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It pains me to say this...


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But I'm going to have to resign. As of 10 minutes ago I found out I'll be homeless in two weeks. My roommate is kicking me out. No home means no computer access. I have no job and no money and nowhere to go. My dad is frazzled and strapped as is and my sister has 8 plus living in her house at any given time. I have no more options left and nothing I can do. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I really don't know what to do and this is going to push my health back into the danger zone anyways. This is like the icing on the shit cake of my life. Just got told my heart medication wont be available til mid july and I'm about out now, pile upon pile upon pile of stuff I can't even begin to handle. It's been a pleasure being the Shayol Ghul leader. All of you have made this a wonderful experience and made this, in my opinion, the best group ever! When I can figure out what to do and how to get back I will return. Until then I'll miss everyone!


Love you!



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I wasn't even in this SG, but I have still heard about you and have seen how well you handled this thread. This thread has grown into something that is well known with a lot of people and really great activities. So sad that you are leaving, we will all miss you. Hope you have way better luck from now on, you will always be a part of Shayol Ghul and DM.

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Thanks for all the comments guys.


Nyn.. I've always been in Eli's dirty thoughts.


Got an appointment tommorow to talk to someone about a shared housing program.. you basically get matched with someone needing help around the house in exchange for a place to live. (like a handicapped person or an elderly person)

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Thanks for all the comments guys.


Nyn.. I've always been in Eli's dirty thoughts.


Got an appointment tommorow to talk to someone about a shared housing program.. you basically get matched with someone needing help around the house in exchange for a place to live. (like a handicapped person or an elderly person)


That sounds like an awesome idea, Nae. I will keep a spot in my thoughts for you... would you like to be in my dirty thoughts or the clean ones?

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