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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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I'm wary of following Tina and Ithi on voting Locke, its tempting but I don't like the idea of following two people I have FOS for... wondering if Solimind would consider voting someone other that Smiley this game.


Not willing to vote CTM right now... I like the wifom he created for scum. I'm also going to assume that the Cop has probably view him by now, given how much town directing he's done. Anyway, it might be a dangerous assumption to make, but that's where I'm at.


I am willing to vote someone other than Smiley. I don't know that I believe Wombat's claim. Doesn't every scum, upon approaching a lynch, claim to be townie?




unless they are playing a gambit that we haven't suspected yet



Huh? What do you mean a gambit? Scum always says they are town in mafia. Not sure what your alluding to...

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^^ ROUS should totally be a role in this game. Didn't even think about that, LOL.


Vote Wombat Don't buy the claim. We shouldn't have so many townsfolk, IMHO. I think there's plenty of roles that could be out there, and with the amount of claims of "Townsfolk of Florin", it just doesn't smell right. At all.

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I am most suspicious of Talya and CTM. Talya has been playing oddly and the way she is making a big deal about the scum possibly having fake claims thing makes me think maybe she is scum with a fake claim. CTM's character claim with no roleclaim is pretty odd, especially considering that we have a doc claim outed and that there was no pressure on him. He has also been pinging me with all his talk about how character reveals can break a game. Makes me think he could be scum who is a little bitter that character claims are allowed. CTM seems like the best bet right now. Also, everyone on the player train deserves an FoS. That was pretty much a wasted day.


Vote : CTM



You're smart enough to know why I didn't reveal my role. As I said, let scum decide if I'm rolled or vanilla. Further, the fact is that I'm an uncountered character who is clearly in the game (the queen was) and who is clearly town aligned. This is a sloppy sloppy vote, scum


It's not clear at all that your claimed character is in the game.



So your whole case on CTM is that its not clear his "character" is in the game?




The fact that anyone who has played as much mafia as you have is making a case based on the unmeasurable probability of a fringe character being included or not included in a 21 person game is absurd. This case isn't based on his play at all?

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true I'm waiting for Wombat to speak up, unless the deadlines get close, at which point things get complicated



He spoke up, and all you managed to do was suggest there was some sort of gambit afoot that we haven't thought of... wonder what sort of motives you would have to nudge his train, without joining it?

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hmmmm... who'll blink first eh?


Seems Wombat doesn't want to discuss who his scum suspects are, so I say we put that noose around his neck and kick the chair out from under his feet...


Worst case scenario, we lynch another vanilla townie - best case, he's scum. Right?


Welcome back. I´m not sure we can afford to lynch people just because they claim vanilla. There are obviously a lot of them in this game. I have a hard time believing Wombat though and he doesn´t help out either. Since he is one of my main suspects I´m willing to vote him. But! I don´t think we should speed lynch someone again so I will wait some time. I feel pretty good about my Locke vote too at the moment.

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Just to clear up Ithi...I forgot you name off the list, simples! it was meant to have those that hadn't claimed, I had it written down...ce la vive! (I know it was ages ago, but I haven't had change to respond after I read it first thing this morning.


How much longer do we have for Day...?






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AS for the Gambit...it was the first time on DM that two mafia went for each other on Day one, one was lynched and found mafia, which set the other up for the rest of the game! I think the only reason it worked so well, because it hadn't been used before in Mafia here on DM, Mafia didn't vote for Mafia, until they really had no other choice and very rarely. now things have developed and changed.

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AS for the Gambit...it was the first time on DM that two mafia went for each other on Day one, one was lynched and found mafia, which set the other up for the rest of the game! I think the only reason it worked so well, because it hadn't been used before in Mafia here on DM, Mafia didn't vote for Mafia, until they really had no other choice and very rarely. now things have developed and changed.



I know what a gambit is. I'm asking Smiley what gambit he was referring to in regards to why Wombat would claim roleless, when Solimind asked "doesn't every scum claim town near lynch".


Unless you are responding to someone else, I have no idea what relevancy this input has relative to Smiley suggesting a gambit from Wombat's roleless reveal.

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hmmmm... who'll blink first eh?


Seems Wombat doesn't want to discuss who his scum suspects are, so I say we put that noose around his neck and kick the chair out from under his feet...


Worst case scenario, we lynch another vanilla townie - best case, he's scum. Right?


Welcome back. I´m not sure we can afford to lynch people just because they claim vanilla. There are obviously a lot of them in this game. I have a hard time believing Wombat though and he doesn´t help out either. Since he is one of my main suspects I´m willing to vote him. But! I don´t think we should speed lynch someone again so I will wait some time. I feel pretty good about my Locke vote too at the moment.



I'm not sure anyone suggested lynching him "just because he claimed vanilla" ... I'm suggesting we lynch him for his play. All I said was that the worst case scenario is he is vanilla town, which is me implying we aren't lynching our cop.

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13 players left, probably 4 scum still. Like I said earlier, we should be lynching from the pool of players that hadn't claimed before today.


Now, we need to decided do we lynch Wombat for his play, and convenient claim... or do we run up someone else and risk forcing our cop to reveal? I'm going to look back and see how Wombat reacted to the original reveals of "townsfolk of Florin"...

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I think that was aimed at me. I'm not saying we should lynch him because he claimed vanilla, I'm saying we should prob lynch him because I don't think he is vanilla; ie, we've had too many vanilla claims for them all to be true. Thought I made that clear, sorry.


And, surprise, Ape is right, we should lynch him for how he's been playing.

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hmmmm... who'll blink first eh?


Seems Wombat doesn't want to discuss who his scum suspects are, so I say we put that noose around his neck and kick the chair out from under his feet...


Worst case scenario, we lynch another vanilla townie - best case, he's scum. Right?


Welcome back. I´m not sure we can afford to lynch people just because they claim vanilla. There are obviously a lot of them in this game. I have a hard time believing Wombat though and he doesn´t help out either. Since he is one of my main suspects I´m willing to vote him. But! I don´t think we should speed lynch someone again so I will wait some time. I feel pretty good about my Locke vote too at the moment.



I'm not sure anyone suggested lynching him "just because he claimed vanilla" ... I'm suggesting we lynch him for his play. All I said was that the worst case scenario is he is vanilla town, which is me implying we aren't lynching our cop.


I wrote it the wrong way. I didn´t mean that you said we should just lynch him because he claim vanilla. He and Locke was my main suspects today and he has not done anything to help his case. Usually when he is mafia he use to play better than this though. Could be an uninterested townie? I´m just hesitating since I dropped the hammer yesterday I guess.

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AS for the Gambit...it was the first time on DM that two mafia went for each other on Day one, one was lynched and found mafia, which set the other up for the rest of the game! I think the only reason it worked so well, because it hadn't been used before in Mafia here on DM, Mafia didn't vote for Mafia, until they really had no other choice and very rarely. now things have developed and changed.



I know what a gambit is. I'm asking Smiley what gambit he was referring to in regards to why Wombat would claim roleless, when Solimind asked "doesn't every scum claim town near lynch".


Unless you are responding to someone else, I have no idea what relevancy this input has relative to Smiley suggesting a gambit from Wombat's roleless reveal.


Someone mentioned that Gambit earlier...just clarifing but don't have time to do the quotes, trying to get other things done...I don't know what smiley is on about.





I was going to wait and find out how much time is left, but I'll be off here soon...and I would rather get it over with!

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I see. Hmm. I'll say it cause everyone is thinking it, scum included if Solimind is town. Miracle Max is a prime candidate for Doc. But then agian, he didn't claim Doc. Very interesting.


Disagwee with making assumptions about wole based on chawactew weveal..


Anyone could be a protector, healer, bodyguard... all Doc variations. Its all about how the mod informs the setup with flavor. The fact this guy isn't fighting for his life and giving just enough info for others to basically spin their wheels with is scummy, and doesn't make me lean Doc on him. It comes across more like he's fishing for someone else to serve him a reveal here in the reactions to his cryptic bs.


Yeah. The Miracle Max claim without a roleclaim is docfishing imo.





This was before I knew Solimind was a noob... possible Wombscum seeing if he nudge me to bulldog a lynch on the Doc?

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Aren't all the townsfolk from Florin?



Asking if all the townspeople are from Florin was a legit question. Why would anoyone ask me if they are all the townoes are from Florin to start with?



I went back and read my role pm. To clear it up. Townsfolk of Florin is correct.


Sorry I didn't do that sooner.


The Florin issue came up a while ago and Rhea remained uncertain as to whether she was from Florin as well until very recently. That seems odd to me.


Vote: Rhea



The only other quote of interest to me, given how Wombat revealed just now...


Also of note, Wombat hated CTM's idea about lynching from the pool of townsfolk.

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I already made my smallish case on CTM. He pushed a scummy reveal plan and seems to think that just because someone claims a character, that makes them clear. Furthermore he seems to be bitching about the fact that character reveals are allowed, which seems like a scum move to me. Go back and read. I would also be willing to vote Turin.

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I already made my smallish case on CTM. He pushed a scummy reveal plan and seems to think that just because someone claims a character, that makes them clear. Furthermore he seems to be bitching about the fact that character reveals are allowed, which seems like a scum move to me. Go back and read. I would also be willing to vote Turin.



Of course you would. This is awesome. ROUS indeed.

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