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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Ishy - Watch Key (Dice visited and vengeance was promised)

Dice - Kill Key (Success)


Yes, vengeance was promised.


*throws Dice down a thermal shaft*


That's for killing my bonded.


Dice was allowed to speak about his personal win condition once his old apprentice was dead.


Ishy really did say he was going to kill Dice for killing Key. We had a right good talk about that lol


Even though Town missed their view on Night 2 cos Pale vanished, I let Kae have a view straight away as soon as she joined, just to catch Town up.


I did not make the people who were being vote controlled pretend to have reasons for voting the way they did. They just could say or confirm they were being controlled.


Jedi's who controlled others could speak about doing it all they wanted. Jedi's who received messages could also give full disclosure.


Jedi's who sent messages by telepathy were not allowed to say they had sent a message or what it contained as this would have rather defeated the need for telepathy.


Many thanks and congratulations to my New and Nearly New Players:








All did a sterling job. They also confused the hell out of some of the more experienced players which was fun to watch.


Congratulations to Tress, Queen of the Dead Thread. She had the Mafia Sussed.


For those of you who wish to see a mafia scumseeking missile in action - here is the Dead Thread: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/v5mRjPtW2END


I should have saved that shot on Kae. If I still had I I most likely would have shot the moment Mynd got hammered. I used it early cause I was worried about being killed the next day and wanted to atleast attempt to help.


So, I think that is everything. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I have also linked the whole story together and posted it in the OP.


Thanks for a great game everyone ...



IthiMod - Signing off.



*goes to post points*


I was replying by email and didn't know it posted all my personal information into the post as well. I really don't want everyone knowing where I work, live, my work email address or my personal telephone numbers.


The latest posts were deleted because that was me having a hissy fit at Ishy for something he didn't actually do. It wasn't fair on him to leave them in once I realised I had made a mistake.I thought he had confirmed the Mafia Team's victory in the game thread, but he hadn't. I got a bit narky.


Is that ok.


Deleted Scenes - feel free to write your own.


'There was one who was more accepting of this turn of events. They did not seek to change what had already happened. They kept their mind focused on the future, on what needed to be done, rather than on what others thought should have been done. They knew where they would be needed and made their way there. The night was fraught with danger, they would need need to be alert.


When the footsteps approached from behind they were ready, as if they they were expecting it. Their lightsaber ignited before they even turned to face whoever it was that now stood there waiting.


'Master Jedi,' said the dark newcome, a voice grating from the shadows of their hood, 'I should have known it would be you.' Their lightaber now also flamed into life, the red glow a sure sign that a Sith walked the corridors of power.


'Revealed you are to me now', said the first, 'Fail you will, foreseen it I have.'


'I think not,' said the dark figure, 'and anyway, why is it that in 800 years, you haven't even learned to speak in correct syntax? Repeat after me ... "You are revealed to me now. You will fail, I have foreseen it" It's not difficult. OK?


I did not make the people who were being vote controlled pretend to have reasons for voting the way they did. They just could say or confirm they were being controlled.


Except you mention on the Mafia QT that they aren't allowed to say they are being controlled. :unsure: (Post #404.)


And someone, anyone, how does making controlled people pretend to have a reason for their vote work (not here, since Ithi didn't use it, just in general)? Does the controller send the reasoning they must use in with the control action, or does the controllee have to come up with a case on their own?


Ishy - Watch Key (Dice visited and vengeance was promised)

Dice - Kill Key (Success)


Yes, vengeance was promised.


*throws Dice down a thermal shaft*


That's for killing my bonded.


Now that's a fine way to treat your teammate. Whatever happened to the mafia standard of tossing off outside affiliations (friends, bondeds, etc.)? :blink::wink:


They were not allowed to say 'help, i'm being controlled'. As it was - both of them thought the other was lying about being controlled. They did not say or confirm that they were being controlled. If you felt they were being controlled by what they were posting then that was your judgement call.


Personally, I'm surprised the Mafia Team didn't use that and pretend they were being controlled. I know I would have done .. but Ishy says that's because I'm devious and evil.


Ishy - Watch Key (Dice visited and vengeance was promised)

Dice - Kill Key (Success)


Yes, vengeance was promised.


*throws Dice down a thermal shaft*


That's for killing my bonded.


Now that's a fine way to treat your teammate. Whatever happened to the mafia standard of tossing off outside affiliations (friends, bondeds, etc.)? :blink::wink:


I try, I really do. But it's hard where she's concerned. Ask Turin and Ithi how difficult it is.


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