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Changing a Lightbulb....

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So, how many ajah *does* it take to screw in a light bulb?

Blue: Two; one to change the bulb and one to confuse the issue.

Brown: Three; one to look up the previous references, one to compile an index, and one to record how it gets done... by another ajah.

Green: One, plus a warder to screw with.

Grey: "Well, how many do you think it should take?"

Red: "That's not funny, burn you!"

White: [Pauses, goes to change a light bulb, returns.] "One."

Yellow: Three; one to change the bulb, one to learn how it died, and one to try heal the dead one *anyway*.

Black: Two; one to change the bulb, and the other to secretly change it back.











How many Black Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

a) It doesn't matter, you're still going to find yourself in the Dark.

b) Three. One to do it, one to be a witness, one to kill the witness

c) Fourteen. One to do it, thirteen to get thirteen Fades and change it back to the Dark.


How many Yellow Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

None. You can't Heal the dead.


How many White Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

"But how can you be sure the bulb is dead in the first place, when we only have the evidence of our senses for this?"


How many Brown Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

Lots; to study an obvious artifact from the Age of Legends.


How many Green Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

One: to get the warders to do it.


How many Grey Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

about 10: so they can dicuss the effects of the absense of light in such dark times.


How many Red Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

Two; one to change it; and one to curse men for not making them last longer.


How many Blue Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

Three; one to chase the dragon reborn, one to yell at the reds, and one to forget the task at hand.


*clears throat*


You're missing an Ajah in the 2nd lightbulb post, Christine! :biggrin:


How many Blue Ajah does it take to change a light bulb?

Three; one to chase the dragon reborn, one to yell at the reds, and one to forget the task at hand.









There go!


That reminds me of a joke we used to pass around in poetry workshops.


He: "How long did it take the performance artist to change a light bulb?"

Me: "I don't know, I left after three hours."

He: "Why did you stay for three hours?"

Me: "It was better than the slam poetry venue."


*lame trombone blare* bwa-wahWAAAAGH


Who needs a light bulb when you can weave a ball of fire? *wink* :whitecloak:


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