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Where are the Bordeland Armies after Far Madding

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Hope this topic is new. Where are they, you don't really think Rand is going to leave 200k+ trained soldiers just sitting in far Madding do you? they would make quite a tidy bit of re-enforcement for Lans borderlands group at Tarwins Gap. If not back to the borderlands then where would He send them?


I think it would be logical to have the second in commands at their cities. The kings and queens would be too much of a risk and he would probably have them with him. Agelmar etc. will have joined either their cities or have been send to Tarwin's gap to provide the help Rand vowed to give Nynaeve.


I think that he will have them at FoM for his own support and then will send all of them to Tarwin's gap to support their lost king.


We have Min's viewing at the start of Rand's meeting, before the face-slapping, that some might fight today. And we have text that Rand is surrounded by borderlanders in the night before the Merrilor Conference.


I don't think they're all in the same place. My hunch is that Tenobia is in Maradon, Chachin, Dol Arabella, or Tarwin's Gap; Easar is in the Gap; the Kandori army is in Chachin but the Queen is with Rand with a guard of honor; and Paitar is with Rand with a guard of honor, with his army sent home to defend his kingdom.

  On 5/13/2012 at 3:04 AM, Theodril said:

We have Min's viewing at the start of Rand's meeting, before the face-slapping, that some might fight today. And we have text that Rand is surrounded by borderlanders in the night before the Merrilor Conference.


I don't think they're all in the same place. My hunch is that Tenobia is in Maradon, Chachin, Dol Arabella, or Tarwin's Gap; Easar is in the Gap; the Kandori army is in Chachin but the Queen is with Rand with a guard of honor; and Paitar is with Rand with a guard of honor, with his army sent home to defend his kingdom.

thats a very specific hunch you got there theodril, althouh I agree with Tenobia (due to her description of being a tempermental woman who does what she pleases when she wants kind of thing)

  On 5/13/2012 at 4:30 AM, Durinax said:
  On 5/13/2012 at 3:04 AM, Theodril said:

We have Min's viewing at the start of Rand's meeting, before the face-slapping, that some might fight today. And we have text that Rand is surrounded by borderlanders in the night before the Merrilor Conference.


I don't think they're all in the same place. My hunch is that Tenobia is in Maradon, Chachin, Dol Arabella, or Tarwin's Gap; Easar is in the Gap; the Kandori army is in Chachin but the Queen is with Rand with a guard of honor; and Paitar is with Rand with a guard of honor, with his army sent home to defend his kingdom.

thats a very specific hunch you got there theodril, althouh I agree with Tenobia (due to her description of being a tempermental woman who does what she pleases when she wants kind of thing)


The beauty of forum discussions :tongue: It is a guess; or it might be a wish; and in all likelihood it is as close to what we'll see in AMoL as Seandar is to Rhuidean.


I find it implausible that Rand, after going to the trouble and risk he did in order to get armies to congregate at Merilor, would intentionally disperse the Borderlander armies. Besides, we know that he brought at least many of them with him.


Besides, we must remember that it is less than a day to the FoM meeting, its not like they can't wait 24 hours. Besides, it would take longer than that to fully prepare. Their armies have been sitting around Far Madding, 200k soldiers can't just jump up after waiting around and fight Trollocs within the hour. It would take time to prepare, not just in terms of arms, formation etc.. (Although that would take a bit of time) but also mentally and morally. They COULD fight straight away, mentally, they are Borderlanders, but one would think it would take a day or so to get used to the notion you have to fight in the Last Battle against hordes of Shadowspawn, more than any you have ever seen and Creator knows what else.


Having said that, I am talking about the bulk of the armies, it is plausible that several contingents, especially Saldaean's, would be sent to their respective nations for recon. and fortification.


But sending them straight into battle, no, it wouldn't be a great idea.


As I recall, only two of the kings were mentioned by Min as fighting in their future. Tenobia and the other queen did not have battle in their immediate future. So maybe he sent the two guys to the Border to help Lan whiekl the women stay behind to make the treaty with Rand?


I don't think it is mentioned, but I think somewhere it may say that rand will also need his army to back up him against Egwene, so we should conclude that they are with him at FoM.


When did Min start knowing the timing of her visions anyway? She said it about Elayne having babies from that particular sexy time with Rand in WH, but all the other times it was 'this will happen some time in the future'.


"soon", perhaps here today" was what she says, or something like it. However, I don't think it is really saying much, Rand is going to break the seals (apparently) the next day, the fighting for everyone will be soon. I am not sure you could really judge anything from the mention of "soon".


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