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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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For those of you PMing me to tell me the vote count is not correct - shut up.


It is correct. All votes and unvotes from my original post this morning were not valid.


Is that clear enough now.


I'm on Wookipedia in another tab... lookin' up Jedi... I've gone through Dooku, Mace Windu, and Anakin Skywalker so far.


For those of you PMing me to tell me the vote count is not correct - shut up.


It is correct. All votes and unvotes from my original post this morning were not valid.


Is that clear enough now.



this means there is a double voter as there are 8 names and 9 votes, so our Grievous finally made his move? that is the only way I can think of the vote count being right as it stands


he is the only one that'd fit the discription, there aren't dual wielders in the Jedi that are shown that I can remember, Darth Maul would have been my first guess had he been in 3 but as he is not I assume Grievous


Before I forget, this is a point that I wanted to make but lost in the flurry of vote count related confusion:


Don't worry, I'll put that vote back on come Wednesday. I think that the "End Day Early" power was a one-shot thing, as most powers seem to be in this game. I don't expect it to happen again.


This is why skimming is a bad idea.


All the Jedi have confirmed they have this ability, and by extension we have to assume the Sith have it too. Nobody's admitted to ending D1 yet, or why, but if Basel flips as Sith that'd probably be the most likely answer.


he is the only one that'd fit the discription, there aren't dual wielders in the Jedi that are shown that I can remember, Darth Maul would have been my first guess had he been in 3 but as he is not I assume Grievous

Makes sense, I didn't think about that.

Before I forget, this is a point that I wanted to make but lost in the flurry of vote count related confusion:


Don't worry, I'll put that vote back on come Wednesday. I think that the "End Day Early" power was a one-shot thing, as most powers seem to be in this game. I don't expect it to happen again.


This is why skimming is a bad idea.


All the Jedi have confirmed they have this ability, and by extension we have to assume the Sith have it too.  Nobody's admitted to ending D1 yet, or why, but if Basel flips as Sith that'd probably be the most likely answer.


Oh. I see.


You took the time to get up from the chair and walk around the apartment as she had suggested. It seemed so ordinary compared to the story you were hearing. You could hear her footsteps outside as you moved from room to room, until you found what you needed. Once you were comfortable again, you took out your notebook and wrote down the names you had so far, the last being Dooku's. Perhaps here was where the tide turned and the Jedi began their return to strength. You werent sure if she wanted you to sit back down, but it was probably best not to tempt fate. You returned to the chair and sat ...and waited.


Eventually she came back in and pulled her chair close again. Leaning so close to you that you could feel her breath on your skin. She began to talk again, an almost whisper in your ear.


'We were nothing if not resolute. Our powers of undetection are unchallenged. The following day they met again in the Jedi Temple. They still sought amongst themselves for those of the Dark Path. Many names were mentioned but again one was heard more than the others. He attempted a defense but refused to be intimidated into revealing his innermost thoughts. This was enough to damn him in their eyes. He stood in silence as they approached.


The laser-noose was placed around his neck. 'No last words? They said, before depressing the button instantly. It's hard to talk when your head is no longer connected, don't you think?'


The matter of fact way she described his death made you pause for a moment, before asking, 'So ... Did they find another Sith?'


'No,' she said.


Basel Gill - Agen Kolar - Town Jedi has been Killed


It is now Night.


You have until 10pm GMT (36 hours ish) tomorrow to get your Night Actions in. I will post a countdown and stuff when I get more time. I hope you don't mind the short deadline.


Mynd what's your take on the Grievous theory?


Its definitely possible, and fits his character. I think we need to look back at all the voting and unvoting shennanigans that went on with Basel and we may find our double voter....however, Songstress hangs Day 4, agreed?


Songstress, that noose was meant for you! Enjoy your final night and day phase.


If I live through the night, we shall see. I hope you don't hold my case on you against me, I really do think you're clever enough to pull something like that off... and am very much willing to admit that it looks like I was looking in the wrong place.


As I said, I have more ideas to work with after today.


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