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greetings one and all


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Hello hello! Welcome to DM! Tell us a bit about yourself...


From your handle, I gather you're a fan of both Al'Thor :rand: and Perrin :perrin: ? :smile: Any particular favorite part of the books?


Thanks for joining us! Feel free to ask any questions -- there are some great folks around here who'd be happy to help in any way we can.



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greetings Songstress,


yes i am a fan of these to characters inpaticular who couldn't be a fan of rand and i feel that i am most like perrin and have always had an efinity for wolves. and my screen name here would be a character name for wot table top if i could find anyone who played it . lol. i've even figured out his back story. i'm not sure if i can narrow any one part of the series down as my favorite but i have several that i'm fond of but what i really like is that most of not all the characters have their own inner struggle as well as struggling with the day to day life as it were leading up to the final conflict.

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