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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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BG, did you miss my vote, or is it somehow not counting?


Song..you aren't believing the role claim?




<-- Tress! :laugh: I know Song's not in this game, but I have to keep pounding into people to reduce confusion for when she is playing... :wink:


And really, I don't take his claim at face value. It seems to be a convenient way of trying to convince the town to keep him around because his role can be so "useful to town".


The way he describes the role sounds fishy to me as well.


Me and my partner are Power Buffers. One of us can activate an ability that makes it so, when targeted, gives the person targeting one extra NA the next night.


They have to activate the ability... and then once they do, whoever targets that person with a NA gets an extra NA the next night. Obviously if Despo is town and is telling the truth, he can't be the one to activate it anymore, because now that it's out in the open, whatever powers the mafia team has can be doubled by targeting him.


If it's true, it's of limited usefulness, especially now. And it seems unlikely to be true to me.

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I believe despo's claim. So unvote despo and vote Nolder.


Why are you guys voting for Rand, who is AJ's partner who in turn has been vetted on Basel's word. Does Basel seem scummy to you guys and don't you believe his claim of viewing AJ? If so, then Rand must also be town because mason teams won't be mixed between town and mafia. I think that can only happen with neighbours. Think guys...

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I believe despo's claim. So unvote despo and vote Nolder.


Why are you guys voting for Rand, who is AJ's partner who in turn has been vetted on Basel's word. Does Basel seem scummy to you guys and don't you believe his claim of viewing AJ? If so, then Rand must also be town because mason teams won't be mixed between town and mafia. I think that can only happen with neighbours. Think guys...


I hate when people make votes or vote switches with little to no evidence provided. Scummy lack of reasoning David. :(


Also, people are voting for Rand, 'cause of Wombat and Despo, the very person you just 'believe the claim of' for some reason. Are you just hoping that she's telling the truth so you can make better use of your power? To me this comes off as you trying to shift votes off of Des, for whatever reason.


I'm tired. Not going to be up much longer.

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@Tress: Tbh I'm thinking about publicly stating that I'll be using it tonight. True, mafia may get some roles buffed, but if one of them gets RB'ed, or even if not, they still won't be able to get as much of an advantage as town. Basically, I can be like a lightning rod tonight. Everyone can target me, and that will hopefully give us tons of options the next night.


Not only that, but my role is crazy easy to vet. Anyone, I repeat anyone, that has a NA, can state whether or not their abilities were buffed by targeting me.

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Nolder is really starting to ping me.



Also, not wanting to vote for a player just because he's good? More like a mason/maf partner.

FoS Des and Nolder

I don't want to vote him because I have better targets right now


That's not what you said earlier....


re: Des

I'm still unsure about him

This whole thing with Rand does seem contradictory but tbh Des is a good player and I'd rather have him around until we're sure he needs to go

That said, it's not looking good for him IMO


Ie. not unless you have no other choice. Not, there are better targets, but more of a "I don't want to vote my buddy, but I will to cover my but."


I'll work on getting the quotes for why you're pinging me, it will be a bit though (I'm about to have lunch)

You're twisting words

I did not say unless I have no other choice

I said until we're sure he needs to go

I'm not sure about Des yet one way or another, are you?

He's done some good casing and all around seems to be playing townie but starting that No Lynch train was very suspect IMO and I said as much

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@Tress: Tbh I'm thinking about publicly stating that I'll be using it tonight. True, mafia may get some roles buffed, but if one of them gets RB'ed, or even if not, they still won't be able to get as much of an advantage as town. Basically, I can be like a lightning rod tonight. Everyone can target me, and that will hopefully give us tons of options the next night.


Not only that, but my role is crazy easy to vet. Anyone, I repeat anyone, that has a NA, can state whether or not their abilities were buffed by targeting me.


You're trying hard to stay alive one more day. Anyone with a role that targets will want to keep you now, even the Mafia, but really this is what made me not believe you so much. I would think we'd have already seen more evidence of your sort of power in play before now, if it were true. *shrug*


XD You're kind of a famous Mafia player. LOTS of people must target you first thing during games.


What is PGO?

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You a PGO, Des? lol




What's a PGO?


@Tress: Tbh I'm thinking about publicly stating that I'll be using it tonight. True, mafia may get some roles buffed, but if one of them gets RB'ed, or even if not, they still won't be able to get as much of an advantage as town. Basically, I can be like a lightning rod tonight. Everyone can target me, and that will hopefully give us tons of options the next night.


Not only that, but my role is crazy easy to vet. Anyone, I repeat anyone, that has a NA, can state whether or not their abilities were buffed by targeting me.


You're trying hard to stay alive one more day. Anyone with a role that targets will want to keep you now, even the Mafia, but really this is what made me not believe you so much. I would think we'd have already seen more evidence of your sort of power in play before now, if it were true. *shrug*


XD You're kind of a famous Mafia player. LOTS of people must target you first thing during games.


What is PGO?


... We've only seen two night phases. I was viewed one of them. I didn't use our ability last night, my partner did. And like I said, I was kinda tryin to do everything I could to get targeted by the Cop, short of doing or saying something that would get me instalynched.


Also, I doubt I'd survive very long, now that I've claimed, honestly. But, I figure I can at the very least go down and give town a BA buff before I go. And assuming I do follow through with this plan, I'll reveal my teammate before I die so yall will have a confirmed townie to add to the list (although, like every other mason team apparently, our power will get nerfed if one of us goes)

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Sorry, I'm a bit late getting back to you, Nol.

Here's the pings I saw in the last ~10 pages or so


I have given very specific information about my mason team. But that is clearly not enough. Ok, the power role my mason team has is cop. We viewed kathleen, and she came up as town. So, that means Moon is Town as she has replaced Kathleen.


(I have just realised that there is always the possibilty that we viewed a godfather, but the chances of that are slim.)


So, Moon can vouch for the truth of my words.

1. Why in the world are you claiming? Kat/Moon was nowhere near being lynched. You're scum and you're cop fishing.

2. Why in the world would you investigate Kat/Moon in the first place? She wasn't suspicious at all in my book and even if she was there were much much better targets.

3. AND you're trying to act like the person you investigated can vouch for you? How would SHE even know you're telling the truth in the first place? Terrible reveal and poor attempt at cop fishing.



Vote David


Btw, you do not lynch an uncountered cop claim.

You do when they're this scummy. You his mafpartner?

Well this was an entirely wasted day


Major FoS whoever started this No Lynch train

You could have went with the "third scummiest" player if you really believed neither dice or david should have been lynched


This is the first ping that I saw in the last ~10 pages or so. I didn't look further back than that, but I think there were a few earlier too.

You were really pushing hard for a unCC cop lynch. While David seems very scummy, I'm hesitant to lynch him until I know for sure he's scum/not a cop.

So, if anyone else has a 1-shot role check/alignment check, I ask that it's used on David.

So you admit David is scummy but you're not willing to lynch him until you know for sure? How is that any different than what I said about Des?

You are contradicting yourself but w/e. Also having a 1shot investigative ability is a really convenient way for scum to vet their partners. I'm not sure I believe Basel about his item since I haven't seen any evidence of other items and I doubt I'll believe someone else claiming to have viewed David as town.



Well, a disappointing result: there was no result. We viewed Despo, as he was pinging me as he wanted to lynch me when I revealed as cop. I didn't submit the NA but my partner did. So there is little chance that my partner was role-blocked as I doubt that person knows who my partner is.

Vote: David


Is there any other explanation for the no result? I know I keep mentioning this, but maybe it has something to do with the lightning bolt and the night scene. Perhaps everyone running and panicking may be a metaphor for the fact that because it was a "stormy night" no night actions can take place. Maybe that's also why there was no nightkill. These are just speculations, btw.

Yeah they sure sound like speculations don't they? /sarcasm

You know what I think? I think your speculations are correct. I think that's what your power is and you claimed cop knowing you could mass roleblock last night and not have to give a report today.


Is there any other explanation for the no result? I know I keep mentioning this, but maybe it has something to do with the lightning bolt and the night scene. Perhaps everyone running and panicking may be a metaphor for the fact that because it was a "stormy night" no night actions can take place. Maybe that's also why there was no nightkill. These are just speculations, btw.


Except that I had a night action, and used it successfully. So I don't think the storm canceled night actions.

Could be that it doesn't effect items.


Wouldn't you think if he was fake claiming he'd have said he viewed a townie last night instead of getting a no result? Or said he was the one roleblocked instead of his partner? That would have been a much better lie, if he was trying to come up with one.


And there's still the matter of not being counterclaimed. No matter how scummy you think he was playing, or how unbelievable his reveal, unless someone counters him, there is a very real possibility he's telling the truth. My impression is he's not as experienced of a player as some of you and some of what you see as scummy behavior is lack of experience.


I'm very suspicious of Despo, Nolder and Marsh right now for pushing so hard against an un-CC'd cop.



How likely is it that I would say that we came back with no result? And don't you think I know this looks suspicious to the sceptical of you lot? No, what I'm telling you is the truth, plain and simple.


And scrambling for excuses? No, I'm giving my opinion on what may have happened, ie. I feel that I'm playing the game and contributing to the discussion. Again, I don't feel that I'm distracting anyone from the issue at hand.

Pretty likely considering you seem to be dead on with that whole thunderstorm=mass roleblock bit. Why are you so dead on? Because you did it.


actually ive been thinking along the same lines as andrew when david had an opportunity to vet himself it conveniently does not work.


Im not sure on David despite his claim

And wouldn't I want to vet myself?

And there you go again...



No actions over the night must be the bad thing that happened because of no lynch.

That wouldn't make sense

Punish the mafia because the town no lynched?


This may be the after-effect of lynching Niel.

On Night 2? Yeah right


Again, pushing really hard against David. If you're maf, it's a) town killing off our cop (and doc can't block) and b) worth the sacrifice of a maf member, potentially

If I'M the mafia member in this equation it would be suicide to go after David so hard. And for what? If I'm mafia I'd know he's telling the truth and has an unknown partner (or a partner we conveniently roleblocked last night) who will just carry on investigating people. There is no gain here to be made if I'm mafia. I'm not mafia and I'm very sure David is lying about being a cop.

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... We've only seen two night phases. I was viewed one of them. I didn't use our ability last night, my partner did. And like I said, I was kinda tryin to do everything I could to get targeted by the Cop, short of doing or saying something that would get me instalynched.


So why did your partner activate the ability, if it was viewing YOU that you were trying to accomplish to get the cop's power doubled?

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I have read through (and am also back) and of the last little bit the people who strike me as most likely to be scum are Rand, Despo, and Nol. This lynch seems best to me today because of how much information it will tell us about the other two.


What would you find out about Rand from my lynch?

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I personally am finding Nol even scummier than Despo, because he's really out to get me. Why u no believe me?

If Nol's train picks up I'll be glad to join. And despo you said my claim left some questions unanswered. Well ask your questions and I'll answer as best as I can, as long as it doesn't involve revealling my partner as I've said we both have to be alive for this power to work.

I believe I've explained why I don't believe you pretty thoroughly

From unnecessary reveals on unlikely investigation targets to convenient roleblocks

Nothing you've done makes sense if you're the cop

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... We've only seen two night phases. I was viewed one of them. I didn't use our ability last night, my partner did. And like I said, I was kinda tryin to do everything I could to get targeted by the Cop, short of doing or saying something that would get me instalynched.


So why did your partner activate the ability, if it was viewing YOU that you were trying to accomplish to get the cop's power doubled?


At the time, he/she was also catching some heat, and people didn't really seem to be fos'ing me. Plus, I think I had been a little busy with other stuff, and he/she didn't want us to lose our NA because of the deadline

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I'm speculating here but I have a thought on the No Kill tying into the No Result.


I'm wondering if the scum team has the ability to trade a NK for a mass role block of actions targeted towards them?


Hence, no night kill but no results either?


Very open to thoughts on this.


This would explain why my view worked, because I didn't target scum. But I haven't woke up this morning to see any further reports of roles not working. I'm leaning more towards the simplest explanation. David's partner was blocked, and the doc protected the right target, thus no NK.


Meantime, Des is starting to ping for me. I'm not seeing anything that Rand is pushing the un-CCed cop bit too hard, as Des puts it. And Des himself has been going after David while simultaneously going after Rand for defending an uncountered cop, which is what AJ already mentioned. (Don't you just love it when you're asleep or working, and then when catching up you see something that pings you, only to see someone else make the exact point you meant to a few posts later?) I'm willing to trust AJ on this, since I did view her as town, after all. Vote Despo.


Here's the quote of Rand's that I didn't like that seemed to be an example of Rand trying to look town by saying we shouldn't lynch David:


OK, so far, I trust David's claim as a cop since it hasn't been CCed, I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop. Also, the lightning bolt was probably used because the scene, but don't know why Basel's worked and David's didn't if it was a roleblock for everyone.


The part that really bothers me is "I am always reluctant to lynch an unCCed cop". He's a newer player, yet he's writing this post as if he's an old hand at mafia and already made his mind up about this issue a long time ago. Seems like he was being coached to say something like this to help make him look more townie.


Plus there's some pretty scummy speculation by thinking the Lightning Bolt, which died like 3 phases ago or something, somehow had something to do with last night. I'm more and more believing the idea someone came up with that mafia is able to forego their NK if they want to block all NA's directed at them or something. Thing is, I don't think this would be an ability they could use a bunch of times, I would suspect it's more of the one-shot variety.


Rand's stance towards the multiple mason thing has already been covered.


Well, Basel made my point for me regarding AJ's discussion of Despo and the un cc'd cop.


Vote Despo.


On the "no lynch/no result thing, I could have sworn i saw a mod note somewhere saying "you can no lynch, but it'll be bad." of course I can't find it now.


Yeah cause YOU'RE not pinging lately




re: Des

I'm still unsure about him

This whole thing with Rand does seem contradictory but tbh Des is a good player and I'd rather have him around until we're sure he needs to go

That said, it's not looking good for him IMO


Awh thanks Nol you took the words right out of my mouth! I was just about to remind everyone how valuable I am as a scumhunter!


/kidding but not really




re: Des

I'm still unsure about him

This whole thing with Rand does seem contradictory but tbh Des is a good player and I'd rather have him around until we're sure he needs to go

That said, it's not looking good for him IMO


Nolder is really starting to ping me.

Also, not wanting to vote for a player just because he's good? More like a mason/maf partner.

FoS Des and Nolder


I'll say this, I AM a mason, but Nol is not my partner


Eh I got too distracted, sorry. I blame Jonas.


Vote Rand


He was one of the people seriously doubting multiple mason teams yesterday, and now seems to be overplaying the "I don't want to lynch an un-cc'd cop" angle a bit too heavy.


As for David, even tho I'm still somewhat skeptical about his claim, I'm starting to believe him a bit more. I know he's offbase about me, but eh I guess all of his play can just be attributed to "inexperience" even tho I hate letting newbies skate by on that kind of thing with regularity


I agree on the doubting of multiple mason teams. Rand is probably not a mason, which makes him a good place to apply pressure.


I thought there would be maybe 1 or 2 mason teams. Then people kept coming and then I realized that this game had more than a few mason teams. I was just saying that from past experience, which I don't have a lot of to be honest. I did not think too much of the possibility of so many mason teams. Also, why would you want to lynch an unCCed cop unless if he said something incredibly scummy. I personally do not want to take that risk, a cop is a pretty important role.


To the bold: This is why that other post of yours bothers me. You can't play the "Sorry guys I'm new" card and ALSO play the "I don't like to do this type thing in mafia games cause I have so much experience" thing at the same time. Also, I don't think you even though there were TWO mason teams.


Just go ahead and answer flat out. Are you a mason?


To the underlined: The thing is, there WERE some incredibly scummy things about David's reveal. Several huge questions, in fact. So the peeps that are not only blindly accepting it but also pushing the "Let's not lynch an uncc'ed cop" bit worry me, as I think they might KNOW he's town so are trying to look town by defending him.


Also, I'm very happy with this train. We saw some very reactive votes on me, and a few peeps defending Rand. An alignment flip on him will tell us a LOT today


Two things. Yes, I am a mason, I shall save a full reveal for later, don't want to give anything away right now.


The second thing, in my opinion, I really do not want to lynch an unCCed cop, I'll doubt him, but I almost never want to lynch a non CCed cop. If there is a CC, then I will probably believe the other person, but until then, I do not want to risk lynching a cop.

So in other words until the real cop is outed you'll go with David

Got it


I wonder who you'd side with if there WAS a CC

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vote Nolder


His talk has been anti town IMO. I get the feeling he will be happy to lynch anyone that us not Nolder.

Do you want to lynch yourself? Does ANYONE want to lynch themselves?

I know I'm town which means someone who is NOT me is scum. Of course I want to lynch someone who isn't myself. That should go for anyone but a Jester and maybe a Bomb. What kind of statement is that?


Nolder, do you have a mason partner?


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I am Rand's partner. I don't like how you were pushing for my reveal, Wombat. Anyways, I don't see any strong cases against Rand apart from y'all saying he's "playing differently" or "supporting an un-cc'd cop" and I think that's a little bogus.

So the person vetted by Basel's one shot investigative item vets Rand


Seems fishy to me since I kind of doubt Basel in the first place...


In a game this big how many mafia are we looking at do you guys think?

With all these Masons running around they'd all have to end up vetting each other somehow and a made up item seems just the way to do it

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Whoops, write not right, I should probably sleep.


No please, stay up and continue telling us about the other mafia teammates we should be looking out for


AJ is confirmed town...if she says Rand is her partner, so is he.

Unless AJ is Godfather, I guess


Or unless Basel is full of it...


Basel's my mason parter, as stated earlier. I buy it.

It's all coming together now


Ok so scum team: Basel, Rand, Alanna, Jon, David

There may be 1-3 others depending on roles and/or other scum in the game but I'm thinking this is the main scum team

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Whoops, write not right, I should probably sleep.


No please, stay up and continue telling us about the other mafia teammates we should be looking out for


AJ is confirmed town...if she says Rand is her partner, so is he.

Unless AJ is Godfather, I guess


Or unless Basel is full of it...


Basel's my mason parter, as stated earlier. I buy it.


Yeah, I remembered that after I posted. Still doesn't mean you're in the clear.


Wouldn't surprise me at all if you and Basel were scummy partners, and AJ and Rand as well. It never sat right with me that Basel's NA seemed to have worked, when we haven't gotten any indication that any NA's resolved at all last night. Turin has me worried as well, so if we're talking about a scum team of 6, then Turin and his partner could be the last team.



Aaaaaaand I'm pretty sure I just heard the collective groaning of your full team





Looks like someone came to the same conclusion

Good to see you back working for the town again bro

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