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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed DOC

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Smash Bros. masons (funny)

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel &

10. Nolder &


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Dice, Nyanna


David, I thought it would be good to update with claims as well. Feel free to use this.


Very wrong. We have an extra vote. Dice claimed doc. Dear god, save me from the incompetent.

Don't forget power absorber & lightning bolt.

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel &

10. Nolder &


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Dice(claimed doc), Nyanna

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel &

10. Nolder &


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Dice(claimed doc), Nyanna


Dice claimed a partner too

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed Power Buffers

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Smash Bros. masons (funny)

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel &

10. Nolder &


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Dice, Nyanna


David, I thought it would be good to update with claims as well. Feel free to use this.

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David, you are leaving out the possibility that the other person on his QT is mafia. It would allow that person to take control of the power they shared. It also allows them to claim mason but not telling partner if they happened to vote for him.


Fair enough Darthe. Yes that wad for you BG

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & claimed doc


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Nyanna

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David, you are leaving out the possibility that the other person on his QT is mafia. It would allow that person to take control of the power they shared. It also allows them to claim mason but not telling partner if they happened to vote for him.



My PM specifically states we are good guys. If anyone's PM does not...then they should post so. Their partner is likely scum.

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David, you are leaving out the possibility that the other person on his QT is mafia. It would allow that person to take control of the power they shared. It also allows them to claim mason but not telling partner if they happened to vote for him.


Fair enough Darthe. Yes that wad for you BG

This would apply to neighbours I think. Can mason teams be mixed? Lovers of course can be mixed. But if one lover dies then the other one will die as well.

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & claimed doc


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Nyanna

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David, you are leaving out the possibility that the other person on his QT is mafia. It would allow that person to take control of the power they shared. It also allows them to claim mason but not telling partner if they happened to vote for him.



My PM specifically states we are good guys. If anyone's PM does not...then they should post so. Their partner is likely scum.

This is part of what I meant when I mentioned the QT names earlier.

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Actually peace I think you've made a good point about the PM stating that we are good guys and if they don't then their partners may be scum. Because in this game friends become enemies and enemies become friends. So maybe this point is a clue, if there is a town and mafia mason team then the town player would turn on the mafia player as the story said we would. Just a thought...

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & claimed doc


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Nyanna

is someone missing here. I only see 23 names.
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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & claimed doc


Players who haven't revealed : Tiinker, Arez, Wombat, Razen, Nyanna, Songstress


I had forgotten about Songstress.

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You know what guys I'm thinking now there can't this many pure town mason teams, there must be some mixed ones in this lot. This is going to get very hard later.


Yeah, that much is clear. My PM spoke of infections so I'm

You know what guys I'm thinking now there can't this many pure town mason teams, there must be some mixed ones in this lot. This is going to get very hard later.


They didn't have to start mixed but I'm strongly under the impression that one can be converted.

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