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Which 2012 Superhero Movie excites you the most?



28 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick your most anticipated Superhero movie of 2012

    • The Dark Knight Rises
    • The Avengers
    • The Amazing Spider-man
    • Ghost Rider 2
    • Men in Black 3
    • Dredd

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I chose The Dark Knight Rises because I loved the first two movies.


The Avengers - I am intrigued because Whedon is attached to the project but have doubts this will be a great movie.


The Amazing Spider-man - Reboots work ala Batman... but I fear this movie will rely on CGI too much with the villain.


Ghost Rider 2 - Nic Cage.


MIB3 - Looks cornball.


Dredd - Haven't seen a trailer yet so no real opinion.


Avengers. 'Cause, Whedon + Marvel, it just can't go wrong. I am fully convinced this will set the new standard for CBM, the movie everyone will try to match (and everyone will fail spectacularly)


Avengers. I don't know why, but I'm just so excited for it. And reading reviews just makes me want to see it even more. But I'm really looking forward to the Dark Knight Rises as well.


I don't really have an opinion on The Amazing Spider-Man. It looks like it could be OK? I'll probably want to see it.


Ghost Rider 2 - Haven't seen the first one so not interested.


MIB3 - Maybe if I was 12 I would be interested.


Dredd - Haven't heard of it.

  • Community Administrator

I'm on the dark knight side, i know avengers is going to be great. But i think the Dark Knight, is going to be Awesome.


1. Dredd = Remake of Judge Dredd. Come on people!!! :P


My biggest fear with Avengers is how hard it is to give screen time for every member of the team. But I guess it can be done thinking back to X-men and Watchmen. Luckily I am not that excited about it. I dated a superhero movie in my past and it hurt me bad. We went to dinner, it showed me its awesome trailers... then it never called me back!!!! Damn you Transformers!!!


Avengers because between tony stark and bruce wayne, I think I'd rather have the Ironman suit than the utility belt. I definitely look forward to both though.


I know there are thousands upon thousands of people in the world who think that this year's Batman movie is going to be the best action movie of this summer. However, The Avengers has a great combination that includes a GREAT director and screenwriter, GREAT Superheroes and super-heroines, a truly awesome super-villain, great and awesome action scenes, good and fun dialogue... and well, The Avengers is going to be the NEW standard for GREAT superhero movies!!!!! Mark that down, and take it to the bank. I guarantee it!!!

  • Community Administrator

I know there are thousands upon thousands of people in the world who think that this year's Batman movie is going to be the best action movie of this summer. However, The Avengers has a great combination that includes a GREAT director and screenwriter, GREAT Superheroes and super-heroines, a truly awesome super-villain, great and awesome action scenes, good and fun dialogue... and well, The Avengers is going to be the NEW standard for GREAT superhero movies!!!!! Mark that down, and take it to the bank. I guarantee it!!!


I don't think Batman is going to be the best 'action' movie of this summer, I think it has the potential, to be one of the best films of the year.

I see Avangers as a potentially GREAT action yarn, but nothing Oscar Worthy. (like say, Armagedon, or Independence Day: don'tmind the nominations for armagedon. That was mostly music related)


But I'm 'hoping' the New Batman will surpass the previous one, and that it will, win some kind of oscar for being that damned good. Note,the only other contender I see for that throne, is also, another Potential, that of Prometheus. I really can't think of any other films this year, I'm anticipating more.


Will I go watch Avengers in the Theatres? Damn Will!


I am not going to argue that Whedon is not a good director... but Christopher Nolan (director, writer) and Jonathan Nolan (writer) are pretty damn good too.


Dr Doom is a great super villian too... Fantastic Four was bad.


Another reason I am not too excited... Thor was a mediocre movie. Captain America was... bad.. to be nice. Iron Man was great. The second Hulk movie was ok. So you are meshing all these movies into one, relying on tons of CGI and expect to get someone on par or better than Iron Man. I have my doubts is all.


Empy, I enjoyed the Thor movie and also the Captain America movie a lot more than either one of the two Iron Man movies. So, it really is just personal preference for people as to what they like the most in superhero movies. :rolleyes:


The first Iron Man is by far the best out of the IM, Thor, Hulk, Capt. America. But I'm still stoked to see The Avengers this weekend. However, I literally just watched the new trailer for Dark Knight...and I don't know, that is looking really really good. I might have to recant my vote.



Edit: Trailer for those who haven't seen it:



That is where I will disagree with y'all, Troilen. I enjoyed Captain America: The First Avenger, and Thor much better than I did the Iron Man movies. And from what I have been able to determine, I am certain The Avengers is going to be a lot better movie than The Dark Knight Rises.


Anyway not going to argue about people's movie tastes. So far Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were top notch movies... movies I think were better than any of the single Avenger stand alone movies. Can the Nolans deliver again? Their track record is good and they have earned my trust.


I liked Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man 1 equally. Statistically speaking though, each one of those movies did pretty well during their releases. With all of them together + Whedon, I think this movie is going to be epic. Even more so than the final installment of the Dark Knight. I think the Spidey reboot is intriguing, but really isn't in the running because the 3rd installment of the original movies was so awful. Really? Judge Dredd?


Adapting the "Judge Dredd" comics that originally appeared in "2000 A.D.", the film takes place in Mega City One, the lone oasis of quasi-civilization on Cursed Earth. Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) is the most feared of elite Street Judges, with the power to enforce the law, sentence offenders and execute them on the spot, if necessary.


The below images also provide the first glimpse at the costumes for Judge Cassandra Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), the villainous Ma-Ma (Lena Headey) and more.


Also confirmed in the magazine is the fact that Dredd will keep his iconic helmet on throughout the film. Having the character appear so often without said helmet was the subject of much fan-criticism in the 1995 feature adaptation, which starred Sylvester Stallone in the lead.


  • Community Administrator

Just want to note, that I see "little red x's" for pictures, but the actual link under the picture properties, does infact, work. And for some reason, once "I" manually visit said image site, they start appearing on dm for me to..











Those are the links, incase you seee little red x's like me.


Coming Soon and their affiliates block image linking, you're just seeing them show up here because your browser has cached them.

  • 1 month later...

So there has been a rash of Spider-man clips released and yeesh they really put a damper on my enthusiasm for this movie. It looks horrible.


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