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ter'angreal - and what they look like


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has anyone else thought that some ter'angreal look very much like things from our age?


Like that white disc Elayne and Avienda have and that feels like pictures - a satellite dish?


Some of the call boxes or devices for summoning the forsaken could be mobiles or pager.


any body else has come up with similarities?


I have seen a page with a lits of all ter'angreals but can't remember where :-?


Haven't thought of that. But I would very much like that site if anyone has the adress... I could use it when I'm GM in the WoT RPG for som friends of mine. ;)


Moric of the Singing Wind Miagoma


it wasn't on FAQ - I thought it was sevenspokes - but can't find it there either but the design of the page was a bit like it - with yellow background I think.


It had al the people and counties and mp3 files how they are pronounced and drawings of some characters...any body knows what page that is?

Guest Egwene

hmmm.... I normally look up things on



but for some reason it is not coming up at the moment. So maybe try this link again another day. Don't know if they have descriptions but it is really useful as a reference tool.


Hi Egwene - I think that is it - I just tried to find it via google and the same side comes up - but you are right it is not working at the moment :-(


Right... I'll have to check it later then... If it's the right site (rhyming? when did I start to rhyme?)... then it would make som poor gamers very happy (or at least one GM. hehe)


Moric of the Singing Wind Miagoma

Right... I'll have to check it later then... If it's the right site (rhyming? when did I start to rhyme?)... then it would make som poor gamers very happy (or at least one GM. hehe)


Its standard english law that when spelling declines rhyming goes up. Duh!


Heh... So you try to tell me that I have troubles with my spelling? Well... Since english hardly is my native tongue: I think I can live with that. As long as I'm understood.


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel

Guest Egwene

lol... Moric, I always say to people, once you speak my language as well as I speak yours... than we talk further on this! Though I think Siswai'aman was only joking. It often amazes me how many of us are on here for whom english is a foreign language. WoT trully is liked around the globe!


The encyclopaedia site still seems to be down... I hope this isn't permanent. It was my favourite reference site... :(


Nah, I didn't take that too seriously. No sweat...


And well... It's quite interesting how international WoT is. Not very amazing though.


But than again. Since Sweden is such a small country maybe we grow up with different point of views. I've grown up with a great import (cultural not in the least) from the english speaking world, even if our export (likewise not in the least the cultural one) is not so small as one could think.

Anyway, I'm quite used of it and those who have grown up in a place more "in the center of the World's attention" is a bit more... unattentive to the world around.


Oh, and I REALLY didn't mean to offend there. It was a calm, serious thought (and I DID try to be humble about it). It IS a rather common picture of US.Citizens (and to some extent of those British who has of yet to realize that the British Empire really is no more :mrgreen: ) and I'm just contemplating on to which extent it could be true...


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel


Don't remember that 'satellite dish' one. - do we know its use - cos if not, maybe it IS one.


I read in the companion guide that during the AoL, they had devices in homes that show images, live or recorded. This is clearly a tv. So maybe the dish has something to do with that.


My books are in Germany and I'm in the Uk :( so I can't give you page and chapter - BUT the satellite dish is in KOD in the chapter where Avi picks up all the ter'angreals - she tells Elyane about the knife that protects from the shadow and then she picks up one after another "knowing" what they do - the big white disc is to see pictures over a wide distance or something like that.


Ok – the encyclopaedia side is working again so here are some ter’angreal that we can think about. Funny enough the “satellite dish is not on this list – I’m sure it was in the book – can some oneelse look it up for me, please 


An Ivory box - A ter'angreal in the form of a a small hinged box, apparently ivory and covered with rippling red and green stripes. It is a music box holding hundreds, maybe thousands of tunes.

• TPoD,Ch2 - Elayne finds the ivory box while going through the Ebou Dari stash.

• KoD,Ch15 – Aviendha reads the ivory box to determine its use.

Could be an I-POD 

Heh... So you try to tell me that I have troubles with my spelling? Well... Since english hardly is my native tongue: I think I can live with that. As long as I'm understood.


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel


Ironically the two rhyming words 'right' and 'site' are spelt correctly. I guess the guy/gal must have been talking about one or two other words in the passage.


I shouldn't sweat it though, I've seen much worse spelling - and they were probably first language English speakers. I often make type-os myself (and I am English).


it dos bug me wen peepel rite porely puntooayted sentenses like this with lots of reilie obveyos spelling mistakes- but I shouldn't worry about the odd word here and there... (That last sentence was an exagerated example but I have seen some that aren't far from that!)


Concerning Ter'rangreal- there do seem to be parralels (is that spelt right, is it one r and two ls? You see what I mean?), like the 'talk boxes that have been mentioned. The technology seems completely different though as they all seem to use the One Power in some way or other. I wonder if all technology (including the flying vehicles etc) was One power based in the Age of legends? Imagine if your car itself were a ter'rangreal? What an odd concept.


That's an odd idea

I mean, the only real insight aboute how it looked in the age of legends is from Rands little enterprise in the chiefs Ter'rangreal and he would interpret every machine that couldn't be explaind by his exepiences as being an power worked Ter'rangreal.

Even if things worked by mechanics he wouldn't understand how that could be.


See what I mean? (or to many spelling errors?)


It all makes perfect sense back in the days of the AoL they had this little thing called the standing weaves and everybody had ter’angreal that allowed them to access the standing weaves for a particular device or function. It makes sense that all there items would be one power base since there civilization grew up and was centered around it. It was a clean, easy, powerful, and limitless energy source. 8)

  • Community Administrator

One "theory" I have had about ter'angrael is about why they look the way they look..

As we've seen through out the series, No ter'angrael looks alike. And if you have 2 ter'angrael that do something simular and put them near each other, while active may cause bad things to happen...

Anyways one of my theories on ter'angreals involve there shape. I think there shape is much more important then we believe it is. I think when someone makes a ter'angrael, that there nature alone, in a way binds all "objects" like them into doing what that ter'angrael does... So, if someone were to make a regular cup, that is like anyother cup, into a ter'angrael it would function, because other objects, share the same nature of it.

Now if you were to make a shape of something that is completely unique, and make it into a ter'angrael it will work.. I think this is the reason why Elayne has been unable to make a succesfull dream ter'angrael, and only partials. I think if she were to make an object out of the one power, and turn it into a ter'angrael it would work.


*When Suian sanche made that sword for Nyneave while going to Tar'Valon in book 2, was it a real sword or just an illusion? ANd if it was a real sword, was it actually "iron" or "steel"? If so, I wonder if elayne could do something simular as that, but keep it existing by tying off the waeve, then making it into a ter'angrael.....


Bob T, its a forum, not an English class. Ideally we'd care more for the ideas... not the grammar, but ur free to critique to ur heart's desire. Or your. Or you're. :)


Elayne does mention while still an accepted in Salidar that the ring shape was just as important as the ring itself.


And a strange-ity (or strangeness, for Bob T). All tied weaves are said to dissapte over time, so Siuan's sword would not have lasted long. But other tied weaves (Callandor's original protection, the Seals for the DO's prision, ect.) never seem to dissapate. And in ter'angreals, the weaves to make them are laid into the object, and weaves cant be woven through other weaves, i.e, cant weave through the air sword.


Another oddity. If weaves can be tied and left permanently, what stops people from making mountains of rock outta air, tying it, and inverting it? Palaces can be made overnight.

  • 3 weeks later...

About every-day-use ter'angreals. If I'm not mistaken there is some passages in "the World of": The Aes Sedai of the time had researched and constructed different ter'angreal to make all sorts of "Age of Legends"-things (vehicles, for example) these are not ter'angreal by themselves but created by, and partially using, the OP. An example in the 3rd age would be the ter'angreal in Tar Valon that makes the fancloth for the Warders' cloaks.


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma Aiel

  • 1 month later...

Just to touch on the whole "standing flows" thing. Obviously the way AoL's used them was something akin to (yet completely different from) the way we currently (no pun intended ;)) use electricity. Some external force is harnessed to provide power to machines/ter'angreal that everyone has and can use.


When I first read about the standing flows I actually thought not of conventional electricity, but of the thing that..... was is Tesla?.... came up with to basically broadcast power to machines without wires.


Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

...All tied weaves are said to dissapte over time' date=' so Siuan's sword would not have lasted long. But other tied weaves (Callandor's original protection, the Seals for the DO's prision, ect.) never seem to dissapate...


Another oddity. If weaves can be tied and left permanently, what stops people from making mountains of rock outta air, tying it, and inverting it? Palaces can be made overnight.[/quote']



I believe that is inaccurate... The WOT RPG does indicate a tied off weave will dissipate after a time but I believe RJ has said that once its tied off it NEVER dissipates unless someone unknots it or it was purposefully tied off with a 'slip-knot' of sorts so that it is intended to dissipate after a set amount of time...


As to the giant mountain idea... I think doing something on such a grand scale would require an INCREDIBLE amount of the one power, to the degree that, since there are only about 1 - 3 % of the population who can channel at all...it would be a waste of human resource... Also it seems like the 'weight limit' would go in to effect... its basically like hardening air which can only lift a certain amount of weight (based on the strength of the channeller) However we do know that Aes Sedai used the One Power in conjunction with Ogier to build the White Tower... So there is precident for something of the sort, though I'm thinking that was more using fire and earth than air...

The site is the same site that has the nationalies' date=' i know ive seen it there. Ill look for it then post it.




EDIT: There, ive changed the link to the real site, but i can't for the life of me find the ter'angreal section. It list things like the mercedes symbol ("a three pointed star in a circle" SR?) and others. sorry![/quote']


Do you mean this?




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