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Weekend Plans


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I can't stand those machines! Even the "open" ones aren't all that wonderful when you're claustrophobic... 



I haven spent my weekend on the couch with a heating pad. We got out today and I made the mistake of pushing the buggy that Tadpole was sitting in around the store and out to the car. OUCH! 

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I spent Saturday playing with a new air rifle.  I've always enjoyed shooting guns of any type but I shoot air rifles and bb guns more frequently because I can enjoy this luxury in the privacy of my backyard in a rural area where nobody gives a flying kerfluffle if you have a Scary Black Assault Murder Gun.  The new gun is a break barrel spring rifle and it behaves a lot differently than most air rifles in that its power plant is a giant spring on the inside.  Instead of recoiling like most guns, it has a backward and a forward recoil.  It's like shooting a giant mouse trap - the spring snaps shut and the resulting momentum makes the trap leap into the air.  Same behavior with a spring rifle but it requires a longer follow through - the pellet leaves the rifle after the recoil.  It's ... madness.  But fun as all hell once you figure out how the rifle behaves.  Additionally, you have to hold it differently in something called an artillery hold.  The rifle has to be held loosely against your body and your offhand supports the rifle not by gripping it but by balancing it on your open palm.  More madness.  If you try an artillery grip with a .308, it will knock your two front teeth out and you won't get them back for Christmas.


So, yeah.  It took me a few hours to sight in.  OH!  I should mention, you have to use specially designed scopes for these.  A springer will utterly destroy a standard scope and Teh Intartubes are full of sob stories about shooters who wrecked a $300 scope on a break barrel. 

I also saw a Daisy Red Ryder carbine at Wal-Mart and decided to scratch that itch.  I had a little lever action toy rifle as a kid that went spring-BRRRRANG and I never got over the shock of learning that it had been thrown out one day while I was away at college.  So, I bought it with some no-name soda cans and made horrible wet falling sounds all afternoon.  The Red Ryder doesn't have much oomph to it so it was sending ricochets all over the yard.   I certainly wasn't expecting my target to shoot back.  When I get around to it, I'll make a proper backdrop for it.  A cereal box weighted with newspaper in front of an old blanket should work.  Or I could just stop shooting soda cans and wine glasses off logs.  I shouldn't have nice things.  >_>

Other than that, I finished my post-finals cleaning.  I get so distracted with the last three weeks of classes that I drop everything and create little mounds of research projects.  I have no idea where what is but I know what's in where.  It's a horrible way to study but what can I do?  Get organized?  Sheer madness.

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Congrats on having gotten through finals, and the cleaning! Sounds like you had a good weekend. :smile: 


I had a very exciting weekend. The wedding I attended on Friday evening was beautiful and fun. My husband (who does not like to dance) danced with me twice! The couple was happy and adorable. 


Saturday was Beltane, which proved to be awesome, but really COLD. (It is not supposed to be in the 40s in May!) I saw lots of people I have not seen in a long time, had many good conversations, and competed in one of the toughest Bardic competitions I have seen in our region in quite some time. That said, I did not win (this particular competition I seem to come in a very close second every year of late) but I received some praise from one of the Great Bards himself that left me a bit star-struck. I do not often tell stories (I am more comfortable with rhyme, meter, and melodies), but I think I may more often. :wink: It is humbling and yet exciting to be complimented by one of the best story-tellers you've ever heard (especially since, at that moment, I was expecting constructive criticism). BUT, far more exciting than that, was watching a friend's boyfriend propose to her right at the end of evening Court. At which point there were jokes of making sure the may pole was moved to their tent. When it was pointed out they did not have a tent that weekend, they tied the maypole to the now-fiance's truck. :biggrin: 


Sunday was also a delight. Went to see West Side Story (the traveling production came through Tulsa). Beautifully done. They've actually put a large number of the Puerto Rican character's lines (and interspersed into the music) into Spanish. It was done extremely well. The cultural dichotomy is so much clearer than other versions I have seen, and the Spanish is beautiful. And while I do not speak Spanish, I did not find it at all detracted from understanding the play as the most critical lines for comprehension were still in English. 


So after that weekend, I now just hope that my work day is a smooth one. :wink: And that the kids I work with are on better behavior than they were last week. 

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I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. We finished our testing yesterday (THANK GOD!), but it never fails; my job becomes babysitting until the last day of school. So, I created a 21 day salute to the end of school and the kids have to earn their participation with their clips (more positives than negatives!). So far, they're not driving me nuts, and I'm really hoping that watching the fun the folks who got to participate in Art Journal Day were having rubbed off on a few others! 


20 days to go... 

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I'm in the same boat but I work in the maintenance yard of the local school district. The schools let out on June 5th and after that, I go onto a daily maintenance schedule. I am tired of fixing broken desks. Let these kids go home where their parents can deal with them.

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I am so grateful we get out next Friday (we also start ridiculously early in August, so it's the same length of year, but ugh). Let the Elementary Schoolers GO! We are down to parties, assemblies, and end of the year art projects (for mother's and father's day mostly). They are rowdy and the educational stuff is pretty much over in most grades. 


Thankfully we are at least through the weeks of testing. But now I am spending a lot of my time helping out with the first graders rehearsals for their parents luncheon. They are doing a very ambitious program with two original song/dance numbers. I think their teachers are mildly insane, but it's turning out pretty awesome. 


I am looking forward to a long summer of only dealing with my own child! 


At the moment I am also just looking forward to this weekend. Gaming session and some house cleaning and Mother's Day. Mellow compared to most of the weekends coming up between now and mid-July! We have lots of SCA events in the Kingdom this time of year. 

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My mother's day is probably going to be mostly ignored, since my husband is already making yard work plans for it. :(


I went to the doctor about my back today and she said she feels the muscles in my back all spasmed and tight. She gave me pain killers and muscle relaxers, but doesn't expect me to stay home and sleep. Yay! So, I'll suffer through the day with ibuprofen and then knock myself out at night with my other meds.



I just have to wake up tomorrow...

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Well, we might do something later tomorrow like go out for an early dinner.  My husband is working overtime 10pm to 6 am tonight.  I had a good day.  I slept in, bought some earrings at Kohl's, went to see the movie "42" then out to lunch and then to a little shop all by myself!

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We are planning sushi for lunch, and a walk around the lake at the local park since the weather is nice. 


Then I'm going to come home and try not to panic preparing for a job interview tomorrow. :wink: Teaching interviews always ask so much more thought-provoking questions than any other jobs I've applied for. *chuckles* 

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Best of luck on your interview, Lady! Remember, they want to hear stuff about "cooperation" both with colleagues and within the classroom. :)



I've had a great day, Dana brought me Krispie Kreme donuts, then he took Peanut to Home Depot where she demanded that he get me an apple tree (we've been talking about growing apples from seeds a lot for some reason), a pot of beautiful deep purple calla lillies, and a pot of pink succulents. Then we went to lunch at Ruby Tuesday with his mother. Afterwards, we stopped and did grocery shopping. Then we got back home and they gave me cards (and a B&N gift card! whoo-hoo!!!). 



I caught the season finale of Once Upon a Time and now I'm watching Mannequin. *grins* This movie is so deliciously 80's... 

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That would be fun! I am trying to see if I can swing it to go see Star Trek sometime today. Need to find someone to watch my son for that though. He's not old enough to see it. 


School year is over! *Do a little dance* :biggrin: 


Had a wonderful Saturday at SCA. Made the bardic finals. Which I particularly love at this event because the final round is you have one hour to write an original piece based on the topic given to you at that time. It's a wonderful creative exercise that brings out so much great work from people. Also got to chat with lots of friends, eat an amazing feast (basically 'medieval barbecue' :wink: ), and just enjoy a day with few responsibilities. 


Though my proud moment, my son (who is seven) entered his first children's bardic competition. He sang a very short piece, but he won for his age category. :) Afterwards, he came up to me singing part of another SCA song we know and saying "Mom, can I learn all of this one for bardic?" It's a good bit longer, so I told him if he wanted to enter it in our local event's children's competition in September, I would teach it to him this summer, but he had to actually work at it, and make sure to sing it properly, not just learn all the words. :smile: 

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I spennt saturday in the hosptal, and I left this mornin and have been lying arond waiting for my brothre to get here. Wasnt sgreatest weekend. 


that suonds wonderful, lady - I wish I cuold get my son to be intersted in composing his own songs and/or compteting against othres at festivals with sung verrses, but while he lieks singing, he dosnt seem to like writing lyrics or poems or competing that way. 

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