum. Guess whose head will be on the chopping block tomorrow if I get lynched today?


That's right, you and team "This is my first mafia game but somehow I'm teh best ever at it so stop questioning me!" over there.


I never said I was good at it. That's what you guys said.


I'm voting for you for the same reason you are voting for Basel. I'm trying to keep my partner alive, and your lynch is the best chance of that.


I didn't say you said you were good at it. I was being facetious. You did get very defensive about others questioning your quick learning curve tho. Betting money on that kind of thing?


This game, mafia... it's best not to take anything personal bro. If you are just simply a quick learner and that's it, then take satisfaction when everyone finds out that's really the case.


As to the bold: Are you saying you don't think I'm scum? Seems like you're trying to cover yourself now, as if you know I'll flip town.


For teh bestest new player evar, that could be an actual slip!




I'd also like to point out how ridiculously easy it would be to vet me and Lenlo's role. To not even give us a chance to prove we're not lying seems a bit silly


Yours was the power buff if I remember correctly?




Okay. For now, I'll give you a chance with the NA.

But I know Basel is clean. (Unless this is a recruiting game). So if it's between him or you, I'd rather lynch you, because I'm not as sure.

Unvote, Vote Darthe.

For reasons stated earlier.

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I'm not mafia Turin, and I currently already have my vote on who I think is mafia. If it comes to a matter of lynch Basel or random or whatever the penalty is, then i will lynch Basel for info from his lynch, but until then, I am going with who I think has the highest chance of being mafia.

Translation: I am mafia and would rather have a random bad event than lose my teammate.


Let's go people.


um, no, I said that I would rather lynch Basel then have a bad event


And also, yes Despo, I would love it if our WoTopoly situation got better, we almost got more rent too! :( We can still hope though.


And for the record, I was in the GoT game. :cool:

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I have some questions for my chief suspects.


Nolder, you were Niel's partner until you bussed him. What does the lightning bolt power do?


Nolder is lying. Shush, that is tomorrow...


Basel, how do you explain there being no inventor and how is it yours appears to be the only successful night action from last night?


I had been guessing the inventor team had been wanting to protect themselves from an NK, and thus having the other powers go to waste. Rand and AJ haven't claimed yet, maybe it is them. Which means some other team is faking, and has posted a fake PM, which I wouldn't put it past BG to provide, since he did allow for quoting PMs. Or maybe AJ has been GF all along. How do you KNOW there is no inventor just because none have claimed it?


Basel what was the item that gave you the one time view called?


Aj and rand are the mafia. I never heard of a mafia inventor. Maybe it could happen. The non reveal is baffling. If I were a town inventor, and I have been in a BG game, I wouldn't give out an invention like that to anyone night one, not even my partner. However if I did give it away I would not leave the recipient to twist on a rope. Face it Basel, it was unlucky you claimed a successful NA on a night they all failed. There is no inventor. You are a LLL.


John, of course you will be surprised. Basel has been telling you he is your friend and all this stuff is all lies. You cannot trust anyone in mafia. To answer your question I will be astounded if Basel flips town.


Please get this done people.

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Rand. Then vote him already. You may get called away and miss your chance.


John, that vote is called deflecting. I realize you don't want to vote your "partner" but in a more normal game it would make you look really bad when Basel flips mafia.


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1. David & Songstress - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & Nolder (he claims 3rd party basically traitor to Niel)lightning bolt


11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & Arez - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.


For easy reference. I find myself wanting to look at it.


Also, is there any harm in everyone else revealing their roles?

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Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.

*stomps foot* I HAVE!! Look back a page or too, tis right at teh top.


And yes :) I'm Samus Aran, who I have no idea about in Smash Bros but looks cool with a cannon on his arm :cool:


Yep, I remember. I just copied and pasted the last one I could find.

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Players who haven't revealed : Nyanna, Presumably Wombat's partner.

*stomps foot* I HAVE!! Look back a page or too, tis right at teh top.


And yes :) I'm Samus Aran, who I have no idea about in Smash Bros but looks cool with a cannon on his arm :cool:

(It's a her....)

*headdesk* Kids these days....
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