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Future Direction of the DR PSW


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I voted for continue as we are now. But it's technically the last two...


I've never seen a reset do much good to the RP and I've been through them all.


I think that we should continue our current line with a few changes and then keep continuing after the last battle.



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Question: if we were to start over, what would we do about the character situation? I mean, would everybody have to start over, or would the 'time warp' just bring everybody back to said time? Other than that bit of curiosity, I'm kinda neutral on the subject.

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I voted to start over again, but you have a point. If I haven't been through ALL the restarts, I've missed maybe the first one... and it just ends up the same... sagging in the middle. Main characters come and go and so on... my reasoning was for SG alone, selfish but oh well, it'll help us the most :P

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I'm with The Don here. I would like to see us go earlier than the eye of the world because it gives the Shadow the ability to actually plan stuff! No reason to go after the last battle... might as well do AoL then. Men and women channeling happily... no more evil presence to actually create decent story lines. Yada yada yadda.


Anyways, resets never do a darn thing. People usually ignore the main story line anyways because they aren't allowed to interact in any way really. So, go before the dragon has proclaimed... And then let the shadow set some tempo. People CAN actually interact with us and that will allow them to help mold the main story line somewhat.


Also, I have a few ideas about how to do the DR and friends... but I am sure those will be shot down without a second though... so I will leave them for now.


The Narg

General Stirrer of Troubleness

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from past experience an RP reset allows your character maintain rank, revise a bio but anythng main plotlinish never happened and you'd have to remove that from the bio. You basically keep your character mostly intact and then move the story forward again minus all the plot line stuff you've done.


We have never finished a plotline in the history of DM. Why not let it play out for once?



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yeah, I can't remember more than one or two going much past the first Seanchan battle.


But yeah, with Narg... the shadow should start the tempo with increasing activity and the others would react to that (ie forming of the Band).


Then again, I've never fought a last battle, that would be awesome. lol we're at least a year closer now to that than if we started over.


I dunno, theres good in everything, as well as bad. Whatever the vote, we'll make something happen. Come Narg, to the Trolloc-cave! We must plot for every possible outcome.


The Don

SG Exec dude

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who the heck said the light wins???????


Sorry but we are a PSW we don't even know if the light is going to win in the end anyway... but why does our story have to end with the light winning? There is alot more story line with a plot ending in darkness and having to fight for your life as a Light fool.



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oooh... thats interesting. *thinks evil thoughts* A land where not the Chosen, but the Great Lord himself rules all nations with an iron first. After defeating the Dragon, we go to Seanchan, and the Waste, and Shara, even the Land of Madmen... where maybe the last resistance and some secrety stuff lies.

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ooo i like that *takes back voice for reset*


a world where both ligth and dark reigns...there could be some safe havens for both sides and then the rest would be risky areas where both parts need to look over their shoulder

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the Dark One and the Dragon destroy each other, leaving everyone else to fight over the scraps. New technologies are the beginnings of a new AoL.


buuuuuut... first things first. How about lets finish off a storyline first before we start getting big ideas. That stuff can evolve when we get there, thats the point of a PSW right... we don't know whats going to happen?


Lets just keep doing what we're doing and let the Pattern take us. I change my vote to "continue current storyline"

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sounds like all good ideas to me. But if we do a reset why not have everyone work towards being the main characters instead of designating people to play the roles of Rand, Mat, Perrin, ect.


Take freelanders for example, a King can have alot of sway over what happens within a story line. Look at Artur Hawkwing. He was nothing but a King that knew what he was doing on the battlefield.


Just food for thought.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

I havn't voted 'yet', but to be honest, there are too many factors to choose just one, especially with the White Tower. So very much has been RP'd out and implimented as far as the timeline goes that it would be beneficial to move the timeline back a few years while allowing the other divisions to catch up with the WT. (i'm not saying that the other Divisions are 'behind' persay) The Tower has been very active towards the Main Plotline as far as the year 999NE goes that it's becoming more and more restrictive when plotting out larger RP's without it getting confusing as to who is Amrylin when, and if it happens before a false dragon RP, or after the fall of a ancient city.


I think a more unified option based on divisions would be more beneficial than just a whole PSW reset. I do believe that there is soemthing that needs to be done, but there should be more options with a better idea of where, as Incarns, you wish to see the PSW go.



What are the suggestions or ideas that You (Owen) and Muirenn are tossing about?





What if we took it in a different direction and instead of a reset, change the timing of events within the Division to make Roleplay and such more consistant with not only the books but also with each division. For example, the RP that i burned Arie out, move it back about 10-20 years so that it sits at 964NE instead of 984NE. Most of the character that were active in that RP are either gone or Rping much older than that. I know that for Dee's character Telcia, that things that happened after could not have happened only in 5 years.. :P Such is the way of the Warped timeliine.




(Just so you know, i'm posting on an extreme lack of sleep and deeply apoligize if any of that small ramble doens't make sense. Switching from a graveyard to a day time clock sucks....I have more to say on this, but really can't put the sentences together.. )




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I also say continue on, 'cuz though I haven't been here long enough to have experienced a reset, but to me a reset would seem to foul everything up with any chars as many parts of their personalities come from the things they've dealt with and what's happening in the world around them...

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My vote is to stay with the current storyline. Why? Because we interact so little with the main plotline anyway that I see no need to change it. In fact the one thing I wish we could do more of is move the main plotline along a bit faster. I'd like to see more growth, see more happening on the main plotline so we can get to the Last Battle. Where we go from there is anyone's guess, light wins, dark wins, a stalemate, or a reset... but I don't see a reset helping move anyone along. And that's my 2 cents :P



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Ok... first question from the narg since he hasn't been around much in the past... where IS the current storyline? Second, no matter what we do with the main plotline, and this is going to be mainly from an SG perspective, but we NEED to let people interact someway with the main storyline. SG is a whole division linked to what happens in the main storyline. So, we need to let people play in it instead of just being innocent bystandards. Secondly, it can't take off too fast because, again, SG would need time to.... adjust to events. :twisted:


And of course Sirakins wants post apocolyptic threads... I can just see it now...


Sira walked along holding the leash. Suddenly it went taught and she gave it a good tug. "Come Nargy... it is just a simple leash."

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Narg I think you are looking too narrow minded at SG. SG does not have to revolve around the main plot line at all. Just because that is the way it has always been doesn't mean it has to be. I do very well not interacting at all with the main plot line with my character.


I refuse to interact directly with the main plot line having done it enough to know it's just going to stall out. I personally think that the plot line needs to be independant of any of us. We can react to what happened and deal with our own situations but the plot line should be controlled by the incarns to every minute detail. But i'm sure my opinion is one of the minor. But then again very few were stuck on the same day for three months while waiting for one person to do their thing and never do it...


But back to the SG thing. I think you need to look beyond just the chosen. Who says that SG can't have a group of followers following some Dready or Elite Darkfriend and wreak havoc on the world in the name of the great lord. Basically my opinion is find yourself a non-chosen leader and let them take you into the world and cause evil. Don't rely on the main plot line to do so. There are plenty of things that evil can do.


As to where we are I think we are waiting for the Bowl of Winds RP.



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Mat, I am not thinking only too narrowly with SG. First off, no, SG needs to be intimately involved with the main plotline. Do you really think a Dreadlord would just be let to run around the countryside with a few darkfriends and just kill stuff without any reasoning from the shadow what so ever? There has to be a reason for the shadow doing things. Yet your argument is that there DOESN'T have to be! Then why the shadow? Why not just have a div of brigands and lawless people and scrap the shadow all together. Because right now, by your argument, they shouldn't be doing any of the main plot line stuff. But this goes to a deeper problem, and one you have mentioned.


You want to know why the main plotline never moves? It is because no one has any reason to make it move! I remember, don't know if it says this now, but when I first started we had a page that said something to the effect that you were not special. Your character is just an ordinary person. You do not affect the world. Now lets think about what groups usually have the most players... WT? Warders? Maybe even BT? Anyone actually ever given a thought to why?? This is because those characters are special! They can have SOME effect on the world! There is a reason groups like the freelanders can never get a large member base. Who wants to play an inn keeper who is JUST an innkeeper? Also, I have a feeling why this is why no one wants to play just a basic DF.


Yes, there are those of you who think that the whole purpose of DM is to let you write stories with some random person just living their lives with DM just creating the setting for you. But my guess is that is the minority of people. People want to be involved, people want to play IN the world and actually affect it. I swear I have gone off on this many times, and is a reason I stopped rping at DM. My guess is it is the reason we lose new and old people alike all the time.


Anyways, YOU want to see the plotline move? Then you need to give a reason for people to want it to move! If they have nothing to do with it, cant effect it, aren't allowed to say hello to anyone who MIGHT be even slightly involved with it, and tell them THEY HAVE TO STAY ORDINARY PEOPLE.... then yes... it is going to stall like the many many times it has before.


So please don't tell me I am too narrowminded. I make the argument for SG because I am hoping I can get it to take SOMEWHERE! I have made this argument before, been ignored, watched DM die a little more... then made it again. I always get ignored by people who are happy with the status quo and can't get it in their heads that people might like something else!



Why the hell am I posting this argument again?

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