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Once Upon A Time


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I try to DVR at least 2-3 episodes so I can watch a chunk together. Work keeps me too busy to watch anything most of the week.

Any thoughts on where the series might be headed? I would like to say I have a clue but it would be a boldface lie :tongue:

probably part of why I like it so much.

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I agree, I don't know where this series is going and I like that.


I guess the appeal of the series to me is how they take the 'known' factors of the fairy tales and interject subtle twists and turns in the 'new' world. It was funny when a couple of weeks ago I had some friends over to watch Sunday Night Football, and I caught grief when they saw the Once Upon a Time on my DVR....I hate haters.

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Agreed! The new world twist certainly makes it interesting, I'm just eating up their take on Snow White and Prince Charming.

Sunday Night Football you say? Who's your team? LOL I wouldn't worry about the guys, you know they went home and DVR'd it for

themselves :wink:

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*Sigh* I'm a Vikings & Colts fan, a glutton for punishment in other words. And your team??


Yeah I think a few of my friends were closet fans, but weren't man enough to admit they like Snow White or the Evil Queen (the actress makes a great evil queen IMHO!) I wonder what they'd say if I told them I was stoked for the 3-D release of Beauty and the Beast??!! (Let's keep that on the low-low... :)

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I really wanted to love this show so watched maybe the first 3 episodes. There were aspects I liked which you guys covered pretty well but it just could not keep me sucked in. Plus Sunday is one of the best nights for TV, so this show was really going to have to shine through to make my list. Unfortunately I bailed on it when I realized I missed a few episodes and I didn't really care. I will probably pick this back up when it comes to netflix streaming down the road. Again I am not a hater of the show... it just didnt wow me like it has others. I also don't think this is targeted strongly to the male population. It feels almost like watching a soap opera at times and I wish it were more gritty I guess.

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Ciete, I'm a Patriots fan, and not a bandwagoner :wink: Also, I'm completely psyched about Beauty and the Best 3D, so you're not alone by any means.


Empy, it was just the opposite for me. I started the show with indifference and thought it would stay that way, but about 3 episodes in and I was

hooked! I can certainly see how it would spice up the plot/broaden demographic if they got a little grittier with it. I certainly wouldn't mind it

if they did, as they have a lot of material they could sway in that direction, but I don't mind if it's not there.

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Wow it took a spammer for me to realize we had a thread about this show.


I love OUAT. I love the way they are giving the old fairy tale characters back stories that make so much sense, sometimes more than the actual fairy tale, lol.


If you want a show with a little more grit you might try watching Grimm, similar but not even close to the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really enjoying this show so far, despite the cheese factor.


Only complaint is that they're really dragging out the whole charming/teacher chick storyline. I hate it when shows drag these things on just to fill more episodes, I wish they'd stick to more interesting stuff like the Mr. Glass/Mr. Gold/Beauty & Beast episodes.


But still, great series overall.

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I am watching this series now on DVD and I think it is very good. I think that the relationship between Mary Margaret and David is a bit tedious I have never been a fan of the wanting to be together but misconceptions and lack of communications keep us back kind of storylines but everything else I really like.

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