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Feast of Fools 2012 Bonding Fun!

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*waggles her eyebrows at AH*


Well then, go cause trouble with my warder dearest while I'm having fun :biggrin:

*Sweeps a bow to Tynaal* AH and I will have fun of our own causing trouble :wink:


*glares and bares a dagger blade*


You, sir, imposter, may feign my position if you so wish, but you may NOT attempt to usurp my bonded!



*looks around* everyone is nominating me and Tyn as scariest, and I know Tyn aint scary (heck, she's nominated for "nicest member" in the empys) so....I guess....



Anywho *glares at the SCoF some more*


*taps Arlow's post of 'please don't spam'*


Seriously folks, this is a NOMINATION thread. This Event has a purpose, if you aren't here to nominate someone for one of these Bonding Categories, or respond directly to someone else's nomitation (without derailing the rest of the nominations) can you please refrain from posting here?


Arlow is going to have to read through all of these posts to find all the nominations to be sure no one gets missed and I'd like him not have to sort through pages of spam to find the serious posts.


There is a thread in the FoF where your spam is welcome, and you are free to start threads in Fiddles or elsewhere on DM to carry on, but please guys, if a thread has a topic, rules and a purpose, please do try to keep it on track, especially when the person running it asks you to.


Please do feel free to discuss the nominations that come in, and why you think they would be good or poor, it is supposed to be fun after all, but just please don't fill this up with random spam.




I really do think that Nyan and Matty would either be the least likely or the scariest. The thought of their minds linked.... *shudders* the world would explode


You know Tynaal, that is a good thought

But now the Foolish Amyrlin must be sought...


Beautiful Mother, would it displease you not

To be my Bonded for the short time we've got?

Captain O Captain I must confess

I'm not sure who you mean to address

Are you asking the illustrious Elgee

Or speaking to the flighty Fool that is me?


Hahahahahahah I <3 this.


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